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  1. #1
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Exclamation Test Prop Short Cycle vs Long?

    I have been doing some reading on here and other sites and to me the benefits totally outweigh long.

    I mean my long term goal is turn pro so I pretty sure im going to be cycling much heaver crap.

    Again Currently on Test Prop 150EOD now.

    The main benefit I see here is recovery and PCT.
    I also know from what i read the gains won't be as great but overall it will be less taxing on your body and natural recovery.

    I also read Superduper doses and right now Im nowhere near this level.
    But I was thinking running Test Prop 150mg EOD 4 weeks with 4-6 weeks pct.
    I have nolva, clomid, hcg , ari and other stuff on hand.

    This is my first cycle.
    The benefit I see for me I more stable/shorter gains while not hitting my system to hard.
    But then again Im sure in the future I will be doing much hard crap, Im pretty sure I cant run deca for 4 weeks.

    Yes my goals are competition and further if I can make it.

    Id like to hear some thoughts.

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Have you read Marcus' thread on short burst cycles? He explains how you actually can run long esters for short bursts, but the doses are pretty high

    Short heavy cyles explained- PB theory

  3. #3
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    I actually read that thread which is a very very awesome thread.
    Right Now im doing 1 compound.
    Im not doing any super doses as im am way too inexperienced.
    I found some info regarding doses and yeh Im not ready for that yet.

    Im just inquiring for my current cycle.
    In essence im being safer now but in the long term regardless im going to do what is needed to make it to that level.
    So is it worth my time to be safe now and not later?

    I also read
    The dosage of theses cycles are worked out for the indivdual by looking back over his cycle history and are NOT a long cycle just cut down in size, THESE CYCLES ARE NOT FOR FIRST TIMERS OR PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT GOT ALOT OF CYCLE HISTORY

    I am not doing super high doses nor am I going to till I have exp with more compounds and see how I react to each.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Whats your cycle history?
    How are you responding with the prop cycle?

    There is no need to run super high dosages, the dose used in any cycle is one what will give you best gains vs sides, there are other process's what are involved with running shorter cycles which will yield great gains IE priming!

    Some people respond better to shorter cycles but other dont, its something what you need to try and log the results and compare to your longer cycles, for me shorter cycles are the way forward for building muscle tissue while maintaining sides and having a better recovery, each to their own!

  5. #5
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Whats your cycle history?
    How are you responding with the prop cycle?

    There is no need to run super high dosages, the dose used in any cycle is one what will give you best gains vs sides, there are other process's what are involved with running shorter cycles which will yield great gains IE priming!

    Some people respond better to shorter cycles but other dont, its something what you need to try and log the results and compare to your longer cycles, for me shorter cycles are the way forward for building muscle tissue while maintaining sides and having a better recovery, each to their own!
    This is my first cycle as I was running Test e 500mg per WK and it was honestly bunk. I have a few threads on it
    Im looking to build quailty muscle.
    Id rather gain 10 pounds of lean tissue in 4 weeks, cycle off, recover better since I wasn't on so long, and go back to work etc...
    Than gaining 10-20 pounds, do 8-10weeks on and hammer my system .
    So far on prop I notice im getting leaner, today I woke up at 196.
    I weigh myself 2x per day and for the past 2-3 weeks been at 194 or 195.
    Today is the first day since I started prop sunday that im up upon wakeup.
    Also can tell easily im leaner.
    This is my 4th day in, next shot is Thursday at 150mg/1.5ml

    By no means do i think Im advanced, if I can make it easier on my system and achive a better pct and recovery for my system im all for it.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackjackson View Post
    This is my first cycle as I was running Test e 500mg per WK and it was honestly bunk. I have a few threads on it
    Im looking to build quailty muscle.
    Id rather gain 10 pounds of lean tissue in 4 weeks, cycle off, recover better since I wasn't on so long, and go back to work etc...
    Than gaining 10-20 pounds, do 8-10weeks on and hammer my system .
    So far on prop I notice im getting leaner, today I woke up at 196.
    I weigh myself 2x per day and for the past 2-3 weeks been at 194 or 195.
    Today is the first day since I started prop sunday that im up upon wakeup.
    Also can tell easily im leaner.
    This is my 4th day in, next shot is Thursday at 150mg/1.5ml

    By no means do i think Im advanced, if I can make it easier on my system and achive a better pct and recovery for my system im all for it.
    To gain 10lbs in 4 weeks your going to have to incorporate a prime before any short cycle, not creating this environment beforehand will hinder your gains seeing that its only in a short peroid of time, priming will easy add that kind of tissue to your prime if you use the correct short cycle.

    Seeing that this is your first cycle there is no need to run anything at high dose, even 500mgs per week is going to be high to someone who hasnt cycled before, so just remember this when designing your next cycle, if short cycles are the way forward for you make sure you prime your body beforehand and this will create a very anabolic environment to tissue to grow and this process needs to be taken advantage of if you want excellent results in this area.

    Think of the prime as part of the cycle!!

  7. #7
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    To gain 10lbs in 4 weeks your going to have to incorporate a prime before any short cycle, not creating this environment beforehand will hinder your gains seeing that its only in a short peroid of time, priming will easy add that kind of tissue to your prime if you use the correct short cycle.

    Seeing that this is your first cycle there is no need to run anything at high dose, even 500mgs per week is going to be high to someone who hasnt cycled before, so just remember this when designing your next cycle, if short cycles are the way forward for you make sure you prime your body beforehand and this will create a very anabolic environment to tissue to grow and this process needs to be taken advantage of if you want excellent results in this area.

    Think of the prime as part of the cycle!!
    Will do and based on this from your thread.
    Id say I was not primed because I started the cycle 2 weeks after a natty bulk.
    So my next cycle will be a short.
    For now I will run this 10 weeks.
    Thanks Marcus and everyone

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