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Thread: I know I am supposed to bulk first but...

  1. #1

    I know I am supposed to bulk first but...

    My main reason for trying a cycle is to QUICKLY cut some weight and turn it into muscle. I used to play college baseball and was in really good shape at about 185 pounds - I am now at 220 (9 years later) and I want to get back to that size as quickly as possible. I am not trying to look like Mr. Universe or anything so please consider that when reading below:
    I am going to start a low carb diet and hit the gym - I can not do many exercises because of shoulders that dislocate easily - I am only wanting to get my upper body into great shape like I was a few years ago so I wanted to find out what you guys would recommend for my first cycle. I am hearing clenbuterol and winstrol but I also heard about something like equa...? Please let me know what you would recommend for this quick cut and tone project...

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Connecticut, USA
    Are you quite sure that the diet and gym time wouldn't be enough?

    And I think Equipoise my be the other substance you heard of. This may work well for you considering your goals, stacked with other gear of course.

    How tall are you?

    Have you been in the gym at all lately?

    do you feel like you are weaker overall than you were 9 years ago?

    Welcome to the boards, btw!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Just do it naturally steroids don't reall burn fat anyways.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    Just do it naturally steroids don't reall burn fat anyways.

    to a certain point, no? because all the profilers i read states that steroids do burn fat while put on muscle, but of course BF has to be bellow certain percentage.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    to a certain point, no? because all the profilers i read states that steroids do burn fat while put on muscle, but of course BF has to be bellow certain percentage.

    Sorry bro that is not how it works. Winstrol for instance will give you good results if your BF is low not because it will burn the rest off its because it increases muscle hardness and vascularity that you wouldn't be able to see if you are carrying fat. The way people cut is they use AAS to help keep the muscle they have when depleting their calories (diet). Its simple calories in vs calories out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    Gymnerd is correct! The steroids you are speaking of are not going to majically make you skinny and r i p p e d like you hope! Yes, there are some that along with a great diet, a lot of cardio, and a good exercise routine will help get you cut up, but to take them cause you are overweight is not a good reason.
    1) Taking Clen being overweight could very easily cause a Heart Attack! It raises the HR and could cause problems in that sense.

    2) Winstrol is hard on joints and if you have easily dislocated shoulders, this could make them worse and be painful. on top of it you would still need to run some form of test with winny and run a course of PCT and i see none of either of those mentioned!!

    Here is what you need. a good diet (6-8) meals a day! 7-10 hours of cardio a week and maybe, maybe a GNC type fat burner like Lipo 6 or Hydroxicuts! Something like this will help get you some energy and may be help soeed up your metabolism a bit! other than that I really do not see steroids in your future!
    Sorry, I know that is not what you wanted to hear but i do not sugar coat things for people! I give them the truth!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    Sorry bro that is not how it works. Winstrol for instance will give you good results if your BF is low not because it will burn the rest off its because it increases muscle hardness and vascularity that you wouldn't be able to see if you are carrying fat. The way people cut is they use AAS to help keep the muscle they have when depleting their calories (diet). Its simple calories in vs calories out.
    Exactly. Technically speaking clenbuteral is the only steroid classified as a fat burner and technically speaking it's not a steroid. They also say that trenbolone burns fat but I don't believe that is anything other than the opinion of people who have used it previously. It always annoys me when people say they want winstrol because they want to burn fat it doesn't work like that. I won't repeat gymnerd because he just said exactly what i tell people when i hear them say that. Technically speaking all steroids do burn fat in people who work out hard and watch their diet. Trust me I've seen plenty of people get bloated and fat on a cycle because they think they are supposed to eat everything possible to maximize the effect and I've also seen people get hard while doing test. It comes down to knowledge, experience, trial and error because what works for one guys won't necessarily work for you.

  8. #8
    One more thing I believe anyone looking to start a steroid cycle should first exhaust all of their options naturally or at least get a solid base going before going that route. I think a lot of that has to do with the times(not to sound like an old man) but we are the here and now generation everyone(myself included) wants what they want and want to look how they want to look now we don't want to wait. But the truth is even with juice it's still a process they only give you an edge they're not miracle drugs you still have to put the work into your diet and exercise.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    thanks guys, that was great information...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Ottawa, ON Canada
    Technically speaking, Steroids do not chemically by any means burn fat.

    BUT, on the contrary, it does allow you to exert more force, power and intensity with your workouts, therefore aiding in the burning of fat. It has been stated, Steroids are nothing but a tool, a higher base of operations if you will. This is especially true for fat loss.

    So once again, Steroids can aid your goal, but mainly you will have to put in the work, change your diet, change your workout routine and work your ass off.

    However, until you have met the above criteria, got everything in check and are ready to shed those pounds naturally, Steroid use is not advisable.

    So in other words change your diet and set up a new workout routine. Think of it as a transmission in a car. The car can reach its maximum potential in 5th gear, but you have to go through the previous 4 gears fully until the "red line" to get the most out of the last gear.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    Great can however start with the fifth gear, but something will definitely break sooner or later.

    BTW, ChipD22, not sure how old you are, but i am almost 50 and changed my diet a little over three months ago and everyone is telling me i look great, this morning after my cardio i weighed 207, this is down from 235. You can lose fat quicker than you think without injecting anything.

  12. #12
    Thanks fellas, this really helped...

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