Im going to run hgh for min of 6 month and want to know if its safe for me to run sustanon250 1mil twice weekly for the duration of the hgh cycle
Im going to run hgh for min of 6 month and want to know if its safe for me to run sustanon250 1mil twice weekly for the duration of the hgh cycle
does no one have info
unless you are on TRT then no you shouldnt, just do a normal beginners cycle. again this should be asked in the ANABOLIC STEROIDS - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS.
me and pc's go together like vampires and daylight, sorry peteroy i will get used to this site soon
im hoping to use this site for motivation over the next 6 months and people like you will hopefully help me along the way with info and kind works
no prob bob. it seems a little much at 1st but it will all come together in a wk or 2. explore the other forums and they should all have educational threads at the top. i know you dont like to read but just browse through the threads until you see one that pertains to you. im the same way. i hate reading unless its something im interested in.
Again I would recommend that you read all of the educational threads at the top of each section until you develop at least a basic knowledge base, almost every question you have asked would be answered for you.
ok cheers the BIG man
very bad ideal
THE ONE whats a very bad ideal?
I think he meant bad idea to run it that long.
The main concern with long cycles is the time that u have been shut down.
The longer your shut down, the harder it will be to return to normal levels.
Ive done long cycles like that in the past with no problems.
I would suggest you reading info on pct, and have everything on hand before u start.
Good luck!!!!!
4 months tops, and that's pushing it.
Wouldn't recommend it like states unless your on TRT
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Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........
Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:
sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....
I was just wanting to know if it would be safe enough to run sustanon whiles i run hgh for the full 6 months
There are risk's involved in running Test for long periods of time, you have to ask yourself are trhey worth risking? why are you risking them and do you want to cause damage to your own system and them starting threads asking why you cant recover and your natural test in like that of a 2 yrs old girl?
There are lots of questions you need to answer before someone give you out and out advice, are you going to be doing a comp? are you wanting to turn pro? how many cycles have you ran? why do you want to run something so long?
i would be happy doing as little test as poss i just want the best benifit out of the HGH
its all risk vs reward.
do you think i should do it for 1st half or 2nd half of HGH cycle or inbetween
You going to have to run HGH at least 6 months to even start seeing results and that depends on the dose anyway and what your trying to get out of it, i would start the gh and run a cycle towards the end of the gh so its get a chance to build up and you start seeing results.
cool my main aim is fat loss so 3iu a day and yes 6 months is what in running it for.
sounds like a plan doin sustanon for last 12 weeks i will have a lot less bodyfat by the time i start the sus
hey boys dont fight im after advice and am glad to here all angles
hgh-6 months test-3 months (last 3 months of growth) Simple as that
thanks hank (simple)
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Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........
Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:
sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....
He may not know the answer himself, thats what im thinking lol...Originally Posted by Booz;4***014
I've been running HGH (5iu/ed) for 4 months and IGF-lr3 (40mcg every 3rd day) for a month. I started my Sustanon and D-bol cycle two weeks ago. Gained 10lbs and feel super strong. From everything I've read running HGH along side Sustanon (12week cycle) is a can do.
cheers guys i take everything on board
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