Been running 100mg/day test prop for 9 weeks now, and been on winny tabs 50mg/day for 3 weeks. Early in my cycle started taking 2.5 mg/day letro in about my third week of cycle due to gyno flaring up (had from years ago first cycle for me in almost 5 years) but didn't seem like it was doing much but I am still on it-just reduced to 1.25/day, I mean nips were not as sore but still pretty puffy, started some l-dex a week ago and feels and looks much better.

Well seems like lately my fingernails have not been growing much and are weak and flimsy. Well I work in construction and have steeltoe work boots, so my feet take a beating everyday but damn my freaking big toenails on both sides are basically broke in half and are falling apart right in the middle and looks pretty bad.

This couldn't be the test could it? Shouldn't test make your fingernails grow more and be stronger? Or is the letro taking effect and has to do with low estrogen levels? My buddy said to pick up some biotin to help with nails and hair but have not got any yet. What do you think is the deal?