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Thread: Help Needed: 3rd Cycle of Deca, Oxy and Test/susta

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Help Needed: 3rd Cycle of Deca, Oxy and Test/susta

    I have used Deca in 2007 really low amount. 50 mg for 8 weeks. The results were great. Gained up 8 Kgs. But didnt knew about PCT so they vanished. Later in 2008 Oct. I used

    Test Ent; 250 Mg 8 weeks
    Anapoloon: 25 mg in last 4 weeks.

    Anapoloon helped good. But test ent didnt showed up much results.

    I am going to use a 3rd cycle now. What I m planning is:

    Deca 500 mg, Anapoloon 50 mg + Test Ent or sustanon. ( my brother sugggested using test ent and test cypionate instead of sustanon).

    Now I am sure Deca and Anapoloon suit me quiet well. The only thing is I need to know a third one that suits me well. Test Ent didnt showed me good results. Do you think test cypionate + test ent together will make any difference. Or should I use sustanon instead of Test.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    what are you stats?
    Diet (details please)*
    Cycle Exp?
    PCT Knowlege
    Training Exp

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'11
    Weight:80 Kg
    BF% : no idea. but its low.
    Diet (details please)*: 160g protein + 3000 Cal diet
    Cycle Exp: As said I have used Deca in past. The Test Ent and anpoloon and did PCT. HCG + Nolva + Clomid for 3 weeks. If it doesnt works .. I go with another 3 week after 2 weeks break time.

    Training Exp: Intermediate level. I know what I am doing and what if effects.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Just 1 reply. Come on guys I know there are many experts and professionals here. Reply me out please.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by cybernox;4***618
    I have used Deca in 2007 really low amount. 50 mg for 8 weeks. The results were great. Gained up 8 Kgs. But didnt knew about PCT so they vanished. Later in 2008 Oct. I used

    Test Ent; 250 Mg 8 weeks
    Anapoloon: 25 mg in last 4 weeks.

    Anapoloon helped good. But test ent didnt showed up much results.

    I am going to use a 3rd cycle now. What I m planning is:

    Deca 500 mg, Anapoloon 50 mg + Test Ent or sustanon. ( my brother sugggested using test ent and test cypionate instead of sustanon).

    Now I am sure Deca and Anapoloon suit me quiet well. The only thing is I need to know a third one that suits me well. Test Ent didnt showed me good results. Do you think test cypionate + test ent together will make any difference. Or should I use sustanon instead of Test.
    The test E showed you little results because you ran it too low for too short a time. Try 500 for 12-16 takes 4-5 weeks to ramp up in your system.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    @strength_addict14: Do you think I should add Test Cypionate with Test E .. ? and what do you think about sustanon. ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    deep in th heart of texas
    Sounds like you can do alot with just diet before you hop on anything again bro. Head on over to the diet section. There are some really good guys over there that will help you learn how to properly eat.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    BC, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by cybernox View Post
    @strength_addict14: Do you think I should add Test Cypionate with Test E .. ? and what do you think about sustanon. ?
    You clearly have no clue what your talking about. First off you completely screwed up your first cycle running test e at 250mgs for 8 weeks your shutting down your test for merely nothing. This time do the proper research and you will see proper results.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by carter2186 View Post
    Sounds like you can do alot with just diet before you hop on anything again bro. Head on over to the diet section. There are some really good guys over there that will help you learn how to properly eat.
    That Test Cycle was done in oct to Nov then PCT for 3 weeks. ok I am looking in that section too. I was planning for this cycle in Sept. And man thanks for suggesting diet section: .. I need to increase cal for 30 days and see the difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by feeldapump89 View Post
    You clearly have no clue what your talking about. First off you completely screwed up your first cycle running test e at 250mgs for 8 weeks your shutting down your test for merely nothing. This time do the proper research and you will see proper results.
    what exactly you mean by "First off you completely screwed up your first cycle running test e at 250mgs for 8 weeks your shutting down your test for merely nothing." Got the Answer man: I should have used D-Bol with this and increased the Test E to 500 mg.

