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Thread: Test P/Tren Ace/Winny Autumn Cutter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.

    Test P/Tren Ace/Winny Autumn Cutter

    Hi all. My next cycle is approaching, around 3 weeks away. Just wanted opinion on it, and if you could answer a few questions at the bottom it would be much appreciated.

    Been Training 7 years, 6ft, currently 196lbs, 10% bf. Diet Good, 3,800 cals a day. 7 previous cycles, mainly bulkers, experience with dbol adrol eq test e deca sus npp

    Weeks 1-8 Test P 100mg/day
    Weeks 1-8 Tren A 75mg/day
    Weeks 1-8 Winstrol 50mg/day

    AI's/SERM's etc

    Weeks 1-8 Proviron 50mg/day
    Weeks 1-8 Arimidex .5mg EOD.

    PCT - Trying to incorporate William Llewelyn's PCT protocol.

    Weeks 9-13 HCG - a total of 18000ius to be used over 8 injections every 3 days, obviously tapering off, starting at 5000iu working down to 1250iu.
    Clomid, 100mg a day for first two weeks, 50mg a day for last two weeks
    Nolva at 20mg a day for the four week PCT period.

    Bromocrimptine on hand for cycle. Please see questions below.

    1) I have bromo on hand as stated. couldnt get hold of caber. Should i run the bromo and at what dosage per day or week. They are 2.5mg tabs. I have 28 of them (2 x 14 strips). Human Grade.

    2) If im using proviron at a good dosage like i am, 50mg/day, should i still use Arimidex, or would you think Proviron at that dosage would prevent all the estrogenic sides hence using my Arimidex would be a waste of time and money.

    Kind Regards to everyone.

    Mazzive_T (from the uk)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    bump - any input anyone?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    dont use the HCG during PCT
    use it during cycle and up to PCT

    dont use the A-dex during cycle.
    the proviron will be enough

    you can use the bromo
    i forget doses for it. should be able to search for it.

    id recommend to run the prop a few days longer then the tren. just to be sure tren is clear when pct starts
    it helps

    but i gotta say it...
    7 cycles and your only 196??
    hmmm sounds like diet needs work

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I agree cutting at 196? You need to work on your diet after 7 cycles you should be well north of the 200lb mark.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    The cycle looks fine, personally i'd drop the tren one week earlier, no need to run the a-dex the proviron will be fine and help along side the cycle. Ive heard a dew people use Bill's theories for PCT and they all have recovered well from them, at this stage and with several cycles under your belt, i'd go with what has worked before and not to try anything different, if you have had problems in the past try the new method, if not why change something what's not broken!!

    Dont take this the wrong way because its not intended to, but you dont look like you have trained that long and with that kind of cycle history under your belt! maybe the picture but you look rather new to the game and those stats are not impressive, how old are you? ive got to ask about your diet at this stage, how is it what's it like?

    Which area are you from in the North West?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    North West, UK.
    bump on the bromo - anyone any suggestions what dosages?

    should i run the proviron at 50mg a day on cycle or 25mg a day through on cycle + PCT?

    Being honest guys, im 21. I managed a gym when i was 16, started cycling then, got into the wrong crowd. That photo was taken in my gym when i was 19.

    Not looking for sympathy here, but i am the unluckiest man you will ever meet regarding illness and injuries.

    Put it this way my doctor knows me on 1st name terms, and just 3 weeks ago i had salmonella, which resulted in me being in and out of hospital 3 times 3 weeks ago! I also had a life threatening illness in 2007!

    I was well north of the 200lb mark at one stage. Last summer i think. Think i was 214 at one stage. Im sitting at 196 now. id Just rather not lie and tell yas all straight. and I seem to put on weight well too, no real increase in bf % or neligible increase.

    I can post up my diet here and in diet section for you all to critique if you like?

    Marcus, i am from liverpool. What about you?

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mazzive_T View Post
    bump on the bromo - anyone any suggestions what dosages?

    should i run the proviron at 50mg a day on cycle or 25mg a day through on cycle + PCT?

    Being honest guys, im 21. I managed a gym when i was 16, started cycling then, got into the wrong crowd. That photo was taken in my gym when i was 19.

    Not looking for sympathy here, but i am the unluckiest man you will ever meet regarding illness and injuries.

    Put it this way my doctor knows me on 1st name terms, and just 3 weeks ago i had salmonella, which resulted in me being in and out of hospital 3 times 3 weeks ago! I also had a life threatening illness in 2007!

    I was well north of the 200lb mark at one stage. Last summer i think. Think i was 214 at one stage. Im sitting at 196 now. id Just rather not lie and tell yas all straight. and I seem to put on weight well too, no real increase in bf % or neligible increase.

    I can post up my diet here and in diet section for you all to critique if you like?

    Marcus, i am from liverpool. What about you?
    You shouldnt be cycling, you should recover your own natural hormones at such a young age, if you have been so ill recently why are you cycling? you should be trying to regain the natural weight what you have lost during your illness.

    All your going to do is create more problems sooner than later in your life by cycling, do you want to add to HRT to your list of complaints in your 20's believe me its not nice to be struggling with andropause at any age let alone in your 20's, chill out calm down and do some natural training and lifting.

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