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Thread: afghanistan and customs

  1. #1

    afghanistan and customs

    Im in the army and going to afghan sometime in the next few months and i'm not really keen on getting stuff sent to an apo, dont know what customs is like for apos but still...

    Anyway, was also wondering what customs is like going over there, would i be able to take gear in my baggage? pretty sure they dont xray anything on air force flights here but i have a few stop overs on the way but its all military flights.

    Just to make things clear(er) im not in us army but i will have an apo address when i go.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    your best bet is to have someone you trust mail the stuff to you once youre over there. as long as its discreetly packaged within the package (hidden within a tub of protein maybe?) and the sender lists everything when they fill out the customs form at the post office you should be fine...orals are your safest route for sure because theyre easy to hide once over there in case you get a surprise inspection from your superiors. good luck, and thank you for your service.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon
    Bro i go afghan in a few days days.

    I will message you when i arrive and let you know what customs is like

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    a trash can
    They used to not check going in, but anytime you leave the country IE for R and R they will, I honestly wouldn't do it though because things constantly change, and you might get over there and have to have everything searched through.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I wouldn't take the risk. just have someone mail it to you, so that way even if it's seized you can deny it.

  6. #6
    where abouts are you going to be over there? i have heard its very easy to get your stuff while your out there, but if orals jus put them in a different tub, take lots off vitamin supplements... they never know the difference!

  7. #7
    thanks for info so far guys

    Quote Originally Posted by theorignalanimal View Post
    where abouts are you going to be over there? i have heard its very easy to get your stuff while your out there, but if orals jus put them in a different tub, take lots off vitamin supplements... they never know the difference!
    not going to say exact place but its in bamyan

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