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Thread: viagra question lol..

  1. #1

    viagra question lol..

    you see i dont have any problems gettin erections but i wanna try viagra coz i hear it makes sex more fun.. lol like u last long and ur dick never goes down like it usually does during sex ifu know what i mean.. ups and downs... i just wanna stay erect for a long ass time... anyone here experience it?? lol i want my g/f walkin like she just got off a horse

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I usually have a problem getting it up around the 6th week after a cycle and I keep some viagra on stand by for that time.It works great,just like you're on a cycle of test if not harder.But if I don't need it I don't take it just for kicks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Baltimore MD
    ive tried it out of curiostity before! Makes your dick god dam hard but it dosnt make it any better! Then i got a mega headache for the rest of the day! Quite dissapointed really! Cailis is rubbish aswell! that didn't even do anything!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The first time I tired it was at 50mg. It was great. Then I tried it again and this time it wasn't so good. Finally, I decided to try it at 100mg. Damn, I did get hard for a while but I was kinda red on my face and it felt warm. I was also kinda dizzy. I would never take 100mg again, maybe 75mg.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I used it after a few cycle where I used deca and was shut down pretty hard... Personally I think the drug is way overated... It's good the first few times you use it, but IMO your body builds up a tolerance for it and it stops working...

    If you really want to get hard and stay hard try running Proviron at 50mg to 75mg a day both during and after your cycles and you'll see what I mean

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    i will never work if you don't have a problem. for ex, you don't have a headadche, but you just take 2 aspirins.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    It still works even if you don't have a problem getting it up bro...
    It's a chemical and will react the same weather you have a problem or not... The drug doesn't know that you don't have a problem...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Originally posted by buff87
    It still works even if you don't have a problem getting it up bro...
    It's a chemical and will react the same weather you have a problem or not... The drug doesn't know that you don't have a problem...
    Agreed. Personally I've heard better things about Cialis than Viagra but I am yet to try either myself.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    if you enjoy getting your dick sliced open afterwards then what the hell go for it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Originally posted by Gucio
    if you enjoy getting your dick sliced open afterwards then what the hell go for it.
    What are you talking about??????

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by symatech

    What are you talking about??????

    Ditto... Where do that come from? If the drug had those kind of side effects Pfizer would have never got the FDA to approve the drug...

    You better have facts to back up that kind of claim...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    i know of people who couldhave perfectly normal erections and still decided to pop some viagra, but they couldnt get the damn thing down after so they had to go to the hopsital to get it drained of blood.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Originally posted by Gucio
    i know of people who couldhave perfectly normal erections and still decided to pop some viagra, but they couldnt get the damn thing down after so they had to go to the hopsital to get it drained of blood.
    Where did u come up with that one? ....Thats BS, i know for a fact that if u have a erection for more than 24 hours & it doesnt look like its going down u go to the hospital & they give u an injections to reverse the effect....Bfore posting shit like that do some research...Not a flame bro just my 0.2 cents

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hey Buff... does the proviron really help it get harder? Damn I will have to run that soon. If it does that i wonder if it is ok to run after a cycle just for that one reason. My thing gets hard but I want it to get so hard that it feels like its gonna bust open just like hot dogs in a microwave( not enough skin for the meat).
    Last edited by rangerdudeleads; 12-22-2002 at 07:53 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Well here is my 2 cents worth. I've used viagra on and off for several years. When I used to party alot with ecstasy or alcohol, sometimes your just too jacked up or tired to get it up or maintain it. I also used it during my cycle to help me maintain my erection. I would break a 100mg tablet into 4 quarters and take 1 quarter. Within 20 minutes you can feel it working. Your sinus membranes are very similar to the tissues found in your dick, thus they will also fill with blood. I would feel a slight congestion in my sinuses, this indicted to me it was working.
    Now viagra doesn't make you get hard, it just allows the memebranes that store blood to function more efficiently. They will fill with more blood and do it much more quickly. You will also have a shorter if non existent refractory time. If you are not stimulated sexually you won't get a hard on. Your erection will be controlable, you will be able to fuck over and over, even after having climaxed. If you do not have a natural erctile dysfunction you will not need to take more than 25mg. If you do not feel the effects of viagra after 30 minutes try taking another 25mgs. Everyone is different and it affects each person in a silightly different way. If you want to have some fun try giving 25mgs to your woman. It does the same thing for a woman, it just allows more blood in making her much more sensitive. She will go nuts, if her orgasms usually rate about 6-7 viagra will push them to 10 or higher.
    I have had no adverse effects from viagra, it's effects last a few hours or more depending on doseage. Viagra is not an aphrodisiac, it will not make you horny, it will not give you a hard on. Viagra just allows the penile membranes to work more efficiently, to absorb more blood. It will make you harder and even slightly larger due to the volume of blood in the tissue. You could take it and just watch tv you will not get a hard on. Pop in some porn though and you'll see just how potent it is. Viagra can help you in a bind ie: too tired, too drunk, juice sides, rec. drugs sides.....etc. Your woman/women will be amazed at your abillity to maintain and recover, so revel in their praise.
    Well there you have it my 2 cents as per my personal experiece. If you have any questions please feel free to pm me. I love this site and spend alot of time reading the threads. I really appreciate the plethora of knowledge that is here as well as the mature and educated way most people conduct themselves. I hope to to be able to offer my opinions and knowledge more in the future as well.

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