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Thread: Dbol + is the deal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Dbol + is the deal

    Its been almost 2wks since i first started taking 40mg of dbol ed and im really starting to think that its fake... I cant really tell much of a difference @ all. My strength hasnt gone up much, im not anymore vascular or "jacked" feelin.....idk. i planned on taking my noxplode for only the first week of the cycle while the juice elevated in my blood but have continued to take it bc im thinking that the dbol is fake

    idk if im allowed to put this but they are smaller pink tabs that are triangle shaped and have gp on them.... does anybody know of these or have any previous experience w them? they arent very pink either, some of em look faded but others look more pink. What do you guys think

    Any suggestions/opinions/advice would be awesome. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Ottawa, ON Canada
    Is your diet in check? I'm using dbol from that UGL right now and it's definitely not fake...but of course you can fake anything...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629 View Post
    Its been almost 2wks since i first started taking 40mg of dbol ed and im really starting to think that its fake... I cant really tell much of a difference @ all. My strength hasnt gone up much, im not anymore vascular or "jacked" feelin.....idk. i planned on taking my noxplode for only the first week of the cycle while the juice elevated in my blood but have continued to take it bc im thinking that the dbol is fake

    idk if im allowed to put this but they are smaller pink tabs that are triangle shaped and have gp on them.... does anybody know of these or have any previous experience w them? they arent very pink either, some of em look faded but others look more pink. What do you guys think

    Any suggestions/opinions/advice would be awesome. Thanks
    40mg per day for 2 weeks you should definitely be noticing something by now. Maybe give it another week and if still nothing, then chuck them.

    Unless you're immune to the effects of dbol

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    whats are the dosage of the dbol?

    take 10mg with a meal, within an hour u SHOULD FEEL a good pump and feel nice and full of glycogen in ur muscles, if u dont u got fake gear

    or take 10mg 20mins before ur workout, if u dont feel a better pump with abit of strengh increase then ur gear is fake no doubt

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    plus im not shut down at all

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    i have used the dbol before and had great gains with it to kick start my test e cycle earlier this year. I noticed bloating and strength gains within a week or so. Is your diet spot on?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    sounds fake to me...even with a shitty diet you should notice something...and no matter what you should notice the sides....

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Live and let live
    @ 20mg I would feel it in two weeks.

    I am gonna go with fake as well.

  9. #9
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    Oct 2006
    f*ck! taking in about 110-130g of whole food protein/day + 80g from shakes. moderate fat/carb intake. eating clean and often... i have been doin the eliptical ed after liftin for about 15-20min then immed taking in protein afterward

    could the cardio be affecting my strength gains? im putting on weight but i dont feel bloated and my strength hasnt gone up much

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I have used that lab and they are strong. My strength went up big time. You should be ok... any back pumps?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    yea thats the one thing that confuses me the most....the back pumps have been terrible on some days!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    bump for any other opinions, suggestions, or advice

  13. #13


    Change brands of DBOL.
    Also up your calories for 1-2 wks and see
    what happens..Protein/carbs/fats...increase them all.

  14. #14
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    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629 View Post
    f*ck! taking in about 110-130g of whole food protein/day + 80g from shakes. moderate fat/carb intake. eating clean and often... i have been doin the eliptical ed after liftin for about 15-20min then immed taking in protein afterward

    could the cardio be affecting my strength gains? im putting on weight but i dont feel bloated and my strength hasnt gone up much
    Only 150g of protein a day? Think thats a problem? At least 1.5g of protein per lb of body weight bro.
    That lab ive heard nothing but amazing things about all their orals, especially their dbol. Many swear its overdosed if anything! I dont know where u got it from but i know the main source wouldnt sell fakes but have seen some wack looking sources selling the same product line. Did it come in the original packaging? I know the original source sells it in original packaging. Id say look more into that protein intake bro!

  15. #15
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    Oct 2006
    yea 150g would be on a really bad/hectic day... usually try to get 1g/lb of bw so 200 is ideal for me. The dbol came in its original packaging, like a foil type package that you have to rip..

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629 View Post
    f*ck! taking in about 110-130g of whole food protein/day + 80g from shakes. moderate fat/carb intake. eating clean and often... i have been doin the eliptical ed after liftin for about 15-20min then immed taking in protein afterward

    could the cardio be affecting my strength gains? im putting on weight but i dont feel bloated and my strength hasnt gone up much
    I think your lack of knowledge is whats affecting your gains.
    First off no one asked your stats and/or workout experience but i can tell just by what your saying you are no where near ready for a cycle.
    130 grams on a bad day ? i think not. Thats not what you said in your first post. On top of that you list "moderate carbs" are you joking ? Where are you getting all this energy for your monster workouts from ? That 100g of protein ?
    I would be really curious to see what you even consider a intense routine, care to list it ?

