How should these be spaced out? I was thinking
wk 1-12 eq 400mg
wk1-12 test 600mg
wk 6-12 winny 50 mg/ed
Is there a better way to do this?
How should these be spaced out? I was thinking
wk 1-12 eq 400mg
wk1-12 test 600mg
wk 6-12 winny 50 mg/ed
Is there a better way to do this?
Winny 8-15
Eq takes 3 weeks to clear out, take the winny near the end so you can start clomid the next day after last winny shot/pill
Sounds like a good idea to me, anyone else care to offer more opinions?
I would extend the test a week longer to match up half-lives in the gear better. besides that, it looks spot on and quite delicious
You can stop the winny after wk 14 and start Clomid 3 days after. EQ takes 17-21 days to clear the system, that extra week of winny is more precautionary than necessary IMO.
So what do you think, winny tabs, or depot? I can get the 100 mg/20ml or 50mg/20ml or 100 tabs.
ITS ALL so expensive, but I was thinking of just getting one 100 mg/20ml
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