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Thread: delayed puberty: i'm on Testosterone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    delayed puberty: i'm on Testosterone


    I'm 28 y/o and french, i always wondered why i look son young and so tired. I have no facial hair and a "baby face". My weigh and size are normal but i have an obvious delayed puberty regarding to my beard and face shape (a little bit too roud and pale, like an adolecent).

    3 months ago i went to an endocrinolog cause some people told me that i could have a testosterone problem.
    I had 2 blood test to check my testo level and i was diagnosed as hypogonadal guy. (6.59 and normal range from 8.90 to 32.5). I had a scanner to check my hypophise too and testicles, everything is normal. My T-level is genetic and i guess it comes from my father (he was exactly like me when he was young).

    I asked my brother (he's 30) to do the same check and the results is identical. He looks about 19 or 20 y/o too.

    The endocrinolog prescribed me 1 testo injection (androtardyl 250mg) / month.

    I started the treatment 3 months ago and I'm feeling the positive effect (moral, less stress, sex drive...).

    BUT I'd like to know more about this treatment and that's why i use this forum.

    Does anyone have this kind of problem, is the dosage enough to complete my puberty? I'd like to have some testimonials from men who are low testosterone. How long will i have to wait to developp facial hair (i only have hair on my chin but nothing on the cheeks).

    All testimonials are welcomed!

    PS= Please, dont talk about side effetcs, i already know all of them!

    Thank You!

    Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    All these problems you have are very common amongst french people, with luck one day you will become extinct....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thank you it's comforting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    No source checks
    Hahahah lmao lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    the short answer is you may never develop facial hair. how can you be so sure its androgen related? you could load up an indian or chinaman on juice and they may never grow a bodyhair. some people just arent hairy. you asked about if its enough testosterone, well you need some bloodwork. your doctor is going to increase or decrease your dose to get it in the normal range.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thank you mike,

    I know that i can developp facial hair cause my father can. But due to his low level of testo, he could developp at 40 y/o only. I'd like to know if some people on this board noticed a faster facial developpement on T.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I did.. I grew it faster and more thick on my chest and my stomach. I am not a fan of body hair so i shave but ya it goes grow in faster and thicker.

    Edit: on my face too.. Neck, cheeks, chin.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thank you warrior!!

    When did you noticed the first developpement of your facial hair? and chest?
    How old did you start the treatment and what dosage had/have you?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Yeah, it should help your sex drive, energy, etc,. Won't do anything for the french thing though Not sure about the facial hair that may have to do with the number of follicules and receptors in your skin. I have friend with very little facial hair and he has a normal sex drive and such.

    Never heard of androtardyl but by the name and the way he's giving it im geuessing its iether a multi estered testosterone blend or a very long acting testosterone like undecoanate that is made to be administered monthly. I think 250 is a low amount of test for a month. You should really have 100-200mg worth a week. And a guy like you should have more since sometimes when a guy comes in who isn't developed they give him an extra high dose to simulate what puberty would do, and to get full gene expression in the tissues that should be developed already. In other words, making you go through puberty in a timely fashion with a high dose. Tell this doctor of yours that your not feeling that much better and get him to at least double or triple that dose. And if you do that you may want the shots every week or every two weeks to keep the fluctuations down. Ask to do your own shots too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thank you AnabolicBoy,
    I think that i'm gonna ask to my doctor to increase the dosage to complete the last steps of my puberty faster.

    Thank you very much

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by math69 View Post
    Thank you warrior!!

    When did you noticed the first developpement of your facial hair? and chest?
    How old did you start the treatment and what dosage had/have you?

    Well I was 22 when I did my first cycle. That was a year ago. I did Test E 500mg a week. And it was a year ago but i believe it was right about when i started seeing my gains Give or take a couple of weeks. I have a horrible memory as it is(good thing i do well in college). I had some facial hair when i was sixteen mostly on my chin but never got it around my cheeks until i was about 19-21? Girlfriend doesnt like facial hair on my cheeks or mustache(either do i) so I shave.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i have been shaving since i was in 6th grade....

    however on cycle, grows much thicker and faster.....goes from a 5oclock shadow to a 2oclock shadow....

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    So just noticed thicked and faster growth but not new hair? I understand that you already were full beard when you started your first cycle?

