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  1. #1
    forced302 is offline New Member
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    First cycle concerns...

    I'm 5 weeks into my very first cycle. It's Sus & Deca ... My cycle is 1cc of sus & deca, twice a week. (don't know what that equates to in mgs) I've seen no gains, my weight hasn't budged a pound and I'm getting suspicious. I bought from a 10 yr. user and friend from gym that I've known for 3 years. I'm concerned that it's not legit stuff. Is there certain steroids that just don't work for some people? Should I look at different stuff from my next cycle? I've got pictures of it...can anyone help ease my concerns? Is there such a thing as slow gainers when it comes to cycling?
    Last edited by forced302; 08-06-2009 at 09:31 PM.

  2. #2
    CaliPhotog's Avatar
    CaliPhotog is offline Associate Member
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    Edit your photos dude. You can get the lab and url if you look close at the bottles. It looks like that stuff is dosed at 200mg/ml.

  3. #3
    CaliPhotog's Avatar
    CaliPhotog is offline Associate Member
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    No experience with those in particular, but 5 weeks in you should be seeing some results.

  4. #4
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by forced302 View Post
    I'm 5 weeks into my very first cycle. It's Sus & Deca... My cycle is 1cc of sus & deca, twice a week. (don't know what that equates to in mgs) I've seen no gains, my weight hasn't budged a pound and I'm getting suspicious. I bought from a 10 yr. user and friend from gym that I've known for 3 years. I'm concerned that it's not legit stuff. Is there certain steroids that just don't work for some people? Should I look at different stuff from my next cycle? I've got pictures of it...can anyone help ease my concerns? Is there such a thing as slow gainers when it comes to cycling?

    OK-How old are you?

    sust is 2x wk =500mgs

    deca is 2x wk =400 mgs

    You need to know the mgs per cc to do this right.

    Usually this is the dosing. But this is the first cycle, so if your old enough in the first place, you would run the sust only.(test E would be a even better choice).

    Your mgs are too low also.(I pointed this out allready).

    It also takes some time to see results.They are not instantaneous.

    As far as your gear being legit, get it tested.

    The pics should have been posted in another part of the forum.(self explanatory)

    And no UG names on the forum.(Your pics).
    Last edited by TITANIUM; 08-05-2009 at 10:50 PM.

  5. #5
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    Titanium is right.. The Deca even at very high doses most will tell you 6 weeks Min. before seeing any gains in harness strength etc.. as far as the sust... Same thing for the long esters in it... If you are shooting at least 400mg a week you should have seen a little strength and a little bloat from the prop by now. Maybe not though, there is only 30 or 60mg of short ester in sust if I remember correctly and maybe you just are not noticing it!

    Biggest question is...... How well do you trust this guy??? I would have hoped after 3 years and enough conversations that you both felt comfortable doing an illeagal transaction that you would pretty well trust that he is not robbing you! Plus has he used those same items?? have you seen the gains on him?? If he were to sell you bunk gear (gear he knew was fake) wouldnt it be a little wierd for him to still talk to you after 10 weeks of no gains? Give it till the end of week 6! if you still feel absolutely nothing , then I would say with some certainty that is is bunk! Still, maybe he got bunk gear this time and sold it to you without being aware of that! You never know

  6. #6
    forced302 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the advice...

    let me see if I can answer some of the questions...

    I'm 34, 6'2", 235lbs. They are 400/week not enough? Maybe I was falling into all the hype about how the first cycle is always your biggest gains...I just assumed it was quicker to come.

    Someone mentioned having it tested...I'm up for that. One question is how much extra do I need to buy to send out? It's not cheap so that's why I'm asking.

    I do trust him and he looks fantastic using that same stuff... I wasn't concern so much as if its the right stuff but more of if it's the right stuff for me. Does everyone have the same results from the same stuff? ..or does is person gain better on different stuff.

  7. #7
    forced302 is offline New Member
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    the photos seemed questionable so I took them off. I'm not sure what part is the "UG names" are so i took them off until I figure that out. I'm new and don't want to break any rules out of the gate...

  8. #8
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by forced302 View Post
    the photos seemed questionable so I took them off. I'm not sure what part is the "UG names" are so i took them off until I figure that out. I'm new and don't want to break any rules out of the gate...
    no problem bro, thanks for taking down the pictures

    did you have any other questions? to answer your inquiry about speed, sust and deca (especially deca) will take several weeks before you really notice them working well

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