I'm 28 y/o and french, i always wondered why i look son young and so tired. I have no facial hair and a "baby face". My weigh and size are normal but i have an obvious delayed puberty regarding to my beard and face shape (a little bit too roud and pale, like an adolecent).
3 months ago i went to an endocrinolog cause some people told me that i could have a testosterone problem.
I had 2 blood test to check my testo level and i was diagnosed as hypogonadal guy. (6.59 and normal range from 8.90 to 32.5). I had a scanner to check my hypophise too and testicles, everything is normal. My T-level is genetic and i guess it comes from my father (he was exactly like me when he was young).
I asked my brother (he's 30) to do the same check and the results is identical. He looks about 19 or 20 y/o too.
The endocrinolog prescribed me 1 testo injection (androtardyl 250mg) / month.
I started the treatment 3 months ago and I'm feeling the positive effect (moral, less stress, sex drive...).
BUT I'd like to know more about this treatment and that's why i use this forum.
Does anyone have this kind of problem, is the dosage enough to complete my puberty? I'd like to have some testimonials from men who are low testosterone. How long will i have to wait to developp facial hair (i only have hair on my chin but nothing on the cheeks).
All testimonials are welcomed!
PS= Please, dont talk about side effetcs, i already know all of them!
Thank You!
Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.