    Below I was asking for using Test Propionate + Test E over Sustanon.

    Unfortunately, Sustanon will also do all of the bad things that any form of testosterone is known for:

    It will convert to the female hormone estrogen (via a mechanism known as aromatization) by the (you guessed it) aromatize enzyme. Excessive estrogen can lead to unwanted side effects, such as acne, the growth of breast tissue (gynecomastia), fat gain and reduced fat breakdown, loss of sex drive, testicular shrinkage and water retention. Water retention can increase blood pressure weakening blood vessels over time. Unfortunately, this isn’t all it does…it can also interact with the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme. This interaction converts the testosterone to Dihydro-testosterone (DHT), a more androgenic form of the parent hormone. DHT has a high binding affinity to the tissues of the scalp resulting in hair loss in loss in users who suffer from male pattern baldness. DHT can affect the prostate as well, making it larger. This swelling can cause the gland to press against the bladder causing urinary problems. Drugs called 5alpha-reductase inhibitors can prevent these symptoms without blocking testosterone’s anabolic effects.(8) Higher dosages of test can also negatively impact cholesterol, lowering HDL(9). Testosterone is probably the safest steroid around, but it can’t be taken lightly, and Sustanon is no different.
    Last edited by cybernox; 07-26-2009 at 03:10 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    dude test E and C are like identical twin sisters. it really hard to tell the difference between the 2. just go with one. go back to the page before this and look at the top, in red it will say "IMPORTANT: Test beginner cycle info" written by Phate, read this! its an easy read and a great way to get your feet wet with AAS knowledge.

  11. #11
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    Jul 2009
    @peteroy01: checking it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    deep in th heart of texas
    Ya good call on check out diet section bro. If you dont have your diet where it needs to be during and after a cycle your body will not be able to sustain the muscle you have built during the cycle. Im guessing you are looking at prop and enanth that way you can have gains quicker. If I were you i would try not to complicate your first real cycle. Just got with a test and run it for the proper time and dosage.

    Here are some links to read:


    Beginner cycle:


  13. #13
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by cybernox View Post
    @strength_addict14: Do you think I should add Test Cypionate with Test E .. ? and what do you think about sustanon. ?
    Makes absolutely no difference at all they are all test. You ran yours too low and not long enough to see results that is all or your gear was bunk.

  14. #14
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by carter2186 View Post
    Ya good call on check out diet section bro. If you dont have your diet where it needs to be during and after a cycle your body will not be able to sustain the muscle you have built during the cycle. Im guessing you are looking at prop and enanth that way you can have gains quicker. If I were you i would try not to complicate your first real cycle. Just got with a test and run it for the proper time and dosage.

    Here are some links to read:


    Beginner cycle:

    Hey thanx dude,... I did go for Test in past. But I guess I ran it for lesser time. Deca gave me better results. ( anpoloon is cool ). My main goal is to get bigger ( huge). So I am looking for Deca + Anapoloon + Test.

    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    Makes absolutely no difference at all they are all test. You ran yours too low and not long enough to see results that is all or your gear was bunk.
    Another Question. Will Test E and Test C have same effect. I mean both belong to same family. Test E was I used in past for 8 week and results wasnt satisfying one, maybe cause I ran it for just 8 weeks. So this time I am thinking of using Test C for 12 weeks.

    Still what do you ppl suggest ?

  15. #15
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    Apr 2009
    Deca for 8 weeks at 50 mg each week? If thats correct, then you havent run deca yet, you just wasted your gear.

    You should do more reading in the diet section before your next cycle. Of course you want so........................................

    Run the test( cyp or eth ) at 500 mg ew for 15 weeks. Run deca at 500 ta 600mg ew for 13 weeks. Remember to EAT! I I do mean EAT!

    Have nov and clomid for PCT, you figure out your pct protacal .

    Have some caber or bromo on hand for the deca dick your gonna get around week 6 and no I want tell you how to run it, just read.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    College Station
    cyber-read post #10. you ask these questions and people answer you. do you not read them, cant remember your question, do want a bib with a rubber coated spoon to feed you all the info. sorry dude but DAMN!

