My best friend since the third grade, well he's kind of like a brother, is gonna go for his 3rd cycle. He is in great shape and was my inspiration to start working out about 2 years ago. Has always given me great advice and kept me off the stuff until I am ready. Which now I found it to be valuable advice after reading all the cases of people getting screwed up advices by so called experts at gyms and what not. Long story short he wants to run a cycle with trenbolone enanthate and testosterone enanthate. The problem is the only form of tren we could get is a blend called Trenabol 250; which contains 100mg of tren a and 150mg of tren e. He's used test e and c before as well as deca and primobolan. The plan was to run 600mg of test e a week and 400mg of tren e. Now because of the acetate ester in the blend we thought he needed to start tren in the third week of the cycle. But then wouldn't he be wasting the acetate since injections are gonna be every three days? Or even worse is the tren dose a bit on the high side? Your thoughts will be appreciated. His stats incase they are needed
27 yo
205 lbs
I estimate his BF at 14%