Alright, so I started out first day 120mcg of Clenbuterol.
I got a little bit of shakes, and then I didn't feel anything after.
Alls I had was a slight headache, and random temperature elevations.
(One minute warm, next okay) Now, second day I took 120mcg and I
feel nothing. It's been almost 4 hours, and nothing. It's weird. I had a
lot of people from several forums tell me my source was good, as well
as the Clenbuterol, positive feedback and everything.
But it's just not working for me, I think.
I had an increase in Cardio yesterday, and that's really all.
I was able to sleep fine, even after elevating my dosage, (Took 60mcg
more, 60 in the morning, 60 in the evening) Nothing really.
What do you guys think, bunk? Or what?