  17. #17
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    Deca for 8 weeks at 50 mg each week? If thats correct, then you havent run deca yet, you just wasted your gear.

    You should do more reading in the diet section before your next cycle. Of course you want so........................................

    Run the test( cyp or eth ) at 500 mg ew for 15 weeks. Run deca at 500 ta 600mg ew for 13 weeks. Remember to EAT! I I do mean EAT!

    Have nov and clomid for PCT, you figure out your pct protacal .

    Have some caber or bromo on hand for the deca dick your gonna get around week 6 and no I want tell you how to run it, just read.
    so what you are suggesting it is:

    Deca 500 mg for 13 weeks
    Test (E or C ) 500 mg for 15 weeks ( two extra weeks to knockdown Deca)

    My Questions:

    And what about continue Nolva during the whole cycle + HCG 500 IU once a week ( so that testicles don't shrink down).

    Also is there a chance I could add anapoloon with this. ( got it already). Helps in Bulking.

    Bromocriptine / cabergoline those are the two you talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    cyber-read post #10. you ask these questions and people answer you. do you not read them, cant remember your question, do want a bib with a rubber coated spoon to feed you all the info. sorry dude but DAMN!
    Hey cool down dude... wasnt pushing your truth. Actually that question was meant for you. I know what you wrote man... read it and did go for that:

    IMPORTANT: Test beginner cycle info

    And only after reading that I confirmed that I did a mistake of running Test E for 8 weeks ... which should have been for 12 to 16 weeks. Also that I should have used Dbol for better results.

    Now .. I was just asking an innocent question to see if anyone else felt different with Test C than Test E. No offense to you man ... I respect your replies man. Knock it off. I am here for making friends. Apologies if I hurt you. You need a Kiss .. Jokes.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    BC, Canada
    You and your crazy mind scare me please take the time to find out how to properly use
    this cycle "Deca 500 mg for 13 weeks
    Test (E or C ) 500 mg for 15 weeks ( two extra weeks to knockdown Deca)" well your almost getting the concept but your running it a little too long cut it back to test e for 12 weeks deca for 10-11. I hope you will stop flushing your gear down the toilet and properly use what your paying good money for!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by feeldapump89 View Post
    You and your crazy mind scare me please take the time to find out how to properly use
    this cycle "Deca 500 mg for 13 weeks
    Test (E or C ) 500 mg for 15 weeks ( two extra weeks to knockdown Deca)" well your almost getting the concept but your running it a little too long cut it back to test e for 12 weeks deca for 10-11. I hope you will stop flushing your gear down the toilet and properly use what your paying good money for!
    lol. My crazy mind lol .. I have like 40 days to figure it out completely.

    So its :

    Deca 500 mg 10 weeks
    Test 500 mg 12 weeks

    what do you say about Oxymetholone ? Can I add that it too ?


  20. #20
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    BC, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by cybernox View Post
    lol. My crazy mind lol .. I have like 40 days to figure it out completely.

    So its :

    Deca 500 mg 10 weeks
    Test 500 mg 12 weeks

    what do you say about Oxymetholone ? Can I add that it too ?

    Keep things simple running test with deca is already an excess.

  21. #21
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    Anytown USA
    Quote Originally Posted by cybernox View Post
    Hey thanx dude,... I did go for Test in past. But I guess I ran it for lesser time. Deca gave me better results. ( anpoloon is cool ). My main goal is to get bigger ( huge). So I am looking for Deca + Anapoloon + Test.

    Another Question. Will Test E and Test C have same effect. I mean both belong to same family. Test E was I used in past for 8 week and results wasnt satisfying one, maybe cause I ran it for just 8 weeks. So this time I am thinking of using Test C for 12 weeks.

    Still what do you ppl suggest ?
    Does going to Moil and usin their 93 octane yield better performance than Citgo's 93 octane? Does a double cheesburger from Mcdonalds make you fatter than one from BK?? Test E and Test Cy is 99.9999% Identical! One or the other!

