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Thread: 1st cycle Test Prop or Test Enanthate?

  1. #1

    1st cycle Test Prop or Test Enanthate?

    Hey guys so much great info in here just quickly,

    I weigh 70Kg, have been training for 4 years full on have become quite lean and am looking to increase my mass, I am 175cm tall atm train 4 days a week, and for my first cycle am choosing between Test Prop 200MG or Enanthate 200MG or 250MG i think it is.

    Out of these 2 which is the best use?

    What would be suitable dosage per week?

    is pyramid stacking a good idea?

    Is combining with d'bols suitable for the first week with these tests?

    And whats the best way to get the most out of it?

    Thanks again for the help in advance guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    How old are you?

  3. #3
    22 years

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by vanrosenberg View Post
    Hey guys so much great info in here just quickly,

    I weigh 70Kg, have been training for 4 years full on have become quite lean and am looking to increase my mass, I am 175cm tall atm train 4 days a week, and for my first cycle am choosing between Test Prop 200MG or Enanthate 200MG or 250MG i think it is.

    Out of these 2 which is the best use?

    What would be suitable dosage per week?

    is pyramid stacking a good idea?

    Is combining with d'bols suitable for the first week with these tests?

    And whats the best way to get the most out of it?

    Thanks again for the help in advance guys

  5. #5
    Marcus I do thank you for the kind response, however I really want to trty one cycle at my age everything is in order.

    I weighed 59Kg's 2 years ago and stuck to my diet plan which was made by my dietician 2 years ago. So if you have an answer to my question that would be much appericated.

    Thanks marcus.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    What are your stats?

  7. #7
    22 Year old male
    70 Kg, 16.8% Body fat
    175cm tall ( 68.9 Inches)
    training every 2nd day, free weights mainly.
    carido 1-2 days a week.
    Diet is great atm

    Any other stats required?

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by vanrosenberg View Post
    22 Year old male
    70 Kg, 16.8% Body fat
    175cm tall ( 68.9 Inches)
    training every 2nd day, free weights mainly.
    carido 1-2 days a week.
    Diet is great atm

    Any other stats required?
    almost 5'9"

    I'd love to see this "great" diet.

  9. #9
    Well diet is working well, I really just need advice on the topic please "Big".

    I will be happy to copy my diet plan and post it in the Diet forum.

    Body fat was calulated through ( )

  10. #10
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    Lol post your diet here, theres no need to copy it just type it out..

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by vanrosenberg View Post
    Well diet is working well, I really just need advice on the topic please "Big".

    I will be happy to copy my diet plan and post it in the Diet forum.

    Body fat was calulated through ( )
    Thats not an accurate bodyfat test. Hydrostatic weighing (expensive) and bodyfat calipers by a trained individual will be the best. Bioelectrical impedience machines also work but are skewed based on hydration and muscle mass. If you have any muscle at all, that test will have been thrown way off.

    You're pretty light to be using drugs, but just to be straight with you for a first time I'd go enanthate for less frequent shots.

    Pyramids are bad

    D-bol is nice for some

  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    sorry, I'm much better at telling people what they need to hear than I am at what they want to hear. take some time to read the educational threads, your questions are already answered.

  13. #13
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    Read my blog
    that is not a very accurate bf measurement... to get get more accurate you need to use calipers (or underwater weighting, but the first is easier :-P)
    you can post some pics to help estimate this, and at 5'9' and 154 lbs... that doesnt seem that your diet and such is great but i have been known to be wrong...
    buuuut that has already been addressed...

    as for a cycle, you should look into if you want to do ED shots or not... test prop is a ED shot test base, while test e is 2x a week... and be sure to research PCT, that is what gets the boys back to normal...

    here are 2 sample cycles
    test prop 50mg ED 8 weeks
    pct nolva 40/40/20/20

    test e 250 2x week
    same pct as above...

    however you need to research this on your own i am just giving you a starting place... best of luck

  14. #14
    Guys this is roughly my diet. It has been modified over the last couple of months as weight increases and changes in products are made i.e i have switched to anabolic halo for a post work out drink, have started taking Muscle Juice 2544, which is great but makes you feel like sh*** for the worst part.

    Please be aware that the calorie/marco stats for varous items have not been changed for its rough, and yes i also posted the same topic under alias "lifeinthefastlane"

    Morning – 9:00am
    Protein Shake with 1 glass of full cream milk
    2 Weetbix ( aussie mix between cereal and porridge ) mixed with 1 glass of full cream milk
    1 mini can Tuna in Springwater*
    Total - 43.7 Grams Protein, 36.3 Grams Carbs,
    320 Calories Total

    Brunch 11:00am
    1 Mini Can Tuna Toasted Sandwich, White Bread 2 Slices with lettuce and tomato
    Total - 26.3 Grams Protein, 38.2 Grams Carbs
    258 Calories Total

    Lunch 1:00pm
    200 Grams of Skinless Chicken Breast, grilled with olive oil, 2 Carrots
    1 Banana
    Total – 84* Grams Protein, 41 Grams Carbs
    490 Calories Total

    Pre Gym 1:45pm
    1 Teaspoon Creatine with Luke warm water
    0 Proteins, Carbs

    Post Gym – 3:00pm
    Protein Shake
    1 tsp flaxseed oil
    Total – 32 Grams Protein, 16.2 Grams Carbs
    192.8 Calories Total

    *Anabolic Halo

    Dinner - 6:00pm
    300 Grams Grilled Chicken Breast, With 1 Cup cooked white rice.
    88 Grams Protein*, 50 Grams Carbs
    547 Calories Total

    Snack – 9:00pm
    Toasted Tuna Sandwich, white bread 2 slices, with Lettuce and tomato, no butter.
    1 Cup brown rice
    Half cup yoghurt
    Total – 26.3 Grams Protein**, 37.6 Grams Carbs
    255.6 Calories Total**

    Before Bed
    Casein Protein shake, with 1 glass full cream milk
    Total – 32 Grams protein, 16.2 Grams Carbs
    192.8 Calories Total

    Protein shake

    Total Protein Intake - 332.3 Grams*
    Total Carb Intake – 235.5 Grams**
    Calorie Intake 2256.2

    *** Protein values/carb values have increased so the end count will vary

    I have increased the food intake as necessary to keep up with my weight.

    Also protein shakes are Muscle Juice 2544 states 50/162 I switched to these. 4 months ago.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Too many protein shakes IMO.... I'de much rather solid food....

    And for your height and weight........... That is light. How long have you been on this diet?

  16. #16
    I only have these shakes listed due to work commitments but when i can i dont have as many shakes and get back on solids.

    I used to be quite skinny about 59 KG with this diet i have brought myself to 70

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    lol u left out accounting for fat calories in ur diet

    lol no shit ur very skinny ur eating hardly anything, u dont neeed steroids

    even that special dioet of urs doesnt have alot of calories

    2200 calories is my dieting calories, im only 93kg

    what im saying is increease ur calories more and keep training and ull keep gaining weight

    steroids are better left when u have a well developed physique, and more lean weight

    BUT if ur not going to listen to me

    500mg test ethanthate weekly, split into to seperate dosages, e.g 250 monday, 250 thursday for 12 weeks
    and kik start it off with 4 weeks of dianabol, 30mg daily for first 4 weeks

    thatll giv u good gains ONLY if u increase ur calores though, dont increase them and u WONT GROW

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    just to help u out heres s good link to help u calculate ur BULKING diet needs


    if ur wondering about the % of diet column, it needs to add up to 100, a good guide is protein should be 30-40%, carbs 40-50%, and fat should stay 20%

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