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Thread: Ok, time to clear the air on AAS use for those under 25

  1. #121
    I'll say my opinion on it..

    The only thing I see bad about using too early for too long is the potential to become sterile. I'm sure no one has a problem running cycles with ED or at least EOD shots, and then we all cry of the horrors of TRT and "OMG for 5 minutes during 1 day of each week I have to draw up some test and inject, oh the pain".

    Seriously, what's the downside? I won't cruise and blast until I have kids just because a family is something very important to me, but for all this shutting down your HPTA too early and having to be on TRT to early, big ****ing deal. What, are you going to have liver problems, BP issues, or gyno with 100-200mg of Test a week? No. You'll feel good, be able to hold muscle, have better nutrient partitioning, no libido issues, and look and feel young while getting older. But yeah, that horrible 1 shot per week, every week, oh man, that makes it all not worth it.

    Yeah, don't start too early that you haven't grown to your maximum height and don't start when you have no idea what you're doing or how to diet, train, and PCT properly, but after that, get where you desire, safely. Just my take on it.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    for whatever reason I find myself keep coming back to this post

    It comes down to what you want to attain out of this. I have 2 close friends (both in my first wedding) the one at age 17 placed 2nd in the Junior Nationals overall, this is an amazing thing to do for a 17 yr old kid and really unheard of. the other at 18 and a senior in HS entered and WON the heavyweight and overall Mr teen USA contest. this was back in th elate 80's . both went on to have a very lucrative carreer as bodybuilders and gym owners and are both healthy as anyone I know.I have another friend who competed and placed at the 94 Olympia, he is presently waiting for a liver transplant.

    its a gamble and if you asked 2 out of those 3 if it was worth it,they would tell you YES, the 3rd.......some days are better then others. me personally,I have accepted what happens if anything down the road,and who knows,shit happens to people who dont ever touch a damn steroid. whats gonna be is gonna be but what I cant stand are people who get terminally ill and go on a tyraid about how steroids are bad and should be this and that like Lyle Alzado did, blaming AAS and HGH on his brain cancer,he had no problem reaping the benifits of a lucrative football career though,did he. everybody needs to accept the fact there is an inherited danger with what we do no matter how many precausions we take. accept and move on or dont and get out.

  3. #123
    Join Date
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    South Park
    What about the effect that steroids can have on your psychie. The brain isnt fully developed at 17-18. Thats another reason to wait imo.

  4. #124
    Join Date
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    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by omna82 View Post
    What about the effect that steroids can have on your psychie. The brain isnt fully developed at 17-18. Thats another reason to wait imo.
    I personally dont believe in "ROID RAGE" IF THATS WHAT YOUR REFERRING TO,STEROIDS JUST MAKE AN AZZHOLE A BIGGER AZZHOLE..... as far as depression,well thats a personal issue,some people are manic depresents anyway. alot of people like to blame downfalls in their life to the use of steroids when it all doesnt work out for them,you se it all the time.nobody wants to be responsable for their actions anymore

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG View Post
    I personally dont believe in "ROID RAGE" IF THATS WHAT YOUR REFERRING TO,STEROIDS JUST MAKE AN AZZHOLE A BIGGER AZZHOLE..... as far as depression,well thats a personal issue,some people are manic depresents anyway. alot of people like to blame downfalls in their life to the use of steroids when it all doesnt work out for them,you se it all the time.nobody wants to be responsable for their actions anymore
    We have the same pose in our avi,you and Jay..

    No, not roid rage. Back then we had no pct,thats one thing. But I dont blame steroids really. I was young and dumb and experimented with other things etc.
    I dont know,but younger people seem to dont care so much of the future,its all about here and now.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by omna82 View Post
    We have the same pose in our avi,you and Jay..

    No, not roid rage. Back then we had no pct,thats one thing. But I dont blame steroids really. I was young and dumb and experimented with other things etc.
    I dont know,but younger people seem to dont care so much of the future,its all about here and now.
    jay looks alot better though...ha

    I agree 110% with you my brother,it isnt the same. back then we never spoke of it,now today kids flaunt they are juiced up.we always covered up,long sleeve sweatshirts in the summer..ha,I still dont like to take my shirt off on the beach

  7. #127
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    Aug 2005

    The stud back in the fucing house!!!!

