So started my first cycle, test-e 300mg/ml @ 1.5 ml in the quad with 1 inch 23 gauge pin. First shot was as expected, some pain for a couple of days (2-3) and then normal. Second shot went all wrong, pain for 1-2 days so thought was doing good.... then 2 days later pain started again and on came the swelling, redness and hot skin. Gave it a day and didn't get any better so went into Doctor and was prescribed Cephalexin . Both shots were in the same quad 7 days apart, first was pretty much dead center of the advised area. Second was lower, started an inch lower but for some reason ended up with a very dull pin so switched it and the shot ended up being 2 inches lower. So between the pin, lowering the shot, and possible clipping a hair on the way in (what can I say, damn hairy legs) I am not sure if it was just the expected bad shot out of the way or what.
So my questions are this point is, being as the first shot was fine would it be safe to assume gear is ok ? At this point do I just abort the cycle, let the antibiotics do there work then resume after ? Continue with the antibiotics and the cycle by moving shots to other quad or glutes? Any advice would be appreciated