oi, i'm new here but not new to steroids... i've done 3 cycles, ran deca/winny/masteron/pct ...... d-bol/deca/test ........... and an all anavar cycle that i must say was awsome for straight shooter type gains... my first 2cycles where good but i was uneducated and stupid and didn't time anything right at all... so i'm here to say that i wanna do a proper cycle but i need to tweak it, with some help.
- wk 1-12 EquiTest (250mg Test Enanthate, 200mg EQ) 450mg/ml EW
- wk 1-12 EQ 300mg/ml EW
- wk 1-12 Proviron 25mg ED
- wk 6-12 Winstrol 50mg/ml EOD
- wk 12-14 HCG 2500iu 2xW
- wk 12-16 Aromasin 12.5mg 2xED
i don't want massive size, i mainly want to start training double time for my sport, so this is not for bodybuilding! Equi/test is a combo of test-e and EQ, and i don't really wanna do more then 250mg test a week anyway, so i added the extra bottle of EQ to max out on it! so do you think this cycle has a high probibilty of sides, and are my pct's o.k. to battle them, please feel free to tottaly rip this appart, thanks!