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Thread: newbie cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    newbie cycle

    Ok forgive me for being a newbie…but I have a few questions. I am in my mid 30’s and about to start my first cycle of deca and testosterone. I am an active athlete and spend a lot of time in the gym. I do some endurance sports(mma, marathon, tri, etc) so I am always lean. I want to add at least 5lbs of muscle while still training for a marathon (I know, I know…). I am curious if this stack will hurt my endurance for the marathon. I know all to well about running and lifting and blah blah… I love competing and I love lifting, so I plan to try and maximize both. I enjoy looking lean, cut, and being in great shape. So I am hoping this cycle can help me maximize my training. I am little nervous about it all, but I plan on a 2 month cycle. I am really curious to know anyone’s thoughts on how this will effect the endurance training, and if I even need to bother with an estrogen blocker for a simple 2 month cycle.
    Thanks for your patience, with the newbie……

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    What are your other stats?

    Cycle Exp?
    PCT Knowlege
    Training Exp

  3. #3
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Apr 2006

    First we need to know your full stats, that would help

    bodyfat %
    yrs training
    PCT knowledge

    Then, I would tell you to drop the deca. First cycles are best kept to ONE compound and that should always be TEST ONLY. that way you can see how your body is reacting to it.
    If you add other compounds,then you will have no idea what is doing what to your body for future cylces.

    We also need to know what kind of test. There are several esters to choose from and depending on which you go with will determine how long you should run the cylce

    Short esters need to be injected more often but you can run shorter cycles like your 8 week idea

    long esters need injected less frequently , but need to run for about 12 weeks

    there are other things you need to as well and NOT just the steroids

    you will want to have an AI on hand in case of bloating or gyno signs

    you MUST have PCT compounds for after the cycle in order to get your HPTA back up and running properly

    lots of good information on this site, so take some time and research and read ALL the threads marked IMPORTANT at the top of each section

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Thank you for the info....
    my stats...
    Height? 5'8.5
    Weight? 154
    BF% - 10%
    Cycle Exp? - none, only gnc products
    PCT Knowlege - ok, im a newbie..not even sure what pct is
    Training Exp - lifting for 6-7 years, a lot of endurance events, 23 years of grappling, coaching, etc. None when it comes to this.

    thanks for your welcome and patience!

  5. #5
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    PCT = Post Cycle Therapy

    its the MOST important part of ANY steroid cycle

    we have a whole section dedicated to it.

    Read all the top threads marked IMPORTANT

    then go back and read them again

    then take a look at this thread

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    Quote Originally Posted by D103 View Post
    Thank you for the info....
    my stats...
    Height? 5'8.5
    Weight? 154
    BF% - 10%
    Cycle Exp? - none, only gnc products
    PCT Knowlege - ok, im a newbie..not even sure what pct is
    Training Exp - lifting for 6-7 years, a lot of endurance events, 23 years of grappling, coaching, etc. None when it comes to this.

    thanks for your welcome and patience!
    You are little higher than 10% My brother does the same things as you triathlons, ironmans etc. he is 146# 5' 9.5" and he is 9% BF. You seem to be more like 13-15% I have been training him mand helping hi m with his riathlon training. Just took 1st in his age group last week at a 1/2 Ironman (1.2mi swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run) He diod not want to run a long cycle, nor did he want to run a short ester and have to shoot up 3-4X a week. We Decided the best thing for him to do at the time would be run an 8 week cycle of Anavar. He gained 4.5# of muscle and lost 1.2% B.F during the 8 week stint. Just so you know, Test is also in most cases going to cause some bloating unless an AI is used to combat it

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