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Thread: Couple Critiques/Over look please!!

  1. #1

    Couple Critiques/Over look please!!

    Hey guys, about to run my 1st AAS cycle

    training for liek 5 years

    1-12 Test E 250mg E3D
    Hoping to run winstrol 50mg 6-12

    I wanna run HCG but I got mixed opinoins/views on when to start it. Thinking week 12 13 and 14

    PCT is clomi
    300day 1
    100day 2-11
    50mg 12-28
    Arom ED 25mg

    1. So the questions are, I know everyone says TEST only for the first cycle but after 6 weeks of only test, would i know how its affecting me so I could ad some winny

    2. How would any HCG users, use the HCG?

    any help is appreciated thanks!

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    how tall are you

    what is your Bodyfat %

    you can run that cycle like that, your PCT needs tweeked. You should use Clomid AND Nolva

    you may also want an AI like arimidex on hand for during cycle to prevent bloat or help prevent gyno

    your winny timing is off. run it week 9-14 right up to the day before PCT starts

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