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    College Station

  23. #23
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    watch with naps very toxic, personaly i ratha run sust and deca but test e seams to be a big faveroite on here and bearing in mind most of these guys are pro bodybuilders but test e done nothing for me either

  24. #24
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    trouble is with sust you have to shoot every over day because of the 2 short lasting easters but i find it no problem i shoot in my arse and thighs and if they get bit sore i use my shoulders

  25. #25
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by feeldapump89 View Post
    Keep things simple running test with deca is already an excess.
    ok. I'll run Test and Deca only .

    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Does going to Moil and usin their 93 octane yield better performance than Citgo's 93 octane? Does a double cheesburger from Mcdonalds make you fatter than one from BK?? Test E and Test Cy is 99.9999% Identical! One or the other!
    lol. got it. One question :

    Testosterone cypionate is an injectable oil which contains testosterone with the cypionate ester attached to the testosterone molecule. The ester denotes the release pattern of the test after it is injected into the body. This particular ester gives the testosterone an active life of 15-16 days, although blood levels of this drug fall sharply five days post-administration, testosterone levels are still above baseline after a week (24) . Stable blood levels can be achieved with once per week injections. members often administer the drug twice weekly or every three to five days days. On a funny side note, many steroid users believe that test cyp is more or less powerful than the other popular injectable testosterone enanthate. The truth is, they are almost identical in release patterns, so there is virtually no difference between the two. However, as far back as the printing of the first Underground Steroid Handbook, there has been speculation that Cyp had more “kick” than Enth.
    Above is from steroid profiles. Anyone felt Cyp kicking fast ?.

    Thanx bro. Read them both.

    Quote Originally Posted by lee.jones73 View Post
    watch with naps very toxic, personaly i ratha run sust and deca but test e seams to be a big faveroite on here and bearing in mind most of these guys are pro bodybuilders but test e done nothing for me either
    With Sustanon the blood levels fluctuate. Its a kinda hard. About Test E not working Looks a similar case to mine. Could you post your cycle details. like whatever you used and how many weeks.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by cybernox View Post
    ok. I'll run Test and Deca only .

    lol. got it. One question :

    Above is from steroid profiles. Anyone felt Cyp kicking fast ?.

    Thanx bro. Read them both.

    With Sustanon the blood levels fluctuate. Its a kinda hard. About Test E not working Looks a similar case to mine. Could you post your cycle details. like whatever you used and how many weeks.
    test e 1 to 10weeks at 1000mg a week
    tren ace 1ml eod 8 to 12 weeks

    then my hcg nolva and clomid and i took priviorn

    watch with tren ace very strong well any tren not for a beginer cycle

    i should of used di bols 2 kick start my cycle

    but alot of people have great gains off test e but like i said it didnt for me would say it was bunk but i bought 100ml and my mates had some and they put weight on with it with me it started to strip me and harden me up but i was looking to bulk

    some say it was my diet but i was on same diet with sust and deca and put on alot of weight so depends on the person i feel
    Last edited by lee.jones73; 07-28-2009 at 02:39 PM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lee.jones73 View Post
    test e 1 to 10weeks at 1000mg a week
    tren ace 1ml eod 8 to 12 weeks

    then my hcg nolva and clomid and i took priviorn

    watch with tren ace very strong well any tren not for a beginer cycle

    i should of used di bols 2 kick start my cycle

    but alot of people have great gains off test e but like i said it didnt for me would say it was bunk but i bought 100ml and my mates had some and they put weight on with it with me it started to strip me and harden me up but i was looking to bulk

    some say it was my diet but i was on same diet with sust and deca and put on alot of weight so depends on the person i feel
    I used :

    250 mg Test E for 8 weeks
    25 Mg Oxymetholone in 5 week to 8 week.

    The injectable was painful. And the results were low not upto mark ( Even 50 mg Deca was better than this). felt more like it was like water. But Oxymetholone did showed the results. Gained weight with that. That's why I was asking for adding Oxymetholone with this cycle coz it helped me out in past.

    hey what about using Deca and Oxymetholone together. Is Test really required. ?

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