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Thread: Need advice on cutting/lean muscle building cycle please...

  1. #1

    Need advice on cutting/lean muscle building cycle please...


    Age 28
    Weight 222 lbs
    Height 6' 2"
    BF% 19%

    Experience: been lifting off and on for 3 years, lifting 5 days/week for the last 8 months.

    I did two 4-week cycles of tren-acetate a earlier this year and was very pleased with the results, but looking for something different this time.

    I still want to get a little bigger but main goal now is muscle definition and to lose the fat.

    I have been recommended to do a tren/winny cycle, but I'm reading that may not be the best mixture...

    I'm relatively a newbie to this stuff, so any constructive advice is much appreciated!


  2. #2
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    Diet and cardio are the most important factors when it comes dropping bf, seems like theirs a few people doing these tren only cycles of late..

    If it were me id reduce that bf to about 12/14% then id look at a test only cycle. Ive run a number of test only cycles and with a clean diet and correct pct gained alot of defined muscle..

  3. #3
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    Just to explain more on what MAD MATT has already said. The higher your bf the higher risk of estrogen related sides such as gyno. Also MATT recommended a test only cycle because if you experiance sides from it you will know exactly whats causing it which is why many member encourage you only add one substance at a time.

    Tren will shut you down completely, your body will no longer being producing test. There is a high chance you would suffer from sexual dysfunction. Winny is also very harsh on your lipid profile and many users complain of joint pain. I would highly recommend you drop some bf fist, as mad matt suggested then run a test only cycle, just as madd matt suggested.

  4. #4
    thanks for the input guys, keep it comin!

    By "test" cycle, which product are you referring to? I also did Novadex test booster on the last 2 cycles, not sure if that made a difference or not..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Look at the begineers cycle, Test E or Prop, your best bet would be Test E.
    When you took tren did it shut you down? MADD MATT your so right about tren only cycle, is that the new

  6. #6
    The tren didn't really shut me down much, I could definitely tell it was harder to get it up, just took longer to get off that's all haha

    Thats really the only side effect I noticed...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Testosterone Propionate 100mg eod
    Trenbolone Acetate 100mg eod
    Drostanolone Propionate 100mg eod
    for 8-10 weeks follow with appropriate PCT. But i'll look into your diet first as your bf is a little high and these compounds tend to be more efficient with a lower bf and strict diet.

  8. #8
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    for 8-10 weeks follow with appropriate PCT. But i'll look into your diet first as your bf is a little high and these compounds tend to be more efficient with a lower bf and strict diet.
    What the hell is wrong with people he needs to cut down before cycling, simple cardio and diet not a cycle is what this guy needs.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Diet and cardio are the most important factors when it comes dropping bf, seems like theirs a few people doing these tren only cycles of late..

    If it were me id reduce that bf to about 12/14% then id look at a test only cycle. Ive run a number of test only cycles and with a clean diet and correct pct gained alot of defined muscle..

    Drop the BF and do a Test e or similar cycle, stick with the basic's first.

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