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Thread: My First Cycle

  1. #1
    wrx99-000 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    My First Cycle

    Age- 20
    Height- 180cm
    Weight- 66kg
    BF- ripped
    Cycle Exp- First
    PCT Knowlege- ive heard of novaldex
    Training Exp- 4 years natural

    hi guys,
    im from Aus and ive been training for 4 years off and on and have made a big difference in my body. i did manage to get myself to 71kg on dianabols but stoped training due to surgery and droped 10 kilos im now back at 66kg and have decided to gain more muscle.
    firstly i am very ripped and look decent for my height but i would like to bulk up a little without being overly big.
    i have sus250 and deca 100 which are in 1 ml amp's and have 10 of each.

    my question is how often should i take each one being my first real cycle?
    i was thinking 1 sus amp (250mg) week and 1 deca amp (100mg) every 5 days so it leaves me with an extra 2-3 weeks on sus after im done with the deca.

    my other question is should i use novaldex and how do i use it and when? during the cycle or after and how much of it should i use for how long?

    thanks in advance. and if ive forgotten anything just let me know.

    thanks again.

  2. #2
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    You dont have enuff my friend...sus should be done eveyday for best results...eveeryotherday you can get away with..1 a week will have bloodlevels out of whack...deca is no where near...minimum 200mgs is HRT dose...400mg would be best for cycle,

  3. #3
    bifda's Avatar
    bifda is offline Associate Member
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    your too young, your diet is not up to scratch if you cant get over 71 kg.
    head to the diet forum, get that sorted and wait 4-5 years till you juice.
    good luck

  4. #4
    wrx99-000 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2009
    thanks guys i think ill hold on to it.. ill fix up my diet first then see what happens..
    here in aus, even my mates which gear say that 1 a week of sus and deca is enough.. how much do you guys recommend?

  5. #5
    grinchinit is offline Associate Member
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    bigmax was right on how to take it. however, u could do every 3.5 days. monday morning and thursday evening and get great results. i would advice that ur pct include nolva and clomid to be safe and since its ur first time an AI at hand wouldnt hurt because u really dont know how ur body will react to gear. just my opinion (not the best info i kno lol)

  6. #6
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    you say this is your first cycle, but then say you took dianabol before? You need double that amount of sustanon and probably 4x as much deca unless you just want to waste your damn time. you need to do a lot more reading and research, on gear and PCT.

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