Whats up guys, I wanted to start by saying this is by far the best web site I have found for info and knowledge from the pros. So thank you for any knowledge i get here. OK here we go...Im still a newbie bc my knowledge is knowhere it should be so be as blunt as needed. I have a couple questions for the experts. Ive done 3 cycles in the past 3 years that have consisted of only test for the first and second cycle, sus and deca for the third. Im currently on...
500mg sus per wk,
200mg primo per wk,
200mg deca per wk,
50mg of dbol every day,
and i also have some nolva.
First i would like for you guys to tell me what you think of my current cycle. I need to know where i messed up at so it wont happen again.
After i take about 3 months off Im tryin to plan another cycle and would like some advise on. I have no idea what the dosage should be so help here would be great also. Cretique where needed please.
I know I dont have to ask for you guys to be honest on how you feel so let the thrashing begin...
age. 22
height. 6-2
weight. 212
BF% I honestly have no idea... maybe 15-20%
Im also doing 30 min of cardio on mon, wed, and fri.
Im trying to get a pic up so you can see what horriable genetics i have to start with...
if you guys need any more info im sure you wont hesitate.. thanks for all the help guys