    Your just another member who thinks that taking the magic pill is going to get you to the "top" well guess what, its not. Should be a lesson learned.

    It might seem harsh but its the truth.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629 View Post
    yea 150g would be on a really bad/hectic day... usually try to get 1g/lb of bw so 200 is ideal for me. The dbol came in its original packaging, like a foil type package that you have to rip..
    Still, 1g per pound of bodyweight is just enough protein to barely maintain bro, not at all to gain anything! Have u not watched the diet vids on here? Very informative and only about an hour of ur day watching all vids, take some notes. 1.5-2g of protein/lb of body weight is what u want to grow, on or off cycle. Could be a good waste of gear if ur not eating enough bro.

  18. #18
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I think your lack of knowledge is whats affecting your gains.
    First off no one asked your stats and/or workout experience but i can tell just by what your saying you are no where near ready for a cycle.
    130 grams on a bad day ? i think not. Thats not what you said in your first post. On top of that you list "moderate carbs" are you joking ? Where are you getting all this energy for your monster workouts from ? That 100g of protein ?
    I would be really curious to see what you even consider a intense routine, care to list it ?

    Your just another member who thinks that taking the magic pill is going to get you to the "top" well guess what, its not. Should be a lesson learned.

    It might seem harsh but its the truth.
    f*ck u. dont need advice from some fruit anyway...find your way outa my thread and dont come back. thanks

  19. #19
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Still, 1g per pound of bodyweight is just enough protein to barely maintain bro, not at all to gain anything! Have u not watched the diet vids on here? Very informative and only about an hour of ur day watching all vids, take some notes. 1.5-2g of protein/lb of body weight is what u want to grow, on or off cycle. Could be a good waste of gear if ur not eating enough bro.
    haha ok buddy even though NFL nutritionists talk about .6-.8g/lb of body weight to PUT ON MUSCLE MASS and Arnold himself said that 1g/lb of bw is good-go read his encyclopedia and get back to me

    Anybody else wana chyme in and talk sh*t?

  20. #20
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    Nov 2007
    I eat far north of 1 gram of protein per lb of mass. It has helped me get leaner and much bigger. I am currently 240lbs with the same bf as in my avatar(avatar pic is at 223lbs). Weather or not more protein is required i find I can eat less carbs if I have more protein which in turn helps with staying lean. I eat 1.5-2grams per pound myself but to each his own I know what works for me.

    Back to the original dilema I have in possession and have used said ugl products and they are legit as far as I know there have been no fakes reported yet but anything is possible.

  21. #21
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    Oct 2006
    oh yea, for the fruit:

    yesterday as a for instance-chest/tris (emphasis on upper chest + hitting tris really hard)

    -incline bb bp: 95x15(wu), 135x10(2nd wu), 190x8, 215x5 (w/spot), 190x6, 135x19
    -flat cg bp: 95x15(wu), 135x12, 165x9, 175x7, 185x5 w/spot
    -hs incline press: 150x12, 180x8
    -skulls: 80x12, 90x10, 100x6
    -cbl crossovers: 45x15, x13, x12 (slow/controlled w/1-2 sec sqeeze @ bottom of ea. rep)
    -dips (leaning forward to hit lower chest more than tris) bwx12, x9
    -str8 bar pushdowns: 75x12, 80x9
    -oh rope ext: 75x7, x8

    eliptical 15min directly after w.o
    protein immed. after eliptical
    45g protein tuna sandwich 1hr after training

    i know i killed tris a bit but im trying to bring up my arms during this cycle bc my chest and back are huge compared to my arms...

  22. #22
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    for the protein intake i know i was probably over kill but my first ever cycle i took in 2-3g of protein per pound to make sure i had enough for my workouts. its always better to have more then not enough especially when ur spending the money that we do on gear.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    I will be using their D-ol starting to morrow or the next day! I know I just got done with 125mg a day of that UGLs Adrol and i tell you what Not fake in any way! Gained 10# in 3 weeks, added 1/2" to my already improved am measurement and my bench went from probably a 355# max the day I started to about 420# on the 3rd week! Same thing with Squats, Bent over rows etc etc.. I had told everyone b4 I started i would see great strength gains. I get strong really quick But I gotta say I was really surprised to see a 65# increase on my bench in just 3 weeks ! I will bet I gran=b another 15-30# over the next 2 weeks from the D-bol too That would be great! 450# is right around my orevious max bench and i will still have almost 10 weeks of my Cypionate cycle!

