i would like to here ppls story's for those who have ran test & deca at 500mg a week and how was the deca at 500mg a week? what do you think?
i would like to here ppls story's for those who have ran test & deca at 500mg a week and how was the deca at 500mg a week? what do you think?
i got real bad deca dick bro.
did not have caber or bromo so i was screwed...my girl wanted to kill me..shit took forever to fix..the whole experience sucked for me which is why i will never touch deca again..
i made the mistake of not being prepared, dont make it also..
I ran a 12 week cycle of test at 500mgs/wk.
Deca at 400 mgs/wk, for 10 weeks.
Excellent gains in strength and size.
No sides but acne.
Going to run it again.
But with accutane.
i never had a sex problem with deca.....but i ran test 1000 deca 600...you need the test at least 200mg higher than ur deca
YEP! Was running at 300mg ew, and sure as s**t! My dick broke. Poor thing would just lay there. But 50mg of viagra and thinks got alot harder! You just go forever and your load is greatly reduced.
Caber got here to late to be effective. Only ran it for 10 weeks as well. Was off deca before caber got here.
Will start caber with Deca/Test cycle next time! Check album for some before and one after pic. Diet was for cut not bulk.
^^ That's not true. It's an old-myth that is constantly perpetuated online for some reason. Deca can be run at a much higher dosage then the test. You could even 'survive' haha.. (prevent ED) from a dose of 200mg of test EW.
I run my test @ 300mg and deca @ 750mg EW. (I like to rely on the deca for gains, not to mention when I up the test dosage too much I get unwanted sides.)
OP, if you are scared of getting shutdown hard then run NPP, you'll recover very easily from it, and still get the gains deca provides, but without the bloat / water retention.
BTW, 500mg is awesome. It'll lubricate your joints really nicely, and provide some solid strength gains.
I agree with Virtuvian-Man. The idea that you have to run test 200mg higher than Deca makes no sense. Deca dick is caused by taking deca without any test, it suppresses your natural production therefore no sex drive. If your injecting synthetic testosterone (ie. test cyp, test e, etc) you will have plenty of test in your system and a sex drive. I've run deca at 400 and test at 400 with great results. In fact just started running a cycle at 500mg test cyp and 400mg deca.
If i were you I would run the deca for at least 12 weeks because you really don't experience results until around the 4th week. Also run the test for two weeks longer than the deca.
NPP = phenylpropinate deca.
Essentially it's fast acting deca. You inject it ED or EOD.
Results come within 5 - 10 days, great stuff.
Clears your system as quickly as it kicks in = easy recovery.
It's just relatively "new" and was only developed like 10 years ago or so... That's why a lot of people don't know much about it.
Looks good to me... IMO run the deca for at least 12 weeks. I find people don't do deca justice, and often cut the cycle short at 10 weeks, when you can definitely get quality gains up to 14 weeks.
Yep. "Deca Dick" can be caused by taking almost any steroid with out stacking it with testosterone.
No problems here. Deca 300/sust 400 wk and still horny as shvt. Just never take Deca without test.
ive done deca at 900 pw with 500 sust and 50mg dbol (back in the naive days), no sex drive issues at all, so reckon everyone is different, i wouldnt advise it though as i had terrible night sweats and other crappy sides!!!!
hmmm...well perhaps i'll toy with this and run my deca higher in this cycle....what's the highest any of you have run deca? i saw 750 above....
I