Originally Posted by
Firstly, I appreciate the response. Secondly, I agree that an individual should maximise their training naturally before even contemplating gear. And then they should do alot of research into the subject.
The only other point I'd make though, is this idea that everybody has to be atleast 200Lbs naturally before they should touch gear. That seems to be the general rule of thumb on this forum, however, alot of people are just never going to attain that kind of lean weight, naturally.
Although I am a firm believer of lifestyle affecting who we become mentally and physically, and diet being a huge part of that, we can't avoid the fact that genetics also do contribute to the end result.
So to say that somebody HAS to be 200Lbs, low bf % NATURAL, before touching gear, to me, seems unrealistic and maybe even a little silly. It depends on the individual, hell even their basic height! And I highly doubt that the majority of users on this forum had a lean, natural base of 200Lbs before deciding to juice. Most people probably decide to juice because they are nowhere near 200Lbs natty...
So my point, I guess... if you are 5ft 10', 185Lbs, great natural base with low BF%... then by the rule of thumb on this forum, you are not ready to take gear, just because of your overall poundage. I don't agree. I do agree though, that age is a very important aspect of deciding when to take steroids, as is general health (BF% etc, how long you've trained, etc etc etc). 18 years to me, is too young. 25... much more acceptable.
Just my two. Peace.