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Thread: testoprim d?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    new york

    Question testoprim d?

    has anybody ever used this ...what kind of results did you get....? also what bout sust 250......witha winstrol stack? anybody??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i just purchased 9 amps of it in mexico and i am stacking it with 20cc of sostenon. my friend used it with another enanthate/propionate mix, and put on about 20lbs. it is sold with 3 little boxes inside one big box.

  3. #3
    The original jason Guest
    test(testoprim d) stacked with test(sust) isnt a great idea its not a cycle its just test either one of the 2 stacked with eotehr equipose/dbol/deca/winstrol would make a better idea do some more researching


  4. #4
    how much does this stuff cost down in mexico? i was wanting to do 500 mg a week with clen. how much would a 10 week cycle cost? thanks

  5. #5
    i got the same testprim-d 4 box 3pack enan 200mg prop 50mg, i'm doing 500test 400eq D-bol 15mged,
    hoping get good results too...

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