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Thread: first cycle. info. pct questions.

  1. #1

    first cycle. info. pct questions.

    i bought 10 ml of stanabol 50
    and 20 ml of testosterone prop.
    whats the best way to cycle it??
    im getting nolvadex for PCT, should i use anything else.
    would a natural test booster from GNC work too?
    i want to keep all my bases covered.
    any info welcome.

    my stats are
    age: 20
    weight: 180 lbs
    low bodyfat
    have been weightlifting for years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Your far to young lol, you risk serious health issues. How tall are you???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You dont even have enough prop to do a 6 week cycle at 350mg/week (assuming the prop is 100mg/ml)

  4. #4
    im 6 feet tall.
    and know the health risks.
    i could always use good advice tho.
    what kind of health issues does my age present??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You can close growth plates, even at 20 years old you may not be done growing. Also at your age your test levels are still sky high and using steroids now can badly mess up hormone levels.

    I myself grew 1" from 18-22.

  6. #6
    it is 100 mg/ml.
    like i said this is my first cycle.
    and im dont exectly have a lot of money to play with.
    i dont need to take huge doses, but would like to see pretty good gains.
    what would u say is the best thing to do with what i have?
    Last edited by jjustin; 08-11-2009 at 12:39 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    and btw, does anyone know where some good places to get steriods and such without paying an arm and a leg??
    flagerant foul! read the rules you cant ask for sources.

  8. #8
    I see. i appreciate the info.
    i was aware of this, i just figured i was pretty much done growing.
    and i know my test levels are already high,
    i just have a problem with telling myself no and to wait.
    would the cycle still be effective for me anyways?
    ill make sure to take extra care with my PCT.
    which is what i wanted advice on in the first place.

  9. #9
    my bad..
    stupid me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    As already said you havent got enough gear to do any sort of decent cycle so your wasting your time and money,Also you cannot ask for sources on this board so i would edit that post if i was you

  11. #11
    got it.
    ok so say i added to add to my cycle, so that is is a proper one.
    what then would u recommened is best for pct.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    clomid and nolva

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    At The Gym


    Why dont you get some Test E? Less injections/less pain. Also you need to research alot more before starting this. Heres a good place to start:

    Go to the diet section and establish a real bulking diet.

    Then use the search function on the upper right side of the page.....

    *Research proper dosing of different types of Test(Test E, Test C, Test P)
    *Research what a good PCT is, which should consist of Nolva & Clomid
    *Research what an AI is such as Arimidex
    *Then when your done, research some more!

  14. #14
    i was thinking about test e. next time i think.
    i ordered nolvadex over clomid. do you think both is a better idea?
    ive done lots of research and know what serms and AI's are.
    i know the more i can learn the better, and will continue doing research.
    for a short cycle, is an AI necessary when using nolvadex and a natural test booster?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by jjustin View Post
    i was thinking about test e. next time i think.
    i ordered nolvadex over clomid. do you think both is a better idea?
    ive done lots of research and know what serms and AI's are.
    i know the more i can learn the better, and will continue doing research.
    for a short cycle, is an AI necessary when using nolvadex and a natural test booster?
    You've done lots of research? Not on this site you haven't.

  16. #16
    well then enlighten me..

  17. #17
    i realise i may have hastily purchased this particular cycle.
    and defintely could have made a better choice.
    but its already ordered, so im just trying to make the best of this one,
    and will get a much better one next time.
    what would my best choice for pct be?

  18. #18
    What does your diet look like?

  19. #19
    to be perfectly honest i dont have an exact diet regiment.
    but i take what and when i eat seriously.
    i average 3500 to 5000 calories a day, as clean as i can make them.
    and lots of protien. with every meal.
    i also take multi V's, creatine sometimes, and amino acids.
    i try and get a big bag of weight gainer when i can.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    A to the Z
    20 is too young. But since you already got it and are gonna run it, then at least listen to these guys and do it smart.

  21. #21
    whats my best bet for PCT?
    or avoiding any potential problems or side effects.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2009
    At The Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by jjustin View Post
    well then enlighten me..
    Well if you had done enough research you would know that nolva and a GNC test booster will not be enough to recover after your cycle, and quite frankly its a sh*ty PCT.

    A PCT should consist of Nolva and Clomid and if you want to cover every base, add HCG before hand into the cycle.

    Dosing for a standard PCT should consist of:

    It is also smart to run an AI such as Adex at as low as .25mg EOD during cycle if you want to reduce bloating and possible gyno development. If you indeed researched enough you would know this already!

    I have still yet to run an injectable cycle and ive been on this site for a few months now, learning, researching, and making sure I cover all bases before I start. Now thats all the info your getting from me. DO SOME RESEARCH!!!!!!!!

  23. #23
    i see.
    fair enough.
    honestly its not that i didnt know most of this already.
    its just a lack of necessary fundage.
    ill be smart and wait until im able to aquire the necessary drugs,
    i was hoping nolva would be enough.
    but good health is important.
    ill definitely be looking into it.

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