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Thread: Being cautious, have a Gyno question

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    a trash can

    Being cautious, have a Gyno question

    Alright, I was just sitting here with my shirt off lol, and I noticed a little lump on my left nipple, kind of at the end of what I guess is the areola up top, right on the edge of the nipple. Anyway it's really small, and I think its a possible ingrown hair but I can't get nothing to pop. It don't look bad in the mirror.

    BTW I am in week 8 of a Test E cycle running 600mg a week, and I am not running an AI. I have Aromasin and Arimidex on hand, and also Nolva and Clomid, no Letro though.

    Like I said I really think its a zit type thing, so I'm going to watch it for a few days and see what happens before running a AI.

    Just seeing what guy's who have had gyno might think?
    BTW this is my second Test E cycle, I ran 500mg last time and upped to 600mg per week for this one.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    If you have something on the outside of your skin then its nothing to worry about... Your nipples will be puffy before you get a lump

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    a trash can
    Quote Originally Posted by dkoslo22 View Post
    If you have something on the outside of your skin then its nothing to worry about... Your nipples will be puffy before you get a lump
    Yeah I think, I'm fine I can't see the lump just feel it, there is no whitehead. It just feels like one of those zits that are under the skin that don't want to pop. I'll just keep an eye on it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    ya if u are starting to get gyno.. first off your nipples will be sore as hell to the touch.. and also i dont beleive there are any outside symptoms, I wouldnt worry but keep an eye on it..

  5. #5
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    2x^^^ Are you nipples sore to the touch?

  6. #6
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    I dont know, a zit that wont pop, right next to your nipple and your on test? Now I disagree with the statements made above, your nipples dont have to be sore to the touch for it to be gyno. Soreness is one of the symtoms. Keep an eye on it, be honest with yourself, feel it, you can usualy feel the long gland it connects to rubbing side to side. It wont hurt to run some Nolva at the end of your cycle right into pct. I had some pretty decent gyno post cycle this time and 20 mgs of good nolva took care of it. I dont recommend waiting too long to start your AI because it does take a few weeks to start to take effect.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    2x^^^ Are you nipples sore to the touch?
    No, not sore except wear the lump thing is, no itchiness or nothing like that.
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I dont know, a zit that wont pop, right next to your nipple and your on test? Now I disagree with the statements made above, your nipples dont have to be sore to the touch for it to be gyno. Soreness is one of the symtoms. Keep an eye on it, be honest with yourself, feel it, you can usualy feel the long gland it connects to rubbing side to side. It wont hurt to run some Nolva at the end of your cycle right into pct. I had some pretty decent gyno post cycle this time and 20 mgs of good nolva took care of it. I dont recommend waiting too long to start your AI because it does take a few weeks to start to take effect.
    I'm not feeling a small gland, and I'm going to keep an eye on it. The lump wasn't really even all that sore, but is now more I think from me fukin with it.

  8. #8
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    Update, it's not gyno, I don't know what it was, I felt a small bump, squeezed the shit out of it, my nipple swole, quit messing with it a few days now there is nothing there.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by illwillogical View Post
    Alright, I was just sitting here with my shirt off lol, and I noticed a little lump on my left nipple, kind of at the end of what I guess is the areola up top, right on the edge of the nipple. Anyway it's really small, and I think its a possible ingrown hair but I can't get nothing to pop. It don't look bad in the mirror.

    BTW I am in week 8 of a Test E cycle running 600mg a week, and I am not running an AI. I have Aromasin and Arimidex on hand, and also Nolva and Clomid, no Letro though.

    Like I said I really think its a zit type thing, so I'm going to watch it for a few days and see what happens before running a AI.

    Just seeing what guy's who have had gyno might think?
    BTW this is my second Test E cycle, I ran 500mg last time and upped to 600mg per week for this one.
    I think its best to always run an AI with a cycle like yours that way you will totally avoid any problems like this. You dont need large amounts and it wont hinder your gains,,,if anything you will look and feel better.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by illwillogical View Post
    Alright, I was just sitting here with my shirt off lol, and I noticed a little lump on my left nipple, kind of at the end of what I guess is the areola up top, right on the edge of the nipple. Anyway it's really small, and I think its a possible ingrown hair but I can't get nothing to pop. It don't look bad in the mirror.

    BTW I am in week 8 of a Test E cycle running 600mg a week, and I am not running an AI. I have Aromasin and Arimidex on hand, and also Nolva and Clomid, no Letro though.

    Like I said I really think its a zit type thing, so I'm going to watch it for a few days and see what happens before running a AI.

    Just seeing what guy's who have had gyno might think?
    BTW this is my second Test E cycle, I ran 500mg last time and upped to 600mg per week for this one.
    How is 600mgs working out for you vs 500mgs?

  11. #11
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    I ran Tamo at 10mgs ed through my whole cycle.No problems.Your lump sounded like it was a sist or win.When you squeezed it, you ruptured it. Then it dispersed.

  12. #12
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    I dont know, a zit that wont pop, right next to your nipple and your on test? Now I disagree with the statements made above, your nipples dont have to be sore to the touch for it to be gyno. Soreness is one of the symtoms. Keep an eye on it, be honest with yourself, feel it, you can usualy feel the long gland it connects to rubbing side to side. It wont hurt to run some Nolva at the end of your cycle right into pct. I had some pretty decent gyno post cycle this time and 20 mgs of good nolva took care of it. I dont recommend waiting too long to start your AI because it does take a few weeks to start to take effect.

    This guy knows his sh*t, good solid post with good info as usual.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    a trash can
    Quote Originally Posted by feeldapump89 View Post
    How is 600mgs working out for you vs 500mgs?
    I'm a lot stronger, but I've been having a hard time eating hard time eating, so I don't know if it makes that much of a difference for sure. I think the strength gains have been phenominal though. I was up about 20 pounds five weeks in, but I have lost about 8 of that.

    Just so many things going on right now, but I'll get it together, training has been really good, just not getting enough calories

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