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  1. #1
    indofosho is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Need help from experienced and educated bodybuilder!!!!

    Hey, ill keep this as short and simple as possible. This is the gear I just picked up and is also pretty much all I can get:

    2 x Tren Ace 100mg/ml-10ml
    2 x Test Prop 100mg/ml-10ml
    1 x Winny 20mg/100caps
    1 x Nolva 10mg/100caps All by Edited

    I am 29 years old, 6'2", 250 lbs. Im guessing im somewhere in between 20-30% BF. Its all in my gut mostly, I have never been called fat, just big boned. I have been training on and off since I was 17. I have muscle, not fat and slobby. Anyways, this is my 3rd cycle. My first was when I was 18 I took Primo only for 2 months, when I was 28 I took Tren Ace only for 1 1/2 months. I planned on training hard and eating very healthy. I would like to pack on lean-mass, and hopefully get closer to a 6-8 pack. For some reason I am not very strong for my size. Its been like this since I was young. I cannot bench or lift that heavy, but I still grow. I also have very bad muscle stamina.

    My questions:

    What kind of realistic gains should I expect?
    Is Edited any good?
    How should I do this cycle for optimal results?
    Should I do ED or EOD and is it ok to mix the gear in one syringe?

    Any help is much appreciated. THANK YOU.
    Last edited by Big; 07-21-2009 at 04:35 PM. Reason: lab name

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Welcome, and you shouldn't be anywhere near steroids , those are horrible stats even before a first cycle. 20-30%bf with a gut tells me you need diet and cardio, and plenty of both.

  3. #3
    indofosho is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Welcome, and you shouldn't be anywhere near steroids, those are horrible stats even before a first cycle. 20-30%bf with a gut tells me you need diet and cardio, and plenty of both.

    Okay, I respect that answer. If I were to do cardio and diet for 4-6 months. Would it be a good time to start then?

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    You should drop your bf below 15% to reduce the chances of estrogen related sides, blood pressure issues, etc. Be safe.

  5. #5
    indofosho is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    You should drop your bf below 15% to reduce the chances of estrogen related sides, blood pressure issues, etc. Be safe.
    Okay, thats what im going to do. Thanks. Can you answer my original questions also??

  6. #6
    ZoneBlitz's Avatar
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    With that high of a bodyfat % the likelihood of experiencing strong negative side-effects is much greater than it would be with a lower ratio. (15% or under is ideal)

    Are you training now? How long have you been consistent with your training? This is also important.

    I'm expecting that most of the replies you will get here will be that you should iron out a good diet plan for your goals and train properly BEFORE you consider steroids . It's never a good idea to start steroids at the same time as you start your diet and training. Diet and training should be in place and practiced long before you add steroids to the mix.

  7. #7
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    The answers are there lol.

    You should be doing steroids at this time...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by indofosho View Post
    Okay, thats what im going to do. Thanks. Can you answer my original questions also??
    that's really not enough gear for a very good cycle, I guess you could make a short burst cycle out of it. I prefer shooting short esters ed, but eod would work, and yes you can mix in the same syringe. I would want at least clomid and nolva for pct.

  9. #9
    indofosho is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZoneBlitz View Post
    With that high of a bodyfat % the likelihood of experiencing strong negative side-effects is much greater than it would be with a lower ratio. (15% or under is ideal)

    Are you training now? How long have you been consistent with your training? This is also important.

    I'm expecting that most of the replies you will get here will be that you should iron out a good diet plan for your goals and train properly BEFORE you consider steroids. It's never a good idea to start steroids at the same time as you start your diet and training. Diet and training should be in place and practiced long before you add steroids to the mix.
    I just had my friend calculate my BF. It came out to 17%. I have no idea about measuring BF so I guessed 20-30%. I just I think Im fat. So Im still guessing im somewhere between 17-20% now.

    I am in no hurry to do this gear, I just wanted to grab some personal info from people. I have done a lot of reasearch on the internet. I train hard off and on, but when Im not training hard I usually go into my basement and do light weight training and cardio.

  10. #10
    indofosho is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    that's really not enough gear for a very good cycle, I guess you could make a short burst cycle out of it. I prefer shooting short esters ed, but eod would work, and yes you can mix in the same syringe. I would want at least clomid and nolva for pct.

    If I should add more gear, how much more should I add and what?

  11. #11
    Matt's Avatar
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    If this is your first cycle and once you have reduced your body fat then you should be looking at test e/c only...

  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
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    it's his 3rd cycle

    prop at 400 to 500mg/weeks 1-10
    tren a 350mg/week 1-10 would work.

  13. #13
    ZoneBlitz's Avatar
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    You need a good diet plan to go with proper training, not steroids .

    Especially considering that you're "not very strong for your size" after two cycles.

    I know, I know. "Diet" sounds boring and your not interested. But you underestimate what a proper diet will do for your training and your physique goals.

    The more you know, the further you'll go! ....

  14. #14
    indofosho is offline New Member
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    Thanks all.

  15. #15
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    keep us posted

  16. #16
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    3rd cycle, bad diet, little knoledge or proper cycle or pct.

