whats the longest time you've run gear?
whats the longest time you've run gear?
3 months. Won't shut down natural test any longer than that. I here some say 4 max. 3 is more than enough IMO.
most people do not go over 16-20 week. you always have to get off and give your body time to recover and et back to its normall production of everything
I recently ran for 16 weeks, but IMHO 12 weeks is a much better strategy. If you don't manage your cycle well enough you get shut down harder the longer you cycle for.
Just to be clear when I say cycle, PCT is excluded.
Some guys stay on period like the pro bodybuilders.
Some will also cruise between cycles on a lower dose.
Yes i know. But what YOUR longest.
The longest person I have known to run was 20 weeks but many says gains die off near the end of cycle. I personally(when I start) will be using short esters to keep my time on short but plan on running 1 month blast cycles(i.e marcus) when I have the experiance to run those types of cycles.
7 months, and was the dumbest thing ive ever done and i dont condone it
13 weeks
Ive done 6 months cycles before now, ive also crusied and blasted, but the best gains were from short cycles coupled with a prime, sometime very high dose other moderate, but i dont advice people to do what i did, after all i am on HRT because of my previous use and running cycling to long. Each to their own and personal goals but always cycle healthly as possible its far better in the long run.
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