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Thread: Pct help???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Pct help???

    Ok, i know im gonna get flamed for this. I am finishing up a 50 anadrol only round and am about to start tren and eq for 10 weeks. the reason i didnt start the tren and eq earlier is because i didnt have access to it then. my question is this. what would be a good PCT to run with this cycle and when should i start it? i have never used PCT before and this is where im gonna get flamed i know. i now have access to just about anything so getting it wont be a problem. any helpful opinions would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    Quote Originally Posted by howz31 View Post
    Ok, i know im gonna get flamed for this. I am finishing up a 50 anadrol only round and am about to start tren and eq for 10 weeks. the reason i didnt start the tren and eq earlier is because i didnt have access to it then. my question is this. what would be a good PCT to run with this cycle and when should i start it? i have never used PCT before and this is where im gonna get flamed i know. i now have access to just about anything so getting it wont be a problem. any helpful opinions would be appreciated.
    How long did you run drol for? What is your cycle experience? Never used PCT?

    Cycle Exp?
    PCT Knowlege
    Training Exp

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    How long did you cycle the A50 for? Did you take any liver support?,
    From my understanding you should at the very least run Nolvadex 40,40,20,20mabey with some clomid too. Hopefully someone with more knowledge then me could help you better.

    Now what Im woundering is if anyone can answer is, Will you lose all your gains running this cycle?

    and If I was you I wouldn't do shit like this with out a better understanding. You only have one body.
    Good luck. hope it works out for you.

  4. #4
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    Jun 2009
    i've been on the drol for 50 days. this isnt my first experience with drol. i've done it several times and have some how been able to keep alot of the results that i have got as far as weight gain. my stats are as follows...

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 205
    BF% about 13%
    past cycles included dbol, anadrol, sust, eq

    i dont know much about PCT because i never used it.

    i have been training for about 13 years

    i had bloodwork done a couple months ago and everything was fine. same with my liver. i was open with my doctor about my usage and he gave me all the needed tests and everything came back ok.

  5. #5
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    you think you will get flamed because of the pct issue? I'd think the super-ultra-horrible cycle would be far more flamable.
    read the educational threads at the top of the pct section, they spell everything out.
    good luck, you'll need it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Theres a PCT section!? WOW

    50mg anadrol and going to another cycle? WTF ARE YOU DOING? Step away from the steroids before you f*ck yerself up man.... You have much to learn.

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