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Thread: losing a testicle

  1. #1

    Exclamation losing a testicle

    i am a 30 year old raw powerlifter....3 years ago i lost my left testicle due to testicular torsion. doctors say i'm fine....they all tell me test levels will not change and the other testicle will compensate....but in the long run will this condition affect my powerlifting career? any suggestions? what if i do start to see my test levels drop? would my lifts go down....3 and a half years past and i'm still concerned!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    do a cycle of test if they drop

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by butchreed;4***446
    i am a 30 year old raw powerlifter....3 years ago i lost my left testicle due to testicular torsion. doctors say i'm fine....they all tell me test levels will not change and the other testicle will compensate....but in the long run will this condition affect my powerlifting career? any suggestions? what if i do start to see my test levels drop? would my lifts go down....3 and a half years past and i'm still concerned!
    if your test lvls go low not only you will lift less but you are more prone to long term side effects of low test lvls like injuries, no libido, no lifting mood . if your lvls drop you can go on HRT.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Yes. It will definitely give you problem in longrun. Its like loading one part more. same is the case with 2 Kidneys. The more load you put on one testicle .. the more wear tear occurs. You need to take care man. I dont know what to say.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Interesting,you would think having one instead of two,would give you lower test levels.I bet you could qualify for hrt.Good luck.

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