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Thread: how long for a cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne

    how long for a cycle?

    ok stats quikly so i dont get asked
    age 25
    bf% at most 11
    weight 93.8 kg atm
    3 weeks into my cycle
    4 weeks 40mg dbol daily
    12 weeks test ethanate, 500mg weekly

    pct is nolvadex, clenbentural

    ive looked at the date when my cycle ends and realised it falls in a really bad month for me
    i need to compete in a few things, also few major events are occuring during this time, and has a couple of important things on

    my cycle ends right before all these things, and i dont want to be going through my PCT while im competing etc

    so i was wondering, could i run my test for longer then 12 weeks?
    i know i can run it longer then 12 weeks BUT
    i would like to know how much longer u guys think is SAFE, and would still give me good benifits, meaning my gains wouldnt tamper to much off, id still feel good, strong etc

    please just want ur opinion how much longer i could run test, and how effective it would be if i ran it longer
    Last edited by ranging1; 07-19-2009 at 05:55 AM. Reason: forgot to add in test ethantae dosage

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    you should consider adding clomid to that pct.

    what exactly are you going to compete in?

    how much longer do you plan to run the cycle?

    But, yes, you could run a cycle longer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    im competing in boxing

    im aware i should use clomid BUT i dont have access to it, my supplier can only get nolvadex

    i would like to run the cycle for another 4 weeks longer at most

    if i was to run my cycle longer , would i still see the same sort of gains and strength increases, or am i just throwing money away

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    I don't think I'd like to be in a boxing match during pct, either. lol.

    For clomid, you could click on the red banner above.

    4 weeks more would put you at 16 weeks. It's not over the top, but probably more than you'd need.

    next time plan your cycles better.

    it's not throwing your money away. strength and size increases depend on many, many factors.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    lol yea, was boxing 2day, coped a good hit to the head
    and was thinking to myself how on earth can i compete when im on PCT, ill prob start crying in the ring lol

    naaa just found out 2day i will be doing alot of fights in that month, i planned out my cycle originally in a time when i thought id be fighting the most, so much for that

    im aware depends on alot of factors, just asking do u think my gains would tamper off ALOT or would it be minimal aslong as diet and training stay in key

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    all things considered, you should still be able to make some gains in the later stages of a longer cycle,

    but if I were you, I'd be less concerned with adding another lb or two at the end than recovering well.

    the length of your cycle will have a direct correlation to the ease of recovery, in my experience at least.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    cheers mate, so i guess my PCT will be harder if i run my cycle for 16 weeks
    does anyone else have any thoughts about running my cycle for 16 weeks
    benefits, sides effects, safety, effectiveness?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Yes in general the longer you are on the more difficult recovery of hpta is.

    If you are going to extend the cycle to 16 weeks i would definately add in HCG, and you should also try and get clomid and/or an AI for pct as well.

    Clenbuterol is not very good for pct, you obviously read an anthony roberts clen is good for cortisol article or somethin?

    So realistically you have a 16 week cycle with only nolva for pct = VERY HARD RECOVERY

    Also speaking from experience i competed in muay thai during pct, even tho it was at the start of week 4 i was a mess

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    derek pretty much summed everything up.

    you could go 14 or 15 weeks knowing that test your on will take 2 weeks to clear. (you'll feel like crap the last week tho.)

    also consider HCG if your extending your cycle to ease recovery and definitely get yourself some clomid.

    PS. your a cheater

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    yup. i would also reconsider the clen post cycle as anabolic stated.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    lol yea i did read that about clen
    so i guess clen isnt ging to help me in PCT

    lol u were a mess? guess im defintealy going to cycle for 16 weeks

    even i was just to stick with nolva, apart from feeling like shit do u think i would lose alot more of my gains?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    Many people go to 20 weeks with their cycle and have no issues.

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