I have done 2 cycles already and I am getting ready for my 3rd.
I am wondering, with a normal test level of about 440NG/ML at 23, should I even bother with PCT or should I just cruise at 250MG a week while off cycle.
I have done 2 cycles already and I am getting ready for my 3rd.
I am wondering, with a normal test level of about 440NG/ML at 23, should I even bother with PCT or should I just cruise at 250MG a week while off cycle.
Yes on the PCT , so your levels are 440NG/ML with no PCT..? How many weeks out of your cycle did you get tested ? Did you use just Test ?
with PCT you should get even higher........
Its a personal decision but I wouldn't cruise at 23 with 440NG/ML. If i was anything less then 300 it would be a different story.........This is just me
Last edited by fozy; 08-06-2009 at 02:02 PM.
Pretty young to cruise and blast bro. What are your goals?
i'm cruising after this cycle...but only because i want to compete and actually be good and make the gains and stop this yo yo up and down shit with PCT.
To be honest, I have really wanted to stay on aswell. Hate to see my numbers go down the crapper. I know a lot of guys that stay on heavy doses for a long time. Just dont know if I am willing to do that. Good luck with you goals RF55!
I was using some shitty small UGL but it worked!!! The endocrinologoisy said 2700 was as high as the test measured and he said it looks as tho it would have read much higher!!
Ohh and yes, I did feel like a God!
High stress levels suppress nat test production....
Depends on your goals. If your not planning on making a living with BB and you don't have natural low test I don't see any reason to cruise.
Do you want to have kids someday? If you do I'd hold off on cruising. Whatever you decide good luck
i would cruise bro!
It all depends on what you want to do... If you plan on cruising for 2-3 months and then going right into cycle and so forth.. basicall blasting and cruising I would say go ahead. If you just want to cruise, go back and do one cycle I would say do the PCT... But that is just me.. I feel it is harder to get natty test back the longer you keep it shut down! I am on trt so i will be on cruise for my entire life or till a better method becomes cost effective. just hate to see your natty levels fall off and never have you get them back.
Check his pervious post's, this guys is a troll and pointless answering because we cant get the truth and he continues to lie.
What is a lie about anything I've said??
I neglected PCT on both cycles, once because of a state-paid vacation, the other from just plain carlelessness.
I figured that after 2+ years my hormones would rebound hence why I'm concerned about the low numbers I showed.
Thanks for the ummm..."support" Marcus!???!
Ohh you said previous posts...not previous PCT.
As for my other post, one is asking about dosing the anadrol in an upcoming cycle, and the other was about potentially restructuring the whole cycle.
Anyways, atleast now everyone knows about my PCT history so perhaps it'll help better answer the question
Yeah I was planning cycling and cruising every 2-3 months and I figured with my natty levels being so low what's the point ofwasting the time/cash/gains trying to bring them back.
What about what you mentioned
About having kids? I've heard that testosterone injections are supposed to be effective as a male birth control method, but tons of people have gotten women pregnant mid-cycle
No worries man!! Nice to meet ya!Originally Posted by marcus300;4798***
cruise on bro , no need to live with low test .
and by the way , first of all 440 is very low for a 23 year old , second low test is VERY dangerous , let me repeat , VERY.
stay on low dose between cycle 200-250 mg which is actually healthier for you than PCT .
Works differentl on everyone bro and that is why after studies they never used it as a form of male B.C.!! As far as what it will do to you sterility, Only time will tell. I know even if it does make you sterile, there are ways for doctors to make you good to go again to have children so not a huge concern!
I know a good way now.. Sperm Bank. You can go make a deposit there and you will always have ready to go!
This was my exact thought. 440 at my age is low, although by "standards" its fine in the eyes of my doctor.
I was thinking one shot once a week of 250MG test, just to get on by, but would you say any permament damage has been done by my low test levels? I mean, my metabolism/sex drive have decreased, but im just as ****ing hairy as before!!!!![]()
lmao shoot 1st ask questions laterOriginally Posted by marcus300;4798***
if you still want to have kids just hit up HCG while you are "on". I got my gf while using HCG and being on HRT for over 1.5 years. HCG is your answer amigo
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