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Thread: Two days of eating very little

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Two days of eating very little

    The night before last, an old friend of mine was in town for a few days. I hardly ever see him anymore, and normally I rarely drink alcohol... but I made a stupid mistake.

    I ended up drinking a s**t load of beers at the bar, and then we went back to his place and stayed up until 5am watching Jim Carey movies and drinking more beers, which isn't the best thing to do when you're in week 12 of a 15-week cycle.

    The morning after, I puked. I ate some food afterward, puked again. Ate some more food, puked again.

    In total yesterday, I think I managed to eat half a yoghurt and half a plate of mashed potato. Today my stomach isn't too bad, but still I'm struggling to get food into me. I managed to eat a breakfast consisting of two slices of toast, two fried eggs and three slices of bacon, but that's all I've had to eat all day. I'm gonna try eat a beef steak in about an hour though.

    Obviously I made a stupid mistake and I've sacrificed gains. My stomach is a lot better today than it was yesterday so I reckon I'll be OK tomorrow.

    How many days of poor eating does it take to actually make you lose muscle? I realise I haven't been eating enough to gain muscle, but I wonder if I've eaten so little that my body's gonna start eating itself. I've dropped about 1 kilo in weight but that could easily be explained by the fact that my stomach is empty.

    Tomorrow I'm gonna try eat as much food as possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I would be more worried about how much stress you have put your organs under.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You need food to feed your muscles and to maintain muscle tissue, if your not eating correctly you will slowly lose muscle size, if its just a couple of days ususal you will blow back up once you start eating again, but who knows how you will react, wait and see. Best of luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I'm sure you are dehydrated more than anything. Just get back to normal as soon as you can, AND drink plenty of water. In a normal day I drink 5 - 6 litres. When hungover, good god, I feel guilty about how much I drink with Australia being in a drought.

    I doubt in one day of not eating you would have lost much muscle at all.

  5. #5
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    Here's the funny thing... I'm OK eating solids like rice but I can't stand the taste of water... I reckon my throat still has a lining of all the crap I puked up yesterday.

    Yesterday was the first time I ever puked more than once in one day. Usually when I'm sick, I puke once, empty my stomach entirely, and then I'm good to go. But yesterday I kept puking every time I ate!

    I have a bottle of water beside me right now but I cringe every time I take a sup from it... it's got a weird taste... if I drink too much it makes me think I'm gonna puke!

    Actually I've got electrolyte sachets downstairs so I'm gonna try drink one of them.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    Here's the funny thing... I'm OK eating solids like rice but I can't stand the taste of water... I reckon my throat still has a lining of all the crap I puked up yesterday.

    Yesterday was the first time I ever puked more than once in one day. Usually when I'm sick, I puke once, empty my stomach entirely, and then I'm good to go. But yesterday I kept puking every time I ate!

    I have a bottle of water beside me right now but I cringe every time I take a sup from it... it's got a weird taste... if I drink too much it makes me think I'm gonna puke!

    Actually I've got electrolyte sachets downstairs so I'm gonna try drink one of them.
    Or get some lemons or oranges and squeeze some into the water... I know what you mean about your esophagus being torn to shreds as I'm a recovering alcho.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Have to confess that i have done the same thing before with similar results. it's bad when you can't even get water down effectively. Just don't do it again. lol. Like the idea of the citrus in the water, that would have helped me a few months back.

  8. #8
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    I think I'm about back to 95% stomach functionality. This morning I was able to drink a protein shake without grimacing and without thinking I'm gonna puke

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    You shouldn't lose much if anything at all in that short of a time span; especially considering you have exogenous anti catabolic hormones in ya. A couple of days won't break you. You may be lighter when you step on the scale due to glycogen depletion and dehydration - but you'll get all that back once you start eating correctly again. Just take it as a lesson and don't do it again. Steroids + Alcohol wreak havoc on your liver/kidneys/heart.....

  10. #10
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Get some water into your system and hydrate yourself. I have been there before with the over drinking and I have regretted doing it as well. Might take you a day or two to recover is all.

  11. #11
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    Here's something really really really strange...

    As my steroid cycle has progressed, I've noticed that my swimming endurance has slowly but surely gotten worse over a long period of time. About a week ago, it was so bad that I was hopping into the pool, doing 2 lengths, then getting straight back out because I was tired.

    Now though, after not having eaten much for two days, I got into the pool and I feel like I could just keep going and going (like I used to be before I started this cycle).

    It's odd. . .

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Your endurance went down because as you gain muscle, it makes swimming harder! the more musckle you have the easier you sink in the water! Muscle does not float

  13. #13
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    gatorade, G2, or diaralite (not sure about the spelling, most drug stores have it) are your hangover cures. sip at it, don't gulp. and food with moisture helps, so if you are choking down cold dry chicken breast, some sauce and a sip of the drink while you chew will help. nice and slow.

  14. #14
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    Pretty sure unless you rely on steroids to maintain your bodyweight you wont loose any muscle, when you dont eat your metabolism slows down and also protein synthesis but you should be ok, just dont do it again. And your 1 kilo loss is just water, you loose roughly 300mL per standard drink of water to flush the alcohol out so drink up boy

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