I am 4 weeks in on my bulking cycle. I am about to start my fifth week. For the next 4 weeks (its only an 8 week cycle due to time restrictions) I was planning on just continuing to run slin at 50ius a day and test Prop at 700mg a week. One of my good friends is coming into town this weekend and is bringing me 100 abombs (They are the British dispensiary brand).
I am wondering if it is worth it to throw some in (maybe 1 a day) for the last 4 weeks of my cycle, or to save them and use them during the first 4 weeks of my next bulking cycle (next spring). I always see dbols and abombs at the beginning of cycles to kick start them, but was wondering if there is any value in putting them in at the end of a cycle? Would taking 1, or even 2, a day for the last 4 weeks of my cycle be a waste??
Thanks, lata!