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  1. #1
    mmnjtwa's Avatar
    mmnjtwa is offline New Member
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    The South

    Help me with dosage of hcg, proviron, and arimidex

    I am currently running a 7 week cycle of Durabolin , Prop, and t-bol

    durabolin 100mg EOD
    test prop 100mg EOD
    t-bol 50mg ED split up into 2 doses

    I am going to be running a PCT of Nolvadex and Clomid as well as bridging with 10mg d-bol every morning.

    The current cycle is going to end on September 1st and I am going to start the next cycle at the end of December. (have most of everything already)

    week 1-9 Tren A 125mg EOD
    week 1-9 Test Prop 150mg EOD
    week 6-9 Anavar 50mg ED

    I have 5000 iu of HCG already and will be getting some proviron and arimidex . How much of each should I get, what dose, and how often should I take each?

    My PCT will also include clomid and nolva.

    This will be my 6th cycle. I am

    ~10-11% body fat

    Yes I am fairly light for my height, but that is because last summer I ****ed up my shoulder wakeboarding and couldn't work out for 4 months and I just recently got back in the gym after breaking my hand and missing 2 months.

    My diet is in check and consists of over 4,000 calories & 400g protein.

  2. #2
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    500 IU'S ed for the last week of you cycle, then week after.There are alot of different ways to run HCG .I run it at 500iu's for 20 days.clomid and tamo there after.And yes, there is a time line where my HCG runs into my clomid and tamo therapy.I'm old school bro, just trying to help you out.

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