This is interesting..cycle tbol/var and bioidentical test cream
My test first week of the cycle was at 219.7 range 166-877
4th week it was at 536 ,6th week it dropped to 434 when i discontinued tbol and stayed with var for the last 2 weeks..
While on cycle you are using the cream, the amount of free test increases
My estr was at 16 then 25 and last week at 39..after 2 weeks of pct and no libido i went for a blood test and found that the estr was low at 10..and test at i understood that it was the estrogen that caused the libido death..
Not exactly, although low estrogen does cause labido to die so does high estrogen <<< thats a side note... your 241 is shit you way below the scale if the range is up to 841, you have little to no free countable test
So either the serms nolva20/clomid50 or proviron @25 caused this estrogen to go low..but then proviron reduces shbg and for me it went from 8.53 (4th week) to 24.7 (2weeks after pct) range exactly whats the scenario here..if proviron is not working then nolva or clomid is killing the libido..but they dont reduce estrogen just block it at the hypothalamus and the whats reducing the estr..
Did you take proviron PCT and think your shit was gonna drop?
I did that... proviron does not cause your HPTA to recover. Here on the boards there have been pissing matches about how proviron does not hinder HPTA, I said it before and say it again IT DOES HINDER HPTA... And everyone always says of proviron blah this and blah that
My free test went from 18.51(4th week) range4.25-30.37 to whopping 48.86 in the 8th week..but total test fell down from 536 (4th week) to 434 (8th week)..tbol was removed from the equation on the 6th week so it could cause a fall in total test,but can someone explain this reduction in total test and raise in free test to such very good range..
100 point fluctuation is not that dramatic, a guy on 2-3g of test has free test levels in the 4000+ range... fluctuation of 100 is easily explained by the back of the cream ledger, you have to apply it evenly and blah blah blah or obsorbtion is not blah blah blah