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  1. #1
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    All New Members Thinking of Doing a Steroid Cycle.. PLEASE READ!!

    This is not a thread to flame new guys here.. Just always see a lot of this "am I ready threads" and thought this would be a good test to see if you are in fact.. READY

    Here is the test.... Take your diet and make sure it is at least 85% spot on!!
    This means there is enough meals everyday,
    Each of these meals have proper nutrition.\
    Also make sure that your PRE Workout Meal / Shake and your Post Workout Meal / Shake are designed properly.. This means the correct carbs and protein to get you through your workout.. then.. the right kind of Carbs to replenish and deliver your protein (and the correct type of protein!) to your Muscles..!![/size]

    Also make sure each of these meals are spaced apart correctly and not only your total daily count of Cals, Pro's, Carb's and Fat's is balanced, but each meal is correctly balanced for the time of day and your daily schedule..I.E. More carbs early less near bedtime etc. etc..

    Ok.. Now this should take you a good month easy!! Hopefully you have already done enough research to know that everyone is different and what foods work for 1, might not work for another... So for the next few weeks you will need to try different foods, Past vs rice (brown vs. white) Milk vs skim milk vs no milk!! Things like this... Once you know what foods work for you and what foods do not... Yo can now actually take the time of writing and preparing your diet.... (takes me at least a few hours)

    OK now that we have the diet as close to perfect as you can get it with the correct foods for you.. Hang this on the fridge and save a copy on your hard drive....

    From now on, The foods on that list should be the only thing besides Vagina or Penis (whatever your preference) that goes in your mouth!!

    Take this diet and stick to it for the next 12 weeks minimum!! Ok I know that seems like a long time but guess what?? you wanted to do a cycle which would probably last for 12 weeks right?? Well this is how you would eat if you were on that cycle!! So give this test a try....

    Stick to this diet you just fine tuned for the next 12 weeks and see how much your body responds to eating properly..

    this will do a few things for you..

    1) will let you know if you can keep a diet like this up and keep to a strict workout and injection schedule

    2)show you how important the diet actually is and show those who think steroids are a miracle in a bottle that they are only an aid and the diet is the actual "miracle"

    3)Maybe it will show everyone asking "am I ready for a cycle" that you did not actually need a cycle! That it really was and has been the diet all these years causing you to be ...Too Skinny, Too Fat, Too Weak, too Soft , Etc. Etc..

    Good luck! This is really not a test but the real life reality of the most important aspect of doing steroids there is!!
    The diet is as important as.. Training & Steroids put together X 2!!
    Dont believe me?? Try doing this with your diet and in 4 months , come back and tell me I am a Liar.. You will need pictures to prove me wrong though cause if you do it correctly there should not be 1 person without a legitimate medical problem that does not see amazing results!!

    Last edited by ninesecz; 08-08-2009 at 07:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    i like this

    common sense

    but sometimes we need that shoved in our faces cuz we lose track of the simple things

    good job

  3. #3
    Juturna is offline Banned
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    You bastard.. You made this about me, how embarrassing.

  4. #4
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    You bastard.. You made this about me, how embarrassing.

  5. #5
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    I like it too.

    We can't stress diet enough here. If you can't stick to a strict diet and training regimen, don't bother even considering steroids .

  6. #6
    Juturna is offline Banned
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    I don't care what ninesecz says, I'll run Drol at 250mg 2x per day if I want to..

    No, kidding. Good post NS

  7. #7
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    It ws made for all of us!! most of us ( me included) Do not put enough emphasis on diet all the time!! I know how important it is, I have seen what eating 6-8 good meals vs3-4 meals can do to my physique and just wanted to help people getting ready to maybe "do a cycle" what is actually involved in doing something as simple as eating correctly!! It is actually very very heard work to do it right! People who are not even close to there can try this and after a few months might say screw steroids , Diet is key..

    Which is actually the truth!1 Diet is "KEY"

  8. #8
    1bigun11's Avatar
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    I have my own test. If you have to ask some stranger on an internet board if you are ready to take steroids , then you are not ready to take steroids. Go home and ask your momma if you are ready, then come back.

  9. #9
    Juturna is offline Banned
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    I have my own test. If you have to ask some stranger on an internet board if you are ready to take steroids, then you are not ready to take steroids. Go home and ask your momma if you are ready, then come back.
    Yeah, I'll check with your Mom tonight....

