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Thread: Shot 2cc of HUMAN Test E today into quad...OUCH!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Unhappy Shot 2cc of HUMAN Test E today into quad...OUCH!!!

    Hey everyone, i shot 2cc of aburaihan test(500mg) into my right quad in my 6th week...normally ive been doing 1 cc in each leg, but i did 2 in my right quad today...and OMG it feels like i had a brick dropped on it...
    i normally have ZERO pain when i shoot im wondering if this could be signs of an infection coming, or me doing something wrong? i warmed the oil, and took a hot bath after

    anything i can do to minimize the pain

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Why the quads and not the glutes? Did you inject slowly?
    How much test are you taking per week and how often do you inject?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    i injected pretty slow, its been monday thursday
    Last edited by dd0316; 07-23-2009 at 04:56 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    every 3.5 days. 1cc each. Glute is better IMO. 1 1/2 inch 23 or 25 gauge needle is ideal. Very minimal pain. Massage the area after words.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    ...that wasnt the quesiton
    i know this already...the questions were regarding infection..what causes this...and how can i minimize the current pain...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    If you missed site with alcohol .
    touched needle to a surface before you injected .
    Didn't swab top of vial .
    You touched top of vial or ampule with your fingers .
    I'm sure there's more

    If not red and swollen or not hot to touch ,or if your not running a fever . You might be ok .
    I use quads every other week and more times than less experience slight pain for a few days . That is 2 or 2 1/2 ml .

    Good luck . Sometimes you are going to be pained !

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by dd0316 View Post
    Hey everyone, i shot 2cc of aburaihan test(500mg) into my right quad in my 6th week...normally ive been doing 1 cc in each leg, but i did 2 in my right quad today...and OMG it feels like i had a brick dropped on it...
    i normally have ZERO pain when i shoot im wondering if this could be signs of an infection coming, or me doing something wrong? i warmed the oil, and took a hot bath after

    anything i can do to minimize the pain
    the test you mention is pretty good and typically painless.
    You may have just hit a nerve or something. Try injecting elsewhere but the thigh for awhile.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    You could have injected near or through a nerve..... if you havn't had pain before than it's not the test. I'd say if the injection site isn't red and your not running a fever..... you're probably ok..... i've had injection sites get hard and really warm but no infection.

    You can try putting a heating pad on it..... massaging it..... nothing really helped mine tho LOL. Just took about 5 days before i could walk normal again..... Try hitting your delts or glutes..... if you get pain - it's easier to deal with compared to the quads.


  9. #9
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    Anytown USA
    I am thi nking maybe the double depot you did today may be just way more than that muscle is used to and the extra solution and alcohol all added up and causing pain! You can either try the other thigh next time and see if it feels like a brick again, or just do 1cc per and not have any pain like the previous....thats up to you

  10. #10
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dd0316 View Post
    i injected pretty slow, taking 500mg a week...its a long story, i had to do the full injection today...
    but otherwise its been monday thursday 250mg each time
    How slow is pretty slow. Be honest. Most people anything over 15 seconds is slow. lol

    When I do 2cc it takes me over 2 minutes. Yeah it's slow but I dont have any pain, bruising or anything like that.

  11. #11
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    Mar 2008
    The nerve sounds like it, my leg pulsated twice while injecting, actually when i stuck the needle in..and if 2 minutes is slow..then **** Mario Andretti. haha i usually do about 20-30 seconds...shitt..

    it now feels like the spot is bruised...could be from the nerve? redness/fever/swelling

  12. #12
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dont wanna be old View Post
    if you missed site with alcohol .
    Touched needle to a surface before you injected .
    Didn't swab top of vial .
    You touched top of vial or ampule with your fingers .
    I'm sure there's more

    if not red and swollen or not hot to touch ,or if your not running a fever . You might be ok .
    I use quads every other week and more times than less experience slight pain for a few days . That is 2 or 2 1/2 ml .