  14. #14
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    u will see hair growth in places u never thought would have it... on cycle i sprouted a few hairs on my shoulders...not sure why you would want chest hair and all that its really just a hastle but either way you should become more of a man

  15. #15
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    I dont want a lot of hairs (my girlfriend would not appreciate it), i just want to complete my puberty and have a normal beard (like my father). I will be soon 30 and y baby skin bothers me. I'm glad to have testimonials, cause i'm sure my dosage is not enough.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    get a fake beard bro....
    shaving sucks man, enjoy ur young face, in 15 years u will be happy about it..

    talk to doc about hormones, hell they get woman to grow beards nowadays....

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    ya I was just going to say.. Now you want to look older.. (well i did when i was like 18) not if i was 30.. I would want to look younger. Hell Im 23 and I want to look younger lol.

  18. #18
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    Jun 2009
    Thks a lot to everybody,

    One last question:

    As i wrote previously, my current level is 6.59ng (normal range from 8.90 to 32.5).
    I havent had my blood check yet since i'm on T.

    From your own experience,
    What level can I expect for the 1st week, 2nd, 3rd and 4th? (I have 1shot/4weeks).

    My doctor told me that according to my future blood test I could switch to 1shot/3weeks.

    Thk you

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    All these problems you have are very common amongst french people, with luck one day you will become extinct....
    LMFAO...I knew that was coming

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    LMFAO...I knew that was coming
    I'm surprised to read such messages. I couldnt imagine that americans dislike french, and i dont understand why? Is it a joke?

  21. #21
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    He british i believe... I have nothing against french people, im a yank tho...

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    honestly if you arent having any libido/erection problems, and strength and aggression seems normal why worry? who cares about some stupid hair? you said you and your girlfriend dont even like facial hair, right? ive always been hairy as ****, but i got friends same age as you that have very little. just varies

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    the short answer is you may never develop facial hair. how can you be so sure its androgen related? you could load up an indian or chinaman on juice and they may never grow a bodyhair. some people just arent hairy. you asked about if its enough testosterone, well you need some bloodwork. your doctor is going to increase or decrease your dose to get it in the normal range.
    look on youtube of transgendered females taking test replacement therapy. that will give a pretty accurate timeline as to how the facial hair growth goes.

  24. #24
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    Hopefully you can talk your doc into once a week, you will notice better results without and up/downs from it peaking, your test levels will stay more level throughout the week/month.

  25. #25
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    once a week? but i'm gonna be higher than the normal range ?
    Does anyone know how a 250mg injection increase the level? and how it decrease time goes by? (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th week?
    i'm 6.59 (range laboratory 32).

    What level do you have before and after injection?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by math69 View Post
    once a week? but i'm gonna be higher than the normal range ?
    Does anyone know how a 250mg injection increase the level? and how it decrease time goes by? (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th week?
    i'm 6.59 (range laboratory 32).

    What level do you have before and after injection?
    i suggest get a blood work for d3..gonadal problems are sometimes due to defficiency of d3..

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    hey mate just becuase ud dint develop facial hair etc, doesnt mean u have had delayed puberty
    alot of people actually dont grow facial hair, beards etc, its purely genetics

    if ur test levels are in the comfortable range then cleraly u havent had a delayed puberty, and IF u have, then more testerome isnt going to cause u all of the sudden to finish ur puberty

    if test is in a comfortable range AND U DO HAVE DELAYED PUBERTY, then its clearly been caused by soemthing else

    all ur doing is screwing urself up by shooting up test u DONT NEED, u just shooting up test for a pointless purpose in hope ur going to finish puberty?

    see how silly it sounds

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thk for the advices!

    A last question:

    For those who know well the testosterone dosage, could you tell me your before/after injection testo level?
    I'd like to know my level after a 250mg IM injection at first week, 2nd week, 3rd week and 4th. (i have 1IM/month).

    I have 6.59 (normal range from 8... to 32). It's just to know.

  29. #29
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    I was a late bloomer as well. What was good is that I look younger than my friends who hit puberty early. I did a cycle at 19 and shut down my natural production and recently got my levels checked, and got on some testosterone replacement. Which helped minmially. I got some increase in energy, strength and morning wood. I dont think I will ever fully develop a thick beard. So, I don't think the testosterone will help you with that. By the way doc has me on 200mgs every 2 weeks so 400 a month. Its so weak for me I barely feel anything. I agree with anabolicboy 200mgs a week would be best, but doctor wont approve it. What I do is just buy my own test and combine it with what he prescribes. 250 a month is way low.

