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Thread: Anyone ever drawn blood when aspirating?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Anyone ever drawn blood when aspirating?

    I was introduced to steroids by a bodybuilder at my local gym. He's about 50 years old, and he's been on the juice for 30 years.

    He did my first 17 injections for me. He never washed his hands, never wiped with alcohol, and never aspirated. He just stuck the syringe in and pumped the juice in straight away.

    Fortunately, I'm now doing the injections all on my own, and I'm doing them properly. I'm washing my hands with soap before getting all the stuff out. I'm even wearing a face mask to make sure I don't breathe droplets onto anything. I'm washing my injection site with soap, and then alcohol. And of course, I'm aspirating.

    I'd just like to ask though, has anyone here ever aspirated and actually drawn blood into the syringe? I'm guessing that it must be very rare because this bodybuilder dude has been injecting without aspirating for 30 years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Ive never drawn blood, however it is possible...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Hey mate if you do see blood pull the pin out put it in your sharps container as for the obsesive compulsive cleaning behaviour well lol you'll get over it just never touch the pin always wipe the injection area down and you no the rest. lose the mask unless you think you gears got the swine flu

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Wow, you got lucky you never got an infection with this guy helping. It's funny how some people can do something for so long and be so clueless. I'm glad you have learned to do it properly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    I was introduced to steroids by a bodybuilder at my local gym. He's about 50 years old, and he's been on the juice for 30 years.

    He did my first 17 injections for me. He never washed his hands, never wiped with alcohol, and never aspirated. He just stuck the syringe in and pumped the juice in straight away.

    Fortunately, I'm now doing the injections all on my own, and I'm doing them properly. I'm washing my hands with soap before getting all the stuff out. I'm even wearing a face mask to make sure I don't breathe droplets onto anything. I'm washing my injection site with soap, and then alcohol. And of course, I'm aspirating.

    I'd just like to ask though, has anyone here ever aspirated and actually drawn blood into the syringe? I'm guessing that it must be very rare because this bodybuilder dude has been injecting without aspirating for 30 years.

    LoL can you see in a clean room getting fully disinfected before you jab hahaha, lose the mask. if you use soap and water you don't need to use alcohol at all and always aspirate. You can wash you hands but if you dont touch the injection site or the pin then why bother?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    lol at going from no to crazy pre-cautions

    Yeah only been using for over a month and got a bubble of blood in my syringe last time i aspirated, was lucky because i was just about to forget.

    Injected yesterday and got the normal air bubbles from aspirating but when i was done there was blood in the syringe wtf

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    you might have gone through a vein on the way in i have and slow the aspirating down it stop the bubbles

  8. #8
    After aspirations blood came into my syringe many times. (5-10)
    So it is not so rare.
    There was an issue when blood didnt come but after a few sec i felt tren cough. The oil went into my vein. It was horrible. Be very careful!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    First off, your so lucky you never got an infection. Its very easy. Stick around, read some posts. Ill bet a quarter of the posts on here are about some momo who thinks he has an infection.
    Second, if you wanna wear a divers helmet, so be it. If you do get an infection, who's ass is gunna be sitting in the doctors office explaining how he was shooting illegal steroids deep into muscle tissue. Yep, you!
    And last, yes it is common to aspirate blood. Its all luck of the draw. You cant see EVERY vein in your body. But ill tell you right now, if you do inject into a vein, you will never forget to aspirate again. That i personally guarantee!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    By the way I had the facemask lying around because pig flu is doing the rounds where I live. I've had cold/flu symptoms on and off for the past 2 weeks so it's pretty likely I've got it already. Sticking the mask on just ensured I wouldn't breathe or cough anything onto the needle. Still though, there's no reason why not to use it all the time, plus you look really cool wearing a face mask f**king around with syringes :-D

    By the way pig flu isn't a big deal, it just gives you the sniffles, you have to be in really bad health beforehand for it to do any damage.

    Yeah I'm gonna be really careful with the aspirating in future, sounds like it's bad news. Has anyone got horror stories about what happens if you go into a blood vessel? How bad is it?

  11. #11
    i did, 1x, and it was the glute, go figure. add to that ive probably only done a total of 40-50 injections in toto.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Well the second u start injecting it in, u will taste it, and by the time u say too yourself "wtf is that" You will start coughing uncontrollably. To the point u cant breathe and think your dying.

  14. #14
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel405 View Post
    Well the second u start injecting it in, u will taste it, and by the time u say too yourself "wtf is that" You will start coughing uncontrollably. To the point u cant breathe and think your dying.
    Yeah but do you make good gains?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2009
    oh, so now we have a smartass all the sudden.. I was going to laugh until I noticed that you were the OP.
    IMHO - Don't ask for help &/or questions and then proceed to mock those that attempt to help.

  16. #16
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    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    I was introduced to steroids by a bodybuilder at my local gym. He's about 50 years old, and he's been on the juice for 30 years.

    He did my first 17 injections for me. He never washed his hands, never wiped with alcohol, and never aspirated. He just stuck the syringe in and pumped the juice in straight away.

    Fortunately, I'm now doing the injections all on my own, and I'm doing them properly. I'm washing my hands with soap before getting all the stuff out. I'm even wearing a face mask to make sure I don't breathe droplets onto anything. I'm washing my injection site with soap, and then alcohol. And of course, I'm aspirating.

    I'd just like to ask though, has anyone here ever aspirated and actually drawn blood into the syringe? I'm guessing that it must be very rare because this bodybuilder dude has been injecting without aspirating for 30 years.

    I aspirated blood once in about 100 injections. No problem. Found another site and let it rip.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    I was introduced to steroids by a bodybuilder at my local gym. He's about 50 years old, and he's been on the juice for 30 years.

    He did my first 17 injections for me. He never washed his hands, never wiped with alcohol, and never aspirated. He just stuck the syringe in and pumped the juice in straight away.

    Fortunately, I'm now doing the injections all on my own, and I'm doing them properly. I'm washing my hands with soap before getting all the stuff out. I'm even wearing a face mask to make sure I don't breathe droplets onto anything. I'm washing my injection site with soap, and then alcohol. And of course, I'm aspirating.

    I'd just like to ask though, has anyone here ever aspirated and actually drawn blood into the syringe? I'm guessing that it must be very rare because this bodybuilder dude has been injecting without aspirating for 30 years.
    Omg a face mask? U wear latex gloves too when u inject? Out of maybe 150 injects i drew blood once, pretty good ratio i think. Drew blood in my right delt, like 2 droplets. Just pulled out, changed pin, hit left delt injecting gear and those droplets of blood, zero problems. Answer ur question?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Ottawa, ON Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by 7Steve77 View Post
    lol at going from no to crazy pre-cautions

    Yeah only been using for over a month and got a bubble of blood in my syringe last time i aspirated, was lucky because i was just about to forget.

    Injected yesterday and got the normal air bubbles from aspirating but when i was done there was blood in the syringe wtf
    "Normal" air bubbles? You have air in your muscles?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I too have gotten blood once only after aspiration. After many injects. Follow procedure it is there because we, medical field have learned from many years of doing it.
    I always go face maskless on my injects.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    A to the Z
    I've never gotten blood aspirating. But it's good to always do it.

  21. #21
    i have twice. ive done so many injections tho.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    I was told by my local steroid dealer that when injecting in your ass there is no need to aspirate/
    When I inject I just wipe the site with a diposable alcohol swab and use hand sanitizer and shoot away

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I have found that local steroid dealers are just full of great advise !!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    On this site...
    ^^^ lolz

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