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Thread: My new gear ?'s

  1. #1
    jlbspd is offline Junior Member
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    My new gear ?'s

    6'-00'' 190lbs lean (unsure exact body fat) working out for several yrs, 1 1/2 yrs solid. Started a cycle 1yr ago but had to stop premature due to multiple compounding reasons (non related to gear). Only on 1st cycle for 6 wks. Was running Test E 500 twice a wk with L-Dex and Finasteride. Noticed body composition in such a short time and seem to react to Test nicely other than breakouts.
    Am ready to start again and have acquired the following, some gear a little diff than before:
    **(qty 1) 10ml Test E 250mg (left over from 1st cycle)
    **(qty 2) 10ml Test E 300mg (up from the prior 250mg and diff manufacture but dont think that matters, only the dose right?)
    **(qty 1) L-Dex 300ml - 1mg/ml
    **(tabs) Finasteride 1mg tabs (have naturally thinner hair)
    **Pins /Neddles 3ml 23g 1" ------alternating shoulders on my 6 wk attempt.
    **Dbol tabs (says "50" on pink tabs)
    **Milk Thistle caps

    At the point I ended my 1st cycle attempt, i began break outs on back and shoulders. Brakouts lasted months after ending. I bumped up the dose from 500 to 650 and then that when the major break outs began.

    Not sure of the debol...seems like alot of mixed reviews and side affects...
    Give me a run down on suggestions on the above to include dose suggestions again, as if this was my very 1st cycle (tech it is since i didnt finish 1st). My body tends to lean out and cut up and this is what i prefer. Also need suggestions on "post cycle on a budget" and not sure what will be the easiest to obtain for this purpose. I did not use a post cycle after my 6wk run (irresponsibly ) and had no problems but dont want to take the chance again. Please (experienced guys here) evaluate each item listed as if you had this in your cabinet for your 1st cycle.


  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    bodyfat %
    goals for this cycle

    There should be NO budget when it comes to PCT, that is the most important part of any cycle. Look into Nolva/clomid

  3. #3
    Sheven is offline Banned
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    losing the plot,remember?
    don't make the mistake to go cheap on your PCT it can be more important than your whole cycle.

  4. #4
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    PCT is indeed very important. DO not skimp on it.

  5. #5
    jlbspd is offline Junior Member
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    Age 34, unsure body fat numbers but im deff lean, and goals are simply to improve muscle deff, not so much putting weight or mass.....PCT when i say a budget, i want what would be recommended....and i guess your right....a very important part of cycle. After my 6 weeks on my 1st attempt, i was deff noticing changes and although my veins normally stand out, they were KICKIN on test, my abs deff looked more cut and my chest was showing a more defined center (compared start pics to 6 wk pics). Main reason for asking here is because i now have acquired debol and two of the three Tests are 300 versus the 250. Just wondering the doses for going from 250 to 300 and suggestions on to or not to debol.

  6. #6
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    I would like to know what your goals are. and is getting your diet 100% and using some OTC supp. not worth the propblem with acne s. the extra a mount of gains?
    Seems as though with acne that bad you would not want to have that flare up. I would run the test even lower... 350-400mg EW and see if that makes the sides not flare up that much as the higher doses. 100mg lower if it gets rid of you sides it would be more than worth it to keep it low and not et the sides

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