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Thread: Going to mexico... gear on a cruise?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Going to mexico... gear on a cruise?

    i am going to mexico on a cruise in january. I know that pharmacy's in Mexico sell pharm grade gear for relatively cheap, i was wondering what kind of security measures will be at the port, and how safe it would be to bring a couple vials with me. I thought about emptying them out into a very well cleaned (probably boiled) eyedrop containers?

    what do yall think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    There will be drug dogs at the ports when you get back off the ship in the US.

    They can smell gear. I dont care what anyone else says . Dogs can be trained to smell anything.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    When we came off cruise ship in US port, had to walk pass ATF with drug dogs.
    DOnt think they can smell out ASS, but if you get caught, its just like cocaine or herion. Class 3 drug. You can go bye bye for a while!

  4. #4
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    Mar 2009
    Drug dogs can smell anything they are trained to smell.

    Hell there are dogs that can cancer cells that are growing in a human. Because they are differant from the normal cells they are trained to smell.

    The reason I know that some drug dogs can smell AAS is Because I know a man who traines these animals. To sniff the drugs out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    If I'm on a cycle will my sweat trigger the dogs? I travel a lot and I see dogs sometimes at the airport, particularly on international flights. I didn't know they can sniff out AAS. I'm a little nervous now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    customs coming off a cruise ship is so lax...they do not have dogs there that can smell gear, im sure there are dogs that can smell gear, but not at a cruise port..
    u will be 100%fine bringing gear back from mexico via cruise...i would worry about the quality of gear more then getting nailed...

  7. #7
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    May 2008

    Not An issue

    Guys comon dogs smelling gear. I bring gear everywhere I go. I was worried about the same thing about 2 years ago.

    I now just throw it in with my comsmetics. Needles seperate from ampules.

    Now if that still worries you. Get a large bottle of conditioner. Empty 20% of it. Put all your gear in the conditionor bottle. I buy my test and Deca in Greece and throw it in there. Last time I brought 60 amps last time. I transport weed,
    cocaine and anything else I want to party with. When I get home I gut the conditionor bottle and wash it all.

    The stoppers will NOT fail. Trust me.

    I have been thru x-Ray machines and searches. Dogs in jfk and they don't find anything.

  8. #8
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    On this site...
    I would say most of the stuff you would get from any tourism area would be fake...

  9. #9
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    Sep 2007
    my dad trains dogs for the Milwaukee COunty Police dept. and they couldcareless what gear smells like.. trust me lol i did my research..hahahahah here puppy puppy.. but i still wouldnt try, he never trained them to smell gear so it may be possible..
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 08-05-2009 at 03:14 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    southern ca.
    dont worry about it ! your fine think about it do you really think they are gonna have a dog to smell out steroids drugs like heroin yeah but roids . afew vials ok. a suitcase full they might wanna look in it.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    When we came off cruise ship in US port, had to walk pass ATF with drug dogs.
    DOnt think they can smell out ASS, but if you get caught, its just like cocaine or herion. Class 3 drug. You can go bye bye for a while!
    I know it is a typo Poppa But did you catch that? You dont think a drug dog can smell ASS!!! LOL That is funking funny!! I know you meant AAS But that is classic!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by LizzardSecond View Post
    Guys comon dogs smelling gear. I bring gear everywhere I go. I was worried about the same thing about 2 years ago.

    I now just throw it in with my comsmetics. Needles seperate from ampules.

    Now if that still worries you. Get a large bottle of conditioner. Empty 20% of it. Put all your gear in the conditionor bottle. I buy my test and Deca in Greece and throw it in there. Last time I brought 60 amps last time. I transport weed,
    cocaine and anything else I want to party with. When I get home I gut the conditionor bottle and wash it all.

    The stoppers will NOT fail. Trust me.

