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Thread: Some concerns I have with this cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Some concerns I have with this cycle

    I am doing a Epistane and H-dol cycle for 6 weeks

    I have heard some concerns.....

    1. 6 weeks is too long to run the orals

    2. I wont have Test in my body....(Can someone explain this to me)

    If you need any info just let me know

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    6 weeks is fine as long as you are running the right orals but should be ran with test.

    Your bodies natural test production will be hindered due to the fact of a outside source comming into a internal source. Your body says 'Hey I am getting an outside source need to make this stuff anymore" This causes your body to slow down or stop your test production which means it is always best to have some test comming in to keep Mr. Peter happy and the ladies.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thanks man that was funny

    Ok so here is the cycle
    1 week Epi - 40 H-Drol - 50 (2 capsules of Liv 52) (500 mg of Milk Thistle)
    2 week Epi - 40 H-Drol - 50 (2 capsules of Liv 52) (500 mg of Milk Thistle)
    3 week Epi - 40 H-Drol - 50 (2 capsules of Liv 52) (500 mg of Milk Thistle)
    4 week Epi - 40 H-Drol - 75 (2 capsules of Liv 52) (500 mg of Milk Thistle)
    5 week Epi - 40 H-Drol - 75 (2 capsules of Liv 52) (500 mg of Milk Thistle)
    6 week Epi - 40 H-Drol - 75 (2 capsules of Liv 52) (500 mg of Milk Thistle)
    7-10 week Nolvadex 40, 20, 20, 20 (2 capsules of Liv 52) (500 mg of Milk Thistle)

    I am also on Optimum Nutrition Protein with a multivitamin, taurine, Fish Oil and Creatine......

    So this is my cycle ...its a cutting cycle.....I have my diet dialed in...

    So I guess my question is how much test would I need to do this right.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    This is my own personal advice and hopefully someone will correct me if I am wrong.

    Firstly I would like to know if you got your diet checked out first just in case so you can achieve the best results on your cycle and if you have had some other previous experience in gear. If everything checks out then lets go forward and figure this out.

    When building a cycle you should always add some form of test to it. The cycle you have there looks a bit werid to me? What are your goals for your cycle? Certain orals can only be ran about 4 weeks while some can be ran for 8. Your cycle looks a little out of place. Just let me know what you want to get out of it by posting here or in a e-mail message.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    You are on a steroid board trying to get information about doing a cycle of Pro Hormones for one! and for 2 it does not matter what you are running you need to have testosterone in the cycle somewhere! These compounds will all eventually end up shutting down your natural HPTA and that needs to be replaced in order to get maximum results. If you do not care about max results then why are you running them anyway but you still need to do a proper 4-5 week PCT session after using those! IMO that cycle is very very liver toxic and if you are going to beat up your liver, you might as well do the real thing!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thanks guys...I kinda feel like I am taking a beating for doing this wrong....but keep it coming because I want to do everything right.....I researched this for 5 months and it seems like there is always more to I am all ears....again I want to do this right.....So I am 4 days deep into the cycle above.....So I need some help.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyHorse13 View Post
    I am doing a Epistane and H-dol cycle for 6 weeks

    I have heard some concerns.....

    1. 6 weeks is too long to run the orals
    6 wks is ok IMO if doses are moderate IMO.2. I wont have Test in my body....(Can someone explain this to me)
    [B]People will argue that you dont need test to run a DS I will always so there is no difference IMO thatn running a dbol only or winni only cycle same principals apply.
    If you need any info just let me know

    Thats my take on it its entirely up to you though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I just dont want to be shut down.....

    And with the milk thistle and liv 52.....wont that help my liver....I know this is toxic

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I need your stats and ph/ AAS cycle history.

    6 weeks is going to be fine. This compound is not as hard on the liver as people think. But it is still not good for the liver. Its your HDL's and LDL's that will get jacked.

    If your over 200 pounds Id run it at 100mg per day try to take 50 in the morning and 50 half wat through the day.

    I do this to keep a stedy bloodlevel of the oral compound.

    Send me a PM with your stats and history.

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