    Who is taking bets. He will do this if he hasnt already started. Obviously he has no real goals or at least none that dont include a pill or a needle.

    Where you in shape before your other cycles? I bet not, if you where you would know you are not ready now. Why make the same mistake 3x? It's not the fact you used the wrong or not enough gear before, it's because YOU where not physically ready to do a cycle.

    Get in shape, read the diet section. work out properly and in another year start a real and basic cycle and see where that gets you. Test only.

  17. #17
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    If yur friend did your BF with a pair of GNC calipers, or one of those $125 plastic electronic devices, or one of those websites, none of them are going to be correct. need a P.T. to do it correctly with at least a 5 or 7 point skin fold test with a professional pair of clipping calipers. The other methods are too fat off to be accurate. Teh online calculator told me my sister was 31%BF! She is 5'4" tall, 102# with a 21 " waist and a 6" wrist. I will bet a bullet in y head she is no more than 12-15% and for a woman that is actually really low!
    So do not go by 17% If your buddy did the reading unless he has a good set of skin fold calipers and is usin the 5 or 7 area skin fold test

  18. #18
    indofosho is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    3rd cycle, bad diet, little knoledge or proper cycle or pct.

    Who is taking bets. He will do this if he hasnt already started. Obviously he has no real goals or at least none that dont include a pill or a needle.

    Where you in shape before your other cycles? I bet not, if you where you would know you are not ready now. Why make the same mistake 3x? It's not the fact you used the wrong or not enough gear before, it's because YOU where not physically ready to do a cycle.

    Get in shape, read the diet section. work out properly and in another year start a real and basic cycle and see where that gets you. Test only.

    Haha, you remind me of one of those douchebags in every gym who acts like they know everything. I cant say your completly wrong though. My diet is okay, its not flawless. Ive had flawless diets before. I know about nutrition and spreading out your meals and so on....I have knowledge of training since Ive been doing for over 10 years. I dont have much experience with gear though, thats where you got me.

    And no, im not in any hurry to do this gear. Im probably gonna wait a little while, grab more stuff, find out more info. The opportunity came for me to grab it so i did.

    Maybe I wasnt ready to do those others cycles, o-well, they were short and there done now. I made some gains that i still have. Cuts where i didnt have cuts before. Im in pretty decent shape. I just dont have 6 pack abs. Im an extreme endomorph, everything I eat goes strait to my stomach. But im built. My goal is to put on some lean mass cut some weight and get flat defined abs kinda like the abs in your picture. Is that good enough for you? I just wanna look good naked, thats pretty much it. And I thought that gear would help me achieve that goal, since my bodytype refuses to let me have a 6 pack abs.

    So whats a proper cycle and PCT? Instead of trying to downplay me, why dont you give me some pointers. The way your talking you must know everything about gear. And why would I wait a year to do a test only cyle? Ive already done a basic cyle of Primo, and Tren Ace.
    Last edited by indofosho; 07-22-2009 at 02:28 AM.

  19. #19
    indofosho is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    If yur friend did your BF with a pair of GNC calipers, or one of those $125 plastic electronic devices, or one of those websites, none of them are going to be correct. need a P.T. to do it correctly with at least a 5 or 7 point skin fold test with a professional pair of clipping calipers. The other methods are too fat off to be accurate. Teh online calculator told me my sister was 31%BF! She is 5'4" tall, 102# with a 21 " waist and a 6" wrist. I will bet a bullet in y head she is no more than 12-15% and for a woman that is actually really low!
    So do not go by 17% If your buddy did the reading unless he has a good set of skin fold calipers and is usin the 5 or 7 area skin fold test
    Yea, its was a mickey mouse setup. I doubt 17% is accurate. But he had his BF done professionally and he guess mine would be around 17%. So im pretty sure im way off by saying that I was 20-30% BF. But yea, im gonna get it done professionally to make sure.

  20. #20
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    yeh dude 30% BF% on a man is seriously fay . Here is how I tell 10% should just be able to start seeing your abdominals. 20% you will start to have a "dickie do" (when your belly sticks out farther than your "dicky do!" Basically I am saying once you hit 20% and you stand there naked with no flexing or nothing, about 20% is where your stomack will be too big for the average person to see there own package! There are obviously some Ron Jeremy's out there who for instance was probably 30%+ and could still see his 10" scrambler but the normal person would have trouble at 20% BF Tat is how I judge at least and has always been close

  21. #21
    indofosho is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    yeh dude 30% BF% on a man is seriously fay . Here is how I tell 10% should just be able to start seeing your abdominals. 20% you will start to have a "dickie do" (when your belly sticks out farther than your "dicky do!" Basically I am saying once you hit 20% and you stand there naked with no flexing or nothing, about 20% is where your stomack will be too big for the average person to see there own package! There are obviously some Ron Jeremy's out there who for instance was probably 30%+ and could still see his 10" scrambler but the normal person would have trouble at 20% BF Tat is how I judge at least and has always been close

    Haha, k im definetly under 20% then. Thanks for the advice.

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