  8. #128
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose View Post

    The stud back in the fucing house!!!!
    WHATS UP MY BROTHER!!! love what you did with your hair!!haha

  9. #129
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by nilrac View Post
    Firstly, I appreciate the response. Secondly, I agree that an individual should maximise their training naturally before even contemplating gear. And then they should do alot of research into the subject.

    The only other point I'd make though, is this idea that everybody has to be atleast 200Lbs naturally before they should touch gear. That seems to be the general rule of thumb on this forum, however, alot of people are just never going to attain that kind of lean weight, naturally.

    Although I am a firm believer of lifestyle affecting who we become mentally and physically, and diet being a huge part of that, we can't avoid the fact that genetics also do contribute to the end result.

    So to say that somebody HAS to be 200Lbs, low bf % NATURAL, before touching gear, to me, seems unrealistic and maybe even a little silly. It depends on the individual, hell even their basic height! And I highly doubt that the majority of users on this forum had a lean, natural base of 200Lbs before deciding to juice. Most people probably decide to juice because they are nowhere near 200Lbs natty...

    So my point, I guess... if you are 5ft 10', 185Lbs, great natural base with low BF%... then by the rule of thumb on this forum, you are not ready to take gear, just because of your overall poundage. I don't agree. I do agree though, that age is a very important aspect of deciding when to take steroids, as is general health (BF% etc, how long you've trained, etc etc etc). 18 years to me, is too young. 25... much more acceptable.

    Just my two. Peace.

    Yes there are exceptions to the 200lb rule of thumb i stated.... there are exceptions with everything. If your 6'0 185lbs...... been training for 10 years...... something is off if your goal is to get big. Christ.... I was 6'1" 175lbs wet in highschool..... i didn't know a thing about dieting and I STILL got to 200lbs before my 1st cycle.

    Is this the case for everyone..... no. It's a general "rule of thumb" I use to help guide people in the right direction. Each individual person is different and their genetics certainly play a role in what they can attain naturally. I probably should have been more clear in that 1st statement LOL.....


  10. #130
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Haha I wasn't specifically talking about you Schmidty, how tall are you anyway? I always assumed you were 5'10 or something
    lmao 5'9 on a good day and im pretty lean most of the time except right now but im tryn my 1st dirty bulk n its going amazing!!! but im 214lbs today w upper abs showing

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by nilrac View Post
    Firstly, I appreciate the response. Secondly, I agree that an individual should maximise their training naturally before even contemplating gear. And then they should do alot of research into the subject.

    The only other point I'd make though, is this idea that everybody has to be atleast 200Lbs naturally before they should touch gear. That seems to be the general rule of thumb on this forum, however, alot of people are just never going to attain that kind of lean weight, naturally.

    Although I am a firm believer of lifestyle affecting who we become mentally and physically, and diet being a huge part of that, we can't avoid the fact that genetics also do contribute to the end result.

    So to say that somebody HAS to be 200Lbs, low bf % NATURAL, before touching gear, to me, seems unrealistic and maybe even a little silly. It depends on the individual, hell even their basic height! And I highly doubt that the majority of users on this forum had a lean, natural base of 200Lbs before deciding to juice. Most people probably decide to juice because they are nowhere near 200Lbs natty...

    So my point, I guess... if you are 5ft 10', 185Lbs, great natural base with low BF%... then by the rule of thumb on this forum, you are not ready to take gear, just because of your overall poundage. I don't agree. I do agree though, that age is a very important aspect of deciding when to take steroids, as is general health (BF% etc, how long you've trained, etc etc etc). 18 years to me, is too young. 25... much more acceptable.
    Just my two. Peace.
    Excellent point. Completely agree. I'm barely in the 200 pound club right now.

  12. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    Excellent point. Completely agree. I'm barely in the 200 pound club right now.
    100% agree with you, awesome

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