    I have been thru x-Ray machines and searches. Dogs in jfk and they don't find anything.
    That us funny you say that.... I had a friend that almost did 3 years in prison because he tried hiding his painkillers and Pot in a Shampoo bottle.. Pert plus to be exact and the dogs were able to smell it no problem! When they found it they told him this... These dogs have smelled 500# of marijuana sealed in a steel cage inside a 13,000gallon oil tanker like it was an ounce in someones pocket! I would not go trying to carry anything across the and back into the US from another country with that! method

  13. #13

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by kas3379 View Post
    i am going to mexico on a cruise in january. I know that pharmacy's in Mexico sell pharm grade gear for relatively cheap, i was wondering what kind of security measures will be at the port, and how safe it would be to bring a couple vials with me. I thought about emptying them out into a very well cleaned (probably boiled) eyedrop containers?

    what do yall think
    I think you will be just fine doing it this way.
    Use your caution like mentioned and you will pass with flying colors.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    If I'm on a cycle will my sweat trigger the dogs? I travel a lot and I see dogs sometimes at the airport, particularly on international flights. I didn't know they can sniff out AAS. I'm a little nervous now.

  15. #15
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    im guessing if there were AAS dogs they would be trained to smell the oils and not the AAS itself.

  16. #16
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    I got busted almost 8 years ago coming back from mexico for 10 amps of test 10 weeks of deca, 500 loritabs and 500 somas. I had taped it to my nutts. my buddy and I got busted at custums they said that they watch the pharmacies. they made us give it all back to them and sign a paper saying we would never do it again and let us go. I was out over a grand but never went to jail.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by sportjuncky View Post
    I got busted almost 8 years ago coming back from mexico for 10 amps of test 10 weeks of deca, 500 loritabs and 500 somas. I had taped it to my nutts. my buddy and I got busted at custums they said that they watch the pharmacies. they made us give it all back to them and sign a paper saying we would never do it again and let us go. I was out over a grand but never went to jail.
    I bet that was a pretty scary moment! Crap man...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by sportjuncky View Post
    I got busted almost 8 years ago coming back from mexico for 10 amps of test 10 weeks of deca, 500 loritabs and 500 somas. I had taped it to my nutts. my buddy and I got busted at custums they said that they watch the pharmacies. they made us give it all back to them and sign a paper saying we would never do it again and let us go. I was out over a grand but never went to jail.
    Ive heard basically the same except it's not the cops watching, the pharmacy calls them or basically they are all in it together and keep selling the same gear, never run out of inventory.

    It's just a sting more or less but no intentions of putting you in jail, they just want the money and product back.

  19. #19
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    I wouldnt risk it

  20. #20
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    F*ck i hate the place i live in but i can go right now and buy 1000ml's of any testosterone i want for a quarter of what u guys pay...

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    I know it is a typo Poppa But did you catch that? You dont think a drug dog can smell ASS!!! LOL That is funking funny!! I know you meant AAS But that is classic!
    Dang nine, guess we gonna have ta make you editor and chief around here!

    But yes, I do think they can smell ASS, with all the egg whites I eat, I'd kill most drug dogs with a popcorn fart!

    Dont think they train dogs for AAS work. To much herion and cocain to worry about getting thru, than to focus on something like steriods.

    At best it would be a sting, like suggested before, that would get you busted!

  22. #22
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    If your really contemplating about bringing gear back, heres what to do. Empty a small shampoo bottle, and wash it out well. Get your gear, cut the ring off the vial top, pull out the rubber stopper, dump gear into shampoo bottle. When you get back home, buy a 4$ filter and refilter the gear into a new 2$ vial. Now you have cheep sterile gear.

  23. #23
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    send it back to your house man...

  24. #24
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    I said this another post.. I got popped in Mexico with some valium... they put me handcuffed into the back of a pickup and took me into a judges quarters and I enede up getting shook down for a $100 to let me go!! my GF too! They just waned a bribe!!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    If I'm on a cycle will my sweat trigger the dogs? I travel a lot and I see dogs sometimes at the airport, particularly on international flights. I didn't know they can sniff out AAS. I'm a little nervous now.
    Don't worry just stay away from the dogs with the big muscles that are in a rage and are going slightly bald and you will be fine

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by kas3379 View Post
    i am going to mexico on a cruise in january. I know that pharmacy's in Mexico sell pharm grade gear for relatively cheap, i was wondering what kind of security measures will be at the port, and how safe it would be to bring a couple vials with me. I thought about emptying them out into a very well cleaned (probably boiled) eyedrop containers?

