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Thread: Test Prop & EQ

  1. #1
    yarite's Avatar
    yarite is offline Junior Member
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    Test Prop & EQ

    Gonna do my 5th cycle and would like your thoughts. Going to try and do 500mg Test prop and 400 mg EQ. So I do have a dumb question. My test is 1cc/250mg. How the heck can you break that up and get the 500mg a week? I know your supposed to do EOD on the prop but would there be a huge difference if you did it every three days at 250mg? I can't see it being a big deal. Your thoughts? The other benefit of doing this is I only like to give injections in my quads and butt so this would allow other areas to heal. I can't bring it to myself to shoot in the calves or delts due to the lovely feeling after prop is injected.

    34 years old
    Bf 12%
    Gym rat for 10 years
    Diet= CHICKEN, CHICKEN, Tuna, and oh, did I mention CHICKEN!

    I had pretty good gains with my last cycle of test prop & cyp along with EQ but thought I'd go back to just prop and EQ. Would like to see as good as gains so any thoughts on that would be great as well.

  2. #2
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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  3. #3
    thai-lan's Avatar
    thai-lan is offline Member
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    lol 5th cycle and only 175??

  4. #4
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    It would seem to me after 5 cycles you would be bigger and have more knowledge on the subject..! but lets see. I myself have never seen prop dosed at 250mg/ml! usually 100mg/ml or 200mg/ml max\
    2) doing a shot of prop every 3 days really defeats the purpose and you might as well run cyp or enth in this case! I think you have cyp or enth anyway according to the concentration but anyway here you go

    mon. 125mg or 1/2 cc
    wed 125mg or 1/2 cc
    fri 125mg or 1/2cc
    sun 125mg or 1/2 cc

    Now you are going to tell me after 5 cycles something as simple and easy as that you could not figure out!! Something seems fishy!! It almost sounds like this is your virgin cycle and you are saying it is your 5th so you can get your ???'s answered without a lecture! Am I at all correct.? cause 5 cycles at your weight i would stop cycling ayway! they are onbuiosly not doing you justice

  5. #5
    yarite's Avatar
    yarite is offline Junior Member
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    This is my 5th cycle over 6 years and never kept the weight on. ninesecz, you may think it was an easy the way you set it up, your schedule was EOD, but that would only work for 1 week. You have an injection on Sunday then the following week, it would be Tues. Thurs. Sat. and thats only 3 times a week, so your schedule would not work. Is this one of those impossible questions to get answered? Being in Paramedic school, we are trained to give 4 baby aspirin to someone with chest pain. Our protocol is to give 4 baby aspirin which totals 325mg. How is that possible? 325 doesn't divide by 4. Oh, about my weight, I play hockey 4 times a week and could never really keep the weight on. Before I started my first cycle I was 157lbs so over the 6 years of doing 5 cycles, being 175 isn't to bad.

  6. #6
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    prop at 250mg/ml...never seen it that strong

    sounds painfull....good luck bro

  7. #7
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by yarite View Post
    This is my 5th cycle over 6 years and never kept the weight on. ninesecz, you may think it was an easy the way you set it up, your schedule was EOD, but that would only work for 1 week. You have an injection on Sunday then the following week, it would be Tues. Thurs. Sat. and thats only 3 times a week, so your schedule would not work. Is this one of those impossible questions to get answered? Being in Paramedic school, we are trained to give 4 baby aspirin to someone with chest pain. Our protocol is to give 4 baby aspirin which totals 325mg. How is that possible? 325 doesn't divide by 4. Oh, about my weight, I play hockey 4 times a week and could never really keep the weight on. Before I started my first cycle I was 157lbs so over the 6 years of doing 5 cycles, being 175 isn't to bad.
    this all goes back to diet bro.... a gain of 20 lbs in 5 cycles over 6 years isnt so good imho. did you stop eating and training after your cycles? somthing isnt right.....

  8. #8
    thai-lan's Avatar
    thai-lan is offline Member
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    then do ED shots with lower dose

  9. #9
    thai-lan's Avatar
    thai-lan is offline Member
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    one more thing are you certain that your gear is TEST P not TEST E??? because of ive never seen any 250mg/ml test p ... and if you cant keep your gains why bother running another cycle??

  10. #10
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    First off your 175 after 5 cycles and have been a "gym rat" for 10 years? Come on brotha give that diet forum a GOOD looking.

    Secondly why prop? You obviously dont wanna use it properly so why not just get some test e or c which would not only be cheaper but would time in with your EQ injects so only 2 injects per week (which seems to be what you want).

    But to answer your question if its 100mg per ml and you MUST do 500mgs/week then take .7 of a cc ED or 1.4cc EOD

  11. #11
    Focusmen's Avatar
    Focusmen is offline Associate Member
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    for 5 cycles you should know more. I would just go back to the basics (test 500mg week) until you figure out how to keep more gains. just my opinion. good luck

  12. #12
    yarite's Avatar
    yarite is offline Junior Member
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    oopps, yes it is 100mg per 1cc. My bad.

  13. #13
    thai-lan's Avatar
    thai-lan is offline Member
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    its funny you dont even know the shlt that you have.. so what do you have?? what do you want to do??

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