  10. #10
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1bigun11 View Post
    I have my own test. If you have to ask some stranger on an internet board if you are ready to take steroids, then you are not ready to take steroids. Go home and ask your momma if you are ready, then come back.
    Let me ask you a serious question... Without the internet.. How easy is it to find info about steroids ??? Not very and may I ask where it is you received all you knowledge?? you either got it online and now being cocky, Do not have a clue about them, or experimented on yourself and used trial and error!! Me myself I will take the internet over the other 2 any day!

  11. #11
    Juturna is offline Banned
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    Let me ask you a serious question... Without the internet.. How easy is it to find info about steroids??? Not very and may I ask where it is you received all you knowledge?? you either got it online and now being cocky, Do not have a clue about them, or experimented on yourself and used trial and error!! Me myself I will take the internet over the other 2 any day!
    I still choose his 'Momma' versus the internet and trial and error. They were made by the devil.

    If it weren't for this forum, I'd be about 140 lbs.

  12. #12
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    I still choose his 'Momma' versus the internet and trial and error. They were made by the devil.

    If it weren't for this forum, I'd be about 140 lbs.

    OK!! Is this forum not on the internet?? So you are now just plain being a wiseass by talking about his mom!! So how would you choose his mom over trial and error and "the internet" You are praising this forum (which is good) which is located on the internet...

    So what exactly are you saying??

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Excellent information for the newbies considering doing a cycle, diet is the key to growth and being consistant with it over a many months is what will achieve your goals, over the years ive done many types of diets and being consistant and palying with different food sources has transform my whole body.I cant express how important diet is when it comes to building muscle tissue, good thread

  14. #14
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Excellent information for the newbies considering doing a cycle, diet is the key to growth and being consistant with it over a many months is what will achieve your goals, over the years ive done many types of diets and being consistant and palying with different food sources has transform my whole body.I cant express how important diet is when it comes to building muscle tissue, good thread
    This is exactly the point I am trying to get across! There is a lot of people out there who really do not think about how long 16-18 weeks really is (cycle + PCT) when it comes to eating and training on a perfect tight schedule... A lot of people get 6,8 weeks into it and then start slacking off...miss a workout, miss an injection, go out drinking and then ffel like crap for a day and barely neat anything... these are all things that if you ask me should never happen when on a cycle... Maybe i am mak9ng too much out of it but when I am doing a cycle I make sure my diet, exercise routine and my Injection schedule are as perfect as I can get them... I may not be perfect all the time and I am definately not as careful when I am off.. but I want as much as I can get while I am on.. Even though I have never ran gear for more than 8weeks, I have dieted for many times longer than that! This makes me confident about being able toi run this current cycle for 14 weeks without falter!

  15. #15
    vaders4 is offline Member
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    I went from 155lbs to 188lbs in 4 months with a (for the most part) proper diet.

    Never used to eat breakfast, would eat allot of fast foods etc..

    Now I eat like a mad man, granted I'm on a bulking diet but it's just proof the diet works. I can't even begin to count the "are you on steroids " comments I'm receiving.

    A good diet WORKS! .. and hard exercise helps too

    Nice post nicesecz!!

  16. #16
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Thanks for the compliment! I wish people were actually reading this! It still seems there are people that are going right by this thread and and still askimng the question!

  17. #17
    Matt's Avatar
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    Great post lol....

  18. #18
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Why do you "lol" after every post?

  19. #19
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Man I thought this would be a great article for newbees to read but i guess they would rather not hear about diet!

  20. #20
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    3,578 much bold black things needs more color.....haha

  21. #21
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    T-MOS can throw some red in there...he likes the red when he is pissing on not calling you one

  22. #22
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    there you go! All colorful now! HAPPY??