    what do yall think
    Did we all go into a time machine to 2001? Who the hell buys gear now a days and really thinks there is pharm grade gear anywhere in mexico? U believe in mexican jumping beans too? No and no bro, dont do it plain in simple. Take some shots, enjoy the food/women, get back to safety on the ship, leave it at that.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Did we all go into a time machine to 2001? Who the hell buys gear now a days and really thinks there is pharm grade gear anywhere in mexico? U believe in mexican jumping beans too? No and no bro, dont do it plain in simple. Take some shots, enjoy the food/women, get back to safety on the ship, leave it at that.
    Hate to break it to you but there are mexican jumping beans. LOL

  28. #28
    Alright I just got off a cruise ship two weeks ago that came back from Mexico. I did not come prepared to bring stuff back. However when we were in port I purchased some clen and sust 250. I was very nervous from that point forward because I did not do my research before hand. The night before we returned, I panicked and threw the sust 250 in the trash, and put the clen in a prescription bottle. We got off the ship, there were no dogs, no one getting checked, nothing. I would recommend getting off the ship as early as possible and carrying your bags off. I wish I did not throw my sust 250 away!

  29. #29
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    I have a cruise booked for next week. (last minute decision) I'm thinking about doing a little shopping while there also but I think I have it figured out almost foolproof since I have a prescription, travel letters for use/transport and a couple empty bottles.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by kas3379 View Post
    i am going to mexico on a cruise in january. I know that pharmacy's in Mexico sell pharm grade gear for relatively cheap,
    the answer to this is you heard wrong. theres nowhere you are stopping that has pharm grade that is cheap. nowhere. you have been misinformed. the only place you would have struck it lucky is in a smaller city in the middle of nowhere about 15 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    There will be drug dogs at the ports when you get back off the ship in the US.

    They can smell gear. I dont care what anyone else says . Dogs can be trained to smell anything.
    they could smell gear if they wanted to. they arent trained for it. know how i know? simple- know how many people are on legit HRT? enough to know that they dont smell for gear.

    Quote Originally Posted by JinNtonic View Post
    I would say most of the stuff you would get from any tourism area would be fake...
    clothes yes. gear, not really. i see gear in some of the pharmacies. its always sustanon 100 or 250 and deca 50 or 100. thats all you're going to find.

    glad i could help sort these questions out.

  31. #31
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    I also found primobolan acetate and 50 mg primo amps from Schering in one of the border towns but that was years ago..

  32. #32
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    ive found lots of deca, stenox, and "Sostenon 250" -redijects
    and liquid Dianabol ..that was had a picture of a horse on the front in a brown bottle. was 80dollars for like 100ml

  33. #33
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    and the Sostenon 250 was made by Organon
    pretty sure thats pharm grade
    Last edited by dd0316; 08-16-2009 at 10:29 AM.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by dd0316 View Post
    and the Sostenon 250 was made by Organon
    pretty sure thats pharm grade
    yep. 10% benzyl alcohol its the good stuff! i wouldnt even bother with that either.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by dd0316 View Post
    and liquid Dianabol ..that was had a picture of a horse on the front in a brown bottle. was 80dollars for like 100ml
    pre or post 2005 operation raw deal? i already know the answer. those companies dont exist anymore my man.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	loeffler-reforvit-b-bottle.jpg 
Views:	782 
Size:	18.7 KB 
ID:	101700  
    Last edited by JiGGaMaN; 08-16-2009 at 12:20 PM.

  36. #36
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    i was there 3 years ago...
    there was lots!

    those sostenon shots hurt like a MOFO, i couldnt sit for over a week

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by dd0316 View Post
    i was there 3 years ago...
    there was lots!

    those sostenon shots hurt like a MOFO, i couldnt sit for over a week
    i know. they are 10% benzyl alcohol and a 21 gauge 1.5" needle. its like the most painful "human" grade injection ever. trust me, ive been back a few times since operation raw deal, theres almost nothing now.

  38. #38
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    yeaa.. i saw a bottle of that
    but the most common one i saw had a blue and orange label if i remember correctly.
    haha..I thought that i was gonna that shit is ROUGHHHH

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    There will be drug dogs at the ports when you get back off the ship in the US.

    They can smell gear. I dont care what anyone else says . Dogs can be trained to smell anything.
    they are trained to smell all the different kinds of gear huh! sounds retarded

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by dd0316 View Post
    yeaa.. i saw a bottle of that
    but the most common one i saw had a blue and orange label if i remember correctly.
    haha..I thought that i was gonna that shit is ROUGHHHH
    how about like this, lol if it doesnt show up search 'Tornel'

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