Originally Posted by
I don't agree!, using to young can have a serious effect on your HPTA, ive seen that many times over the years with guys who are on HRT in their 20's it can't be wrong, look at the data, check the studies because they are out there.
Shutting down your own system before its completely functional is asking for trouble, there are risk's and if you want to play with them thats your choice, I also know a couple of guys who have no trouble and started very young but the majority do and the risk is in that corner.
My god its risky when your HPTA is full functional at the age of 25yrs, just look at how many threads there are for starters asking for help in this area, it cant be dismissed, read up and educate and cycle as healthy as possible, if you want to run the risk of damage to your HPTA thats your choice but to say it isn't true is completely stupid IMHO.
You can debate all night long, but thats my opinion after yrs of training and seeing what Ive seen, pls do research in this area, read the studies,reports and all the papers but most of all look at the real world experiences of bodybuilders and see if there is a risk or not, infact its laughable to say there isn't.