When using Dbol (with test of course) does the amount of water you're drinking have any bearing on the amount of bloat you will get? Can the bloat from taking Dbol be prevented or minimised by drinking ALOT of water throughout the day?
When using Dbol (with test of course) does the amount of water you're drinking have any bearing on the amount of bloat you will get? Can the bloat from taking Dbol be prevented or minimised by drinking ALOT of water throughout the day?
sodium is the big problem with bloat. You really need to get as much water in as you can bro, so I would not cut that out IMO and just watch your sodium intake....
not 100% on this one but I just read that you can take something called adex?? for the bloat??
I think its close to something like this..
staying hydrated reduces water retention in the body, but drinking extra water isnt going keep dbol water weight off. dont use dbol or use with diuretics and AIs if its such a concern.
I agree with the above ^^^^^^^Originally Posted by powerliftmike;47***34
well when i first start my hgh cycle, i took some ephedrine pills along that, and it made me drink a lot of water, plus my sodium intake was too much, i've been putting so much salt in my food that i can't feel it anymore, so in couple of days, i was full of water retention, my face and arms got very big, so i lower my salt intake, and i've been drinking evian water, because it has no salt in it, it worked out great
Thanks guys, very helpful feedback. Plenty of water, and i will cut out as much sodium from my diet as i can.
If you dont know by starving your body of water it will store whatever H2o it can. then you have no business even thinking of using gear,this is very basic knowledge, you must first know how the body works before you try to manipulate it.
bro drink plenty on water when taking steroids, its not good to let the liver clear itself of the substance without having water aid. is a stupid move, don't do it. drink plenty of water, your body is not stupid when it realizes you give him no water he will store all the water he can get and leave many unfulfilled water needs.
justy to add to this and I learned this from the late "SwoleCat" yrs ago and cant blieve I never heard it before that. but your body is programmed from the caveman days to store anything it doesnt get regulary. back a million yrs ago it may have been weeks between meals so the body just stored everything as fat and released slowly for energy.to this day its still the case,when it comes to diet,its imperitive to take in enough fat that your body isnt storing any but at the same time not too much that your body wont break the stored fat down for energy. water is no different, dont drink enough and the body holds it,drink enough and your piss should be as cler as water because the body has no need to store it,its getting plenty on a regular bases and also for the reason SS above mentiond,it helps purify the liver.
Keeping hydrated on cycle is a given. Last cycle i was drinking atleast a gallon of water a day. This upcoming cycle will be the first time i have run dbol though. Perhaps my OP wasn't clear enough so i apologise. What i wanted to know was 'If i am consuming ALOT of water, even more than on a usual cycle, will that have any bearing on the amount of bloat i get from the dbol'.
What Powerliftmike said, "staying hydrated reduces water retention in the body, but drinking extra water isnt going keep dbol water weight off"
So ultimately it doesn't matter how much i drink, i will still get the bloat from Dbol unless i run diuretics and AIs with it.
Alot of good feedback, thanks again all.
Good question, I was wondering the exact same thing. I guess it's been answered.
I drink over 2L of water a day anyhow, but it's nice to know stuff like this.
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