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  1. #1
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Jun 2007

    Exclamation Clen or Ephedrine on Prop Cycle

    I will be starting morning cardio again to trim down some BF%.
    I pretty much did 3 bulk cycles, currently in 3rd.
    Gained some bf from my natty bulk.
    did 2 weeks of cardio then started bunk test e cycle for 7 weeks.
    Right Now im on week 3 of prop 150MG EOD.
    So I have clen , ephedrine and ketifofen on hand.

    I pretty much wake up and drink a whey 48g protein 5G bcaa and %-10G Glutamine before cardio.
    I also take 100mg r-ala
    400mg caffeine
    50mg ephedrine
    I would take some Acetyl L-carnintine but none on hand.
    Did not plan on cutting during bulk, but its not sitting well with me.
    Started at about 13-14%
    Last time I checked at 18.5%
    My goal is 3-4 weeks cardio ED while possibly cutting carbs a bit.
    I've taken clen before and can go up to about 140mcg until sides occur, I will start and go slow as always.

    I am thinking clen is the right one here do to me being on AS.
    My diet is clean I will just cut back on carbs a bit.

    I will be doing treadmill incline at 15 and speed 3.6 - 4.x depending on what speed keeps my heart in the low intensity zone and yes this is low intensity, HITT does not work for me
    Please leave me your thoughts or ideas.


  2. #2
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Go with the clen ...

  3. #3
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Did 60-75mcg of clen

    whey 48g protein 5G bcaa and 5-10G Glutamine before cardio.
    I also take 100mg r-ala
    400mg caffeine
    81mg asprin
    1 serving nitrix

    God I miss my low bf% but I dont miss cardio.

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