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Thread: need advice on a bulking cycle! please help!

  1. #1

    need advice on a bulking cycle! please help!

    ive done 2 cycles before the first was just some test c, the second was test-400 w/deca both cycles worked great but it has been a while since if taken anything at least a year. ive been working out seriously for about 2 years. my stats are 180lb 5'10 bf 9% im looking to put a good 20 pounds at a minimum. i have on hand some test-450, test-prop, test-e, deca, winstrol, clomid, and nolvadex. also im alittle worried about my hair line so im going to add in some proscar while im on the cycle and some liv52 just to help the liver out. i want to keep the complete cycle pct included at 3 months. can anyone help me out here i cant make up my mind which to take and at what miligram, plus wheather or not to inject twice weekly or just once. also how many calories an carbs shoud i take in i plan on keeping the protein about 2g per pound of body weight. please help soon!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    12 weeks is too short to have the PCT be in it also! You would have to run an 8 week short ester prop only cycle in order to do this! Everything else, you would have to stop at 6 weeks or less and with long esters, that is just not long enough run time! So it would either be.. run the cycle longer, or run prop only for 8 weeks and 3 weeks for PCT and thasre is really nothing else you can do.. figure that out and get back to us!

  3. #3
    **** it i will run the cycle longer then, i really dont want to have to inject every other day unless i have to though.

  4. #4
    i can run the cycle all the way up to 3 months and then i will start my pct when i get to where im going. any recomendations now i need advice fast i want to start asap!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    If you are going to do it.. I would use your test E at 500mg Ew.. This will need 2 shots per week ! i personally would not add any compound to it.. Save the rest for 6-9 months down the road after this one is long over and maybe you can stack something with it. fo this one i would not stack! i am just giving you advice! This does not mean I am on board with you rushing into a cycle but if you want my suggestion that is it! Nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/100/50/50 for pct started exactly 14 days after the last shot of E

  6. #6
    yeah i was already thinking about 500mg of test a week for 12 weeks, i was also thinking maybe 400mg of deca as well and stop it a week or 2 prior to stoping the test or do you think that would just be a waist to only run the deca for 10 weeks. i can run my cycle not including pct all the way up to oct 29th. your pct looks pretty good though i will definately use that. do you think it is still pointless to stack the deca if i run it till oct 29th and also the win-v is probably not even worth adding to this cycle is it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Ran deca on my first cycle for 10 weeks with satisfactory results. Personally i don't like running cycles any longer than 10 weeks anyways

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    I would not run deca for only 10 weeks but that is me! I have personally never used deca but planning on it soon! When i do it will be a full strong 12 weeks! 2 weeks might not seem like much but when it does not really hit until week 6-7, 3 weeks vs 5 is a big difference!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    deca hits in 4-5 weeks max

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