    Good luck . Sometimes you are going to be pained !

    this is great information! This should be stickied somewhere!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dd0316 View Post
    The nerve sounds like it, my leg pulsated twice while injecting, actually when i stuck the needle in..and if 2 minutes is slow..then **** Mario Andretti. haha i usually do about 20-30 seconds...shitt..

    it now feels like the spot is bruised...could be from the nerve? redness/fever/swelling
    OK do me a favor all you quick shooter ( ) take a syringe, fill it with water and now push out the water at the same speed you normally would. Remember water is thinner so it will not come out as hard as your gear.

    OK think about this, that stream that is shooting 5 ft in the air where is it going? It's up tight against a muscle (hopefully) so there is even MORE pressure behind it.

    Let it go out SLOWLY so it has somewhere to go or your are just shooting that hard fast stream into the muscle. Of course it's gona hurt.

  14. #14
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    OK do me a favor all you quick shooter ( ) take a syringe, fill it with water and now push out the water at the same speed you normally would. Remember water is thinner so it will not come out as hard as your gear.

    OK think about this, that stream that is shooting 5 ft in the air where is it going? It's up tight against a muscle (hopefully) so there is even MORE pressure behind it.

    Let it go out SLOWLY so it has somewhere to go or your are just shooting that hard fast stream into the muscle. Of course it's gona hurt.
    JESUS!! LOL I ACTUALLY JUST DID THIS! poor quad...i probably have a damn OIL hole in

    noted..i just hate the damn feeling of having a ****ing needle in me for so long...i like the inital shot but not having the stupid pin in there for 5 mins

    how long is recommendeD?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dd0316 View Post
    JESUS!! LOL I ACTUALLY JUST DID THIS! poor quad...i probably have a damn OIL hole in

    noted..i just hate the damn feeling of having a ****ing needle in me for so long...i like the inital shot but not having the stupid pin in there for 5 mins

    how long is recommendeD?
    Hahaha I actually LOL at work reading this. Honestly I take over a minute to do 1cc and over 2 to do 2cc. If I start to feel any pressure when injecting I back off. It's a very slow motion but 2 minutes time saves you days of discomfort

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Close to the polar circle
    Aburaihan is painless for me...use them now.
    Maby you hit a nerve or had a sugarhand(shaking).

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Yeah dude...1cc/min is good for me...if yer leg twitched a few times it was def a nerve...just look for redness/heat and fever to make sure it is not an infection...if will get Keflex 250-500mg 2x a day for 7-10 days. The pharmacist in me is coming out!

    Good luck man...also do you wipe your needle with the Alcohol swab...if so dont this can take the polymer coating off of the needle that makes it go in smooth...and also renders the already aseptic needle...septic!! Isopropyl alcohol doesnt kill all bacteria...otherwise Dr would use it in surgery...and they dont...anyway im yammering peace and goodluck

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by pharm-muscle View Post
    Yeah dude...1cc/min is good for me...if yer leg twitched a few times it was def a nerve...just look for redness/heat and fever to make sure it is not an infection...if will get Keflex 250-500mg 2x a day for 7-10 days. The pharmacist in me is coming out!

    Good luck man...also do you wipe your needle with the Alcohol swab...if so dont this can take the polymer coating off of the needle that makes it go in smooth...and also renders the already aseptic needle...septic!! Isopropyl alcohol doesnt kill all bacteria...otherwise Dr would use it in surgery...and they dont...anyway im yammering peace and goodluck
    DAMN that's funny, I never knew this but yet at the same time I always though something like that. I never wipe my needle, only the tops of the vials because I know the needle is already sterile.

    Thanks for that little bit of information.

  19. #19
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    Mar 2008
    yea, i never wipe it! haha that would make no sense, the packaging says STERILE in big bold letters!

    i did my left quad today, 2CC, did it over the course of about 1 min 30 seconds...PAIN FREE BABBYY!! damn you guys are smart! haha and no nerve or twicthing this time..i couldnt even feel it in me


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