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  1. #1
    7Steve77's Avatar
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    Feeling like shit after finishing dbol

    Just finished 1st month of 1st cycle of cyp and dbol

    made strength and weight gains everyweek untill this week wich is the 1st week without the dbol

    i feel like shit

    could it be the cyp is fake (taking 500/w)?

    a diff friend got back from thailand with heaps of deff legit stuff.
    can i change the compound right now?

    i heaps dont want2 be wasting my fkn time with fake gear

    or am i just tripping because dont really know what to expect since have never used before, could it be legit?

    ****ing hell how much are blood tests?

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    How do you feel like $#!t ? In what way?

    Give the cyp time, it may be week 5 or even 6 before it kicks in.

    How much Dbol were you taking daily?

  3. #3
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    are you still taking the cyp? lay out the cycle. and add stats so people can make fun of you and tell you how badly you have ****ed up if you are too young. and how about pct?

  4. #4
    7Steve77's Avatar
    7Steve77 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    How do you feel like $#!t ? In what way?

    Give the cyp time, it may be week 5 or even 6 before it kicks in.

    How much Dbol were you taking daily?
    No motivation to lift etc

    Just 10mg tabs 3 times ed

    kicks in as in strength and weight gains?
    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    are you still taking the cyp? lay out the cycle. and add stats so people can make fun of you and tell you how badly you have ****ed up if you are too young. and how about pct?
    Cyp will go for 11 weeks
    wtf why are you asking about pct?
    19yo, 5'10, 86.5kg, aprox 10%

  5. #5
    V6A6L6O's Avatar
    V6A6L6O is offline Junior Member
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    19 Is still pretty young mate, your test levels are at a high right now anyway, the last thing you need to do is shut them down!
    People ask about PCT simply because they care, if you have already started the cycle it would be advisable you had everything to hand for your PCT, if not people will advise what to use.

  6. #6
    7Steve77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V6A6L6O View Post
    19 Is still pretty young mate, your test levels are at a high right now anyway, the last thing you need to do is shut them down!
    People ask about PCT simply because they care, if you have already started the cycle it would be advisable you had everything to hand for your PCT, if not people will advise what to use.
    Havn't got it on hand yet, will have tamox and hopefully clomid by next week.
    Going to run that 40/20/20/20 and 150/100/100

    Was using adex at .25 eod for abit but ran out as only had a few tablets off a friend, will get more next week aswell to run throughout the remainder of this cycle

    Yeah mate its not new info to me that 19s young for AAS

  7. #7
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7Steve77 View Post
    Havn't got it on hand yet, will have tamox and hopefully clomid by next week.
    Going to run that 40/20/20/20 and 150/100/100

    Was using adex at .25 eod for abit but ran out as only had a few tablets off a friend, will get more next week aswell to run throughout the remainder of this cycle

    Yeah mate its not new info to me that 19s young for AAS
    Ok, I know you don't want to hear a lecture, and believe me, I, and many others on here are tired of giving them, but you are way too young.

    That being said, before you ever cycle again, have your PCT on hand. What if something comes up, and you can't get ahold of it? Not a risk worth taking.

    Now, what I mean by 5 - 6 weeks is that Test cyp is a long ester. It will take at least that long before you feel the effects of it. Strenght, size, etc. Thats why some of us kickstart with Dbol .

    If you are not feeling motivated and and strength seems to be diminishing, it is because you are starting to lose some of your Dbol gains (a lot of water retention), it happens.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Ok, I know you don't want to hear a lecture, and believe me, I, and many others on here are tired of giving them, but you are way too young.

    That being said, before you ever cycle again, have your PCT on hand. What if something comes up, and you can't get ahold of it? Not a risk worth taking.

    Now, what I mean by 5 - 6 weeks is that Test cyp is a long ester. It will take at least that long before you feel the effects of it. Strenght, size, etc. Thats why some of us kickstart with Dbol .

    If you are not feeling motivated and and strength seems to be diminishing, it is because you are starting to lose some of your Dbol gains (a lot of water retention), it happens.
    Ty for replying

    Just loved the boost in strength and size off the dbol every week, felt good man
    Now my lifts are just the same as the week before, I'll be more patient.

    Btw do you know if blood work is really expensive?

  9. #9
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    To be honest with you, I have no idea how much blood work costs. That is something you would want to get ahold of your insurance provider to talk about. They may cover it, they may not. If not, just ask your doctor if they know about how much out of pocket it would cost.

  10. #10
    7Steve77's Avatar
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    Alright check that out cheers

  11. #11
    V6A6L6O's Avatar
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    Just out of interest Steve, have you lost any of your gains from the initial Dianabol kick start yet (size or strenght)
    Is the health system in Aus private? cos i think you might be able to get them free otherwise, seem to remember a friend getting them done free on the sunshine coast somewhere!!

  12. #12
    V6A6L6O's Avatar
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    Getting bloodwork done that is!!

  13. #13
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    I have 2 bottle of Pharma grade and 1 bottle that I am 90% sure is real but to be safe i mixed it 50-50 with the Pharma grade! I would get 1 or 2 bottles of 100% legit from your buddy and do as i did.. after week 6-7 you will know for sure and if you see great results you will know it is real. If the results are nothing more than a few pounds of BW and some increased libido then it is probabl bunk and you can get on with the cycle with all of your buddies gear!

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