  23. #23
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    Holy sh*t you actually did it.......well now that you could throw in some pictures, oh and maybe some links of threads related to good diet.....then I will HAPPY lmao

  24. #24
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    This is not a thread to flame new guys here.. Just always see a lot of this "am I ready threads" and thought this would be a good test to see if you are in fact.. READY

    Here is the test.... Take your diet and make sure it is at least 85% spot on!!
    This means there is enough meals everyday,
    Each of these meals have proper nutrition.\
    Also make sure that your PRE Workout Meal / Shake and your Post Workout Meal / Shake are designed properly.. This means the correct carbs and protein to get you through your workout.. then.. the right kind of Carbs to replenish and deliver your protein (and the correct type of protein!) to your Muscles..!![/size]

    Also make sure each of these meals are spaced apart correctly and not only your total daily count of Cals, Pro's, Carb's and Fat's is balanced, but each meal is correctly balanced for the time of day and your daily schedule..I.E. More carbs early less near bedtime etc. etc..

    Ok.. Now this should take you a good month easy!! Hopefully you have already done enough research to know that everyone is different and what foods work for 1, might not work for another... So for the next few weeks you will need to try different foods, Past vs rice (brown vs. white) Milk vs skim milk vs no milk!! Things like this... Once you know what foods work for you and what foods do not... Yo can now actually take the time of writing and preparing your diet.... (takes me at least a few hours)

    OK now that we have the diet as close to perfect as you can get it with the correct foods for you.. Hang this on the fridge and save a copy on your hard drive....

    From now on, The foods on that list should be the only thing besides Vagina or Penis (whatever your preference) that goes in your mouth!!

    Take this diet and stick to it for the next 12 weeks minimum!! Ok I know that seems like a long time but guess what?? you wanted to do a cycle which would probably last for 12 weeks right?? Well this is how you would eat if you were on that cycle!! So give this test a try....

    Stick to this diet you just fine tuned for the next 12 weeks and see how much your body responds to eating properly..

    this will do a few things for you..

    1) will let you know if you can keep a diet like this up and keep to a strict workout and injection schedule

    2)show you how important the diet actually is and show those who think steroids are a miracle in a bottle that they are only an aid and the diet is the actual "miracle"

    3)Maybe it will show everyone asking "am I ready for a cycle" that you did not actually need a cycle! That it really was and has been the diet all these years causing you to be ...Too Skinny, Too Fat, Too Weak, too Soft , Etc. Etc..

    Good luck! This is really not a test but the real life reality of the most important aspect of doing steroids there is!!
    The diet is as important as.. Training & Steroids put together X 2!!
    Dont believe me?? Try doing this with your diet and in 4 months , come back and tell me I am a Liar.. You will need pictures to prove me wrong though cause if you do it correctly there should not be 1 person without a legitimate medical problem that does not see amazing results!!

    Nine-Keep this kind of work up and you'll be a mod here.
    great work!

    I would like to see this as a sticky.

  25. #25
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    Ya it is a good thread.....should be a sticky but you have to admit the colors did make it I was just giving him a hard time

  26. #26
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Yes, Lets try to keep this close to the top where all the new guys might catch a glimpse!!
    I think I should have gave the thread a better more catchy title! Maybe that is the problem?!

  27. #27
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    HAHA its fine I just got your ass paranoid

  28. #28
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Yes, Lets try to keep this close to the top where all the new guys might catch a glimpse!!
    I think I should have gave the thread a better more catchy title! Maybe that is the problem?!
    Nine-Ask T about it. It's right as rain.Would make a great sticky!

  29. #29
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    Well if it makes it to a sticky let me know so I can edit my post

  30. #30
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    Good looking out for the young felllas bro.

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  32. #32
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    From now on, The foods on that list should be the only thing besides Vagina or Penis (whatever your preference) that goes in your mouth!!
    lol i thought he was targeting juturna about that wen i read this


  33. #33
    F500 is offline New Member
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    Great post... if you can't keep a diet in check you have no business using gear... however I hope you are not suggesting that off cycle diet is the same as on cycle... If I ate the same off cycle as I did on I think I could be a canidate for the Biggest Loser..

  34. #34
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F500 View Post
    Great post... if you can't keep a diet in check you have no business using gear... however I hope you are not suggesting that off cycle diet is the same as on cycle... If I ate the same off cycle as I did on I think I could be a canidate for the Biggest Loser..
    Well of course not! and thats another item that anyone ready to use AAS should already know! Definately want a nice clean and healthy diet even when "off" that is the prolem, most people eat cleaner when on cycle so if you can not get through 12-16 weeks of a good decent diet before even using, how the hell will anyone be able to step it up even more when using gear?!

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