The night before last, an old friend of mine was in town for a few days. I hardly ever see him anymore, and normally I rarely drink alcohol... but I made a stupid mistake.
I ended up drinking a s**t load of beers at the bar, and then we went back to his place and stayed up until 5am watching Jim Carey movies and drinking more beers, which isn't the best thing to do when you're in week 12 of a 15-week cycle.
The morning after, I puked. I ate some food afterward, puked again. Ate some more food, puked again.
In total yesterday, I think I managed to eat half a yoghurt and half a plate of mashed potato. Today my stomach isn't too bad, but still I'm struggling to get food into me. I managed to eat a breakfast consisting of two slices of toast, two fried eggs and three slices of bacon, but that's all I've had to eat all day. I'm gonna try eat a beef steak in about an hour though.
Obviously I made a stupid mistake and I've sacrificed gains. My stomach is a lot better today than it was yesterday so I reckon I'll be OK tomorrow.
How many days of poor eating does it take to actually make you lose muscle? I realise I haven't been eating enough to gain muscle, but I wonder if I've eaten so little that my body's gonna start eating itself. I've dropped about 1 kilo in weight but that could easily be explained by the fact that my stomach is empty.
Tomorrow I'm gonna try eat as much food as possible.