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Alright, I was just sitting here with my shirt off lol, and I noticed a little lump on my left nipple, kind of at the end of what I guess is the areola up top, right on the edge of the nipple. Anyway it's really small, and I think its a possible ingrown hair but I can't get nothing to pop. It don't look bad in the mirror.
BTW I am in week 8 of a Test E cycle running 600mg a week, and I am not running an AI. I have Aromasin and Arimidex on hand, and also Nolva and Clomid, no Letro though.
Like I said I really think its a zit type thing, so I'm going to watch it for a few days and see what happens before running a AI.
Just seeing what guy's who have had gyno might think?
BTW this is my second Test E cycle, I ran 500mg last time and upped to 600mg per week for this one.