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    congrats on your prs bro...125mg/day of adrol sounds really crazy to me but do what you gota do brother and good luck w your cycle

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629 View Post
    congrats on your prs bro...125mg/day of adrol sounds really crazy to me but do what you gota do brother and good luck w your cycle
    Started with 50 and yeh i though 120 was crazy too! but then i realized that at 260# 50mg was like a drop in the well the average dosage for drol that i got off of the internet is .25 to 2mg per pound of bw

  26. #26
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629 View Post
    haha ok buddy even though NFL nutritionists talk about .6-.8g/lb of body weight to PUT ON MUSCLE MASS and Arnold himself said that 1g/lb of bw is good-go read his encyclopedia and get back to me

    Anybody else wana chyme in and talk sh*t?
    That's because a lot of people don't count in the protein you need for ENERGY.

  27. #27
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    I'm gona go out on a limb here and say that I think arnold and nfl nutritionists know exactly what they're talking about

  28. #28
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    .6g-.8g is no where near enough to build muscle.

  29. #29
    Man I will say cuz earlier was a little rude but just try what everyones telling you up your protien I take in 500 grams a day that's the only way I can grow just try it and see what happens it will work I'm telling you

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629 View Post
    I'm gona go out on a limb here and say that I think arnold and nfl nutritionists know exactly what they're talking about
    ya well you are not a genetic freak like Arnold. The reason for you coming here asking questions then you shut down and completely DISRESPECT vets? Keep going on that 150g of protein with your fake d-bol. Dont ask questions if you dont wanna hear the truth.

  31. #31
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    Mar 2008
    I am just going to sit this one out guys... no sense of starting an argument. I had one like two days ago. its too soon.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by .EA. View Post
    Is your diet in check? I'm using dbol from that UGL right now and it's definitely not fake...but of course you can fake anything...
    i used those as well. they smell like strawberry delicious. definitely real. no known fakes of that brand.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    for the way u speak to people, i hope ur stuff is fake....

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    actually the description of his gear seems like it is legit. Legit or not its no magic pill

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGIZZLE8629 View Post
    oh yea, for the fruit:

    yesterday as a for instance-chest/tris (emphasis on upper chest + hitting tris really hard)

    -incline bb bp: 95x15(wu), 135x10(2nd wu), 190x8, 215x5 (w/spot), 190x6, 135x19
    -flat cg bp: 95x15(wu), 135x12, 165x9, 175x7, 185x5 w/spot
    -hs incline press: 150x12, 180x8
    -skulls: 80x12, 90x10, 100x6
    -cbl crossovers: 45x15, x13, x12 (slow/controlled w/1-2 sec sqeeze @ bottom of ea. rep)
    -dips (leaning forward to hit lower chest more than tris) bwx12, x9
    -str8 bar pushdowns: 75x12, 80x9
    -oh rope ext: 75x7, x8

    eliptical 15min directly after w.o
    protein immed. after eliptical
    45g protein tuna sandwich 1hr after training

    i know i killed tris a bit but im trying to bring up my arms during this cycle bc my chest and back are huge compared to my arms...

    Funny you call me a fruit but i am 5'6 170lbs haven't been on a cycle in 5 years and my numbers are still better than yours. On top of that i don't even see and real movements. Where are the deadlifts ? squats ? mpress ? BB rows ? Your a joke man.

  36. #36
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    i agree, he is a complete joke...

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Funny you call me a fruit but i am 5'6 170lbs haven't been on a cycle in 5 years and my numbers are still better than yours. On top of that i don't even see and real movements. Where are the deadlifts ? squats ? mpress ? BB rows ? Your a joke man.
    thats depressing to hear that you're 5'6 fruit loop and on top of that, you're not going to see any dls squat or bb rows on chest/tris day so pay attention to what you're looking @ before saying more senseless bs -- whos the joke

    just started dls about a month and a half ago but im not afraid to post my damn weights dls:315x5, squat:315x5, bb rows: 200x5, 1-arm db rows: 100lb dbx9, db sh press 75x6, incline bb bp: 230x5. anything else u punks wana know just say. i know im not the strongest guy but i aint a short sh*t talkin internet wanabe tough guy fruit cake either

    u and all your yellow belly moose gummy bear buddies need to take your garbage to another thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    i agree, he is a complete joke...
    i speak to people in the same manner they speak to me pal. people talk condescending to me and say stupid sh*t then its comin right back @ ya. dk who you're used to talking down to but i aint the one

  38. #38
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    again, u are a joke little boy.
    and just thinking of the money u lost on fake gear brings a smile to my face...

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    again, u are a joke little boy.
    and just thinking of the money u lost on fake gear brings a smile to my face...
    no fruits allowed p*ssy. fvck off

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    hows the Dbol working out for ya......

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