  30. #30
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    Jul 2009
    I'm 22 years old, on my 12th week of a testosterone cycle and I'm definitely noticing body hair where I never had it before: all over my chest, my stomach, my shoulders.

    If you really want puberty to kick in the jack up the dosage, take two shots of 250mg per week, and lift some weights too while you're at it

  31. #31
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    australia, melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    I'm 22 years old, on my 12th week of a testosterone cycle and I'm definitely noticing body hair where I never had it before: all over my chest, my stomach, my shoulders.

    If you really want puberty to kick in the jack up the dosage, take two shots of 250mg per week, and lift some weights too while you're at it
    dont listen to that, just becuase ur growing more hair doesnt mean ur going through puberty or increasing it, if that was true then hairy men must have the highest test levels....... (NO!!!)

  32. #32
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    Jul 2009
    I'd certainly call it going through puberty.

    Puberty is many things:
    1) Deepening of the Voice
    2) Enlargement of the Genitals
    3) Body Hair
    4) Change of Face Shape
    5) Muscle Size Increace
    6) Increased Sexual Desire
    7) Production of Sperm
    8) and on...

    My guess is that all this stuff will happen if he takes enough testosterone. (It happened for the rest of us).

  33. #33
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    To Akeyn and Admon

    Thank you guy for your answers, tomorow i will chck my level, 3 week after my injection.
    I'm realy surprised by the treatement you had! It seems big to me!!!

    I dont think that the doctor will prescribe me weekly injection but maybe 2X/months. I hope it will be enough!

  34. #34
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    OK some news,

    I went to the laboratory this morning and the results are bad, i'm still bellow the normal range.... erff... even lower than before the treatment. I called my doctor, he said that he's going to increase the dosage, 2 IM / Month. You were right, in my case 1/month is not enough.

  35. #35
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    Good to hear, not that the results are bad but you are getting it under control.

    Now get it so you can inject 1x a week to make everything a lot smoother.

  36. #36
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    I dont know exactly how work the testo IM, but i have a lower level than before the treatment. Maybe it takes some time to be detected by the blood analysis.

    Do you have information about blood test result and injection? I mean, i use 1IM/month, how my level is meant to increase?

  37. #37
    Tiens salut Math, je t'ai retrouvé par hasard en faisant des recherches.

    Alors comme ça ton moral s'est amélioré depuis 3 mois que tu prends des injections de testo, c'est une bonne nouvelle.
    Je pense que tes injections son un composé de plusieurs testostérones de nouvelle génération, et il doit aussi durer plus longtemps dans le sang.
    Pas sur qu'il y aie sous dosage, comment pourrais-tu te sentir mieux dans ce cas?

    J'ai vu q'il y avait quelques vanes sur ta frenshytude, certains anglophones se croient vraiment supérieur et manquent d'éducation, tout comme les beaufs de chez nous...

    De mon côté j'ai fait une expérience pour tester si mon hypogonadisme est primaire ou secondaire.

    J'ai suivi un protocole après de nombreuses recherches sérieuses sur la toile.
    J'ai pris du Clomid 25mg par jour (censé augmenter LH et FSH) pendant 2 semaines (non suivi, de moi même), et waoo, mon taux de LH dépasse la norme, ainsi que mon taux de testo. On discutera de tout ça sur msn si tu veux.

    Je suis donc bien "secondaire", mais la bonne nouvelle c'est que je devrais pouvoir en parler à nouveau à des médecins (puisque mon endoc ne fais rien j'ai arrêté de la voir, et mon généraliste est un peu mou aussi...), ce test est je pense crédible, même en France.

    Bon courage et donne des nouvelles, toute information est pour nous utile alors profitons en d'être dans le même bateau si je puis dire ...

    For those who can't read this post, just make a google translation.
    Just do with french what those who can't read english would do.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Almond -> Interesting, What is your dosage? How many IM / Week? Did you notice other change since your're on T?

    Kryst -> Héhé, je te recontacterai sur MSN pour te tenir informé, je revois l'endoc le 11 pour surement augmenter le dosage.
    Last edited by math69; 08-27-2009 at 06:45 AM.

  39. #39
    Math69, how tall are you and your brother/father? did you grow late aswell? or perhaps are you still growing? you seem to have signs of (genitically) delayed puberty, so T might help.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    I'm not small, i'm normal. My endoc check my hormon growth level and all is OK (unlike my T level).

    I will meet my endoc soon, he will increase (i hope) testo injection frequency.

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