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Thread: Super Awesome Cycle?

  1. #1

    Exclamation Super Awesome Cycle?

    oi, i'm new here but not new to steroids... i've done 3 cycles, ran deca/winny/masteron/pct ...... d-bol/deca/test ........... and an all anavar cycle that i must say was awsome for straight shooter type gains... my first 2cycles where good but i was uneducated and stupid and didn't time anything right at all... so i'm here to say that i wanna do a proper cycle but i need to tweak it, with some help.

    - wk 1-12 EquiTest (250mg Test Enanthate, 200mg EQ) 450mg/ml EW
    - wk 1-12 EQ 300mg/ml EW
    - wk 1-12 Proviron 25mg ED
    - wk 6-12 Winstrol 50mg/ml EOD
    - wk 12-14 HCG 2500iu 2xW
    - wk 12-16 Aromasin 12.5mg 2xED

    i don't want massive size, i mainly want to start training double time for my sport, so this is not for bodybuilding! Equi/test is a combo of test-e and EQ, and i don't really wanna do more then 250mg test a week anyway, so i added the extra bottle of EQ to max out on it! so do you think this cycle has a high probibilty of sides, and are my pct's o.k. to battle them, please feel free to tottaly rip this appart, thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    first off, what are ur stats man?

    list em all

  3. #3
    28 years old, lifting/training for 8 years... 5'9" 185 at 10% BF... just coming off type II pectoral strain (20% tear), training in MMA for 6 years, injuries are all too commen as of late, so i need to get back to full time training! done 3 cycles in the past, last cycle was just var and nolva for pct, and i've been clean for 6 weeks now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i would think u mma guys would be all over hgh, and im sure most are....
    winny will kill ur joints man, not good for what u do...

  5. #5
    ya i'm not gonna lie, hgh tempting, but what i've read on it is, clinicaly alone it does little for ya, or maybe in the sense of BB, but yes i would tottaly do hgh and will in the next few years for the recovery benifits! i've actualy done winny before and i never had a problem, but that was probably cause i ran deca with it... so then EQ won't act in the same manner as the Deca, what about the test too, won't that help in the lubricating of the joints?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    deca is good for joints and eq imo is amazing at a low bf% and hgh is awesome in every aspect.

  7. #7
    so hgh by itself is good then?... i read that it didn't do much for BB without AAS, but then again, what do i care, i an't BB, haha!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I have heard EQ is good for joints. I know people will run low doses of deca or npp to stop the joint issues with winni. IMHO I dont like the cycle at all the test is very low wont see anything at those doses and EQ is not strong enough or high enough dose to do much. EQ will help your cardio I guess. Let me ask you this do you get tested at all?

  9. #9
    like i mentioned i'm not a BB, even though its my favorite spectacle! i just am not interested in size, i already look pretty big when i cut weight, and even bigger in the off season, i go up to 198lbs and cut to 170lbs, so you can imagine! i'm looking to mainly heal up some nagging injuries and get back in the running for some top rosters that my club is holding until january... and no, there isn't any testing, the promo's i fight for wouldn't even care if i came in the cage with a buck knife or a satchet of sand to throw in the eye's of my opponent hahahaha... anyway, how could that cycle not do anything for me!!! people said the same about an only var cycle and i freakin gain 8lbs and my strength was retarded, BF went down too!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Well var is good for strength eq is not. Why not run npp you could keep weight under control with diet and strenght would be better imo than EQ plus help with joint probs that is what I was getting at. Only reason I didn't just say it is det time for nandrolone is retarded.

  11. #11
    ya i know, deca stays in your sys forever! o.k. what's npp? and whats imo mean? sorry still new to abbrivs and shit... oh and this is another post i put on another site, so i won't start a new thread and will just post it here again...

    yo hommi's... i need some advice on what to take to get back into the running for some top level MMA comps i may be going into... call it cheating, whatever, i'm going to smash some heads, with or without juice, but mainly i need a cycle that will enable me to train full time and not worry about stupid nagging injuries, i'm also just coming off of a type II strain (20% tear) in the pec, and its going alright but i've lost momentum... anyway, i've done 3 cycles prior,

    1st-deca/d-bol/cyp (awesome!)
    2nd - deca/winni/mast (this was a bad one, i couldn't get hard for like a month after!),
    3rd - 50days of 40mg var only ED which was seriously better then anything in regards to strength and keeping gains!
    pct's with all of them, even though it was only nolva and no HCG ever

    o.k. this time being my 4th cycle, i'm seriously gonna plan it perfect, so what should i do for my sport to enhance my perfornmance and not to gain too much weight, sides don't scare me, i will fallow any proper pct protocal!

    i'm 28, 185lbs, 10%BF, 5'8", training for 8 years.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    NPP is nandrolone, same hormone thats in deca only difference is it kicks in quicker and gives alot less bloat. Like I said detection time is enormous I think its like 12 months if I remember right so I would not even touch it if you are being tested. I know people that have run EQ for performance and it sucks, winni is real good for that but can hurt your joints if your not carefull.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    In a perfect world I would try this.

    Test prop 75 mg ed wks 1-12

    Npp 75 mg ed wks 1-11

    Winni 100MG ED (INJ if possible) last 5-6wks of cycle

    You should be retard strong by this point.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    Eq is a waste. Why not just 500mg of test a week? You can train harder and recover faster. You'll be able to "not get massive" by manipulating your diet accordingly.

  15. #15
    honestly there is a part of me that wants to get so ****ing nutballs jacked but indeed i must supress that appitite for a later feast! anything else you guys recomend to help with just injuries, like tendon strains, muscle tears, joint sorness? thanks for the feed back thus far!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    hgh I think does wonders for injuries of all sorts. My buddies who fight use it all the time. And I even used it to heal a kidney problem I had and it worked like a charm. winni will not help with your injuries though

  17. #17
    so hgh by itself is gtg? how much do you take? i will do it! also on the winni... read the bit on winni big cat wrote on forums, he says it actualy promotes collegen regeneration, but the strength increase cause your muscle to harden and sqweez the blood vessels in the tendons, but i'm sure with a short cycle and with test and EQ it can't be all bad, 6 weeks... i love juice!

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