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Thread: What do you think of this tren cycle. Don't be shy

  1. #1

    What do you think of this tren cycle. Don't be shy

    Ok I know it's kinda early to be planning my
    nest cycle since i'm not even off this eq and test e cycle but I can get my hands on some tren ace and I want to start planning now so in six months I'll know all I need to know about running tren.

    First off the tren I will be getting is vet grade tren ace in pellet form. It will be a home brew of 75mg a cc I beleive depending on how we brew it.
    Also I will be running a test e / test p mixture with it.

    1-9 test e&p eod 350mg a week
    2-7 tren ace eod 525mg a week
    6-11 winstrol Ed 700mg a week
    1-11 hcg at 800ius a week

    I'm still debating if I want to go from eod to Ed

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    I don't like test e for only 9 weeks. 12 min since its a long ester

    I also prefer ED when doing Tren Ace

    Is this a cutting cycle? how many other cycles have you done? with what?

    might as well post stats for us please

  3. #3
    2cycles sust and dbol and I'm finishing up test e and eq cycle
    bf around 12-14

    i ve gottan good results with the eq and test but with the tren cycle I'm looki gain a little more size and then cut up and get hard.

    I'd be running the test more for the prop then the eth. If I ran it for 9 weeks
    what would be the cons other than not getting the full potential of the compound?

  4. #4

    also if anyone has and feelings about home brew good or bad feel free to let me know

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    some people love their homebrew! and I was wondering why you were going to run prop and Enth together.. why not pick one?

  6. #6
    as of right now i can only get my hands on a mixture. 200mg a cc even split.

    if i could just find prop then i would rather run that.

    im pricing out the home brew and is almost like its too good to be true.

  7. #7
    Morning bump

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the mix will be fine. long as you have enough active test prop in your system to replace your natty levels.

    suck it up and shoot the tren ED. youll get better results and less sides.

    you can start the tren at week 1.

    and thats alot of Winny. id say lower it. 50mg a day. 100 a day can be a pain in terms of sides, joint aches. and hair loss

    just my 2cc's

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    yes, test E for 12 weeks minimum, or switch it completely for Test P.
    I would also get some Brocriptamine for prolactin build up if you have access to any. And I would lower the winny to about 50mg ED. 100 mg of winny ED is A LOT, IMO. I am guessing you are taking the winny orally?

  10. #10
    I will be pinning the winny. I'm on 50mg ed right now and Im pinning it. I mix it with b12 and it helps with pain.

    How much prop should I run a week?
    Also I've heard it's better to front load the test a week then start the tren and then run it two weeks after the tren

    What's the deal with prolactin?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    at least 200mg of prop a week

    and no need to frontload the test if you already have prop running

    and no need to wait a week to start tren. it takes a week to kick in anyways.

    and you can run the test 1 week after the tren. cuz your blend is E and P. so youll have to start PCT 2 weeks after last shot of the test blend

    and prolactin....
    more research bro

    you need it

  12. #12
    That's why I'm here...... Research. I have learned it has somthing to do with gyno and progestarone. But I could and probably am wrong but I'm at work on my I phone so I'll have to wait to do major research when I get home.

  13. #13
    After work bump

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Not sure you need to bump on this, T-mos and Dukkitalaw have a lot of experience regarding tren. I would say read up on caber and/or bromo

  16. #16
    Will do. I was just hoping to get more input on the combanations and running the hcg.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    i wouldnt run hcg from week 1 to 11 , i would rather run it from last 4weeks until pct.

    and if ur going to do it , do it right and do ED injections . forget the test e and run tren a with test p .

    Tho you dont know how ur going to react to neither test p nor tren a... so if i were you i would run test p on its own then test p and tren together

  18. #18
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CRAMER View Post
    Will do. I was just hoping to get more input on the combanations and running the hcg.
    Quote Originally Posted by thai-lan View Post
    i wouldnt run hcg from week 1 to 11 , i would rather run it from last 4weeks until pct.

    and if ur going to do it , do it right and do ED injections . forget the test e and run tren a with test p .

    Tho you dont know how ur going to react to neither test p nor tren a... so if i were you i would run test p on its own then test p and tren together


    ive ran HCG both ways.

    if you do run it during cycle i run it at 500ius 2 days a week

    but ive also ran it last 2 weeks of cycle. up to pct

    both worked. i didnt see a big difference. so its up to you if you wanna spend more money really.

    its not that long or strong of a cycle. so id say you could run it the last 2 weeks of cycle. up until you start pct. then stop

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    lol yeah if u want to spend more money u could run it from week 1 up until pct

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by thai-lan View Post
    lol yeah if u want to spend more money u could run it from week 1 up until pct
    when i run it during cycle. its for long hard cycles

    and it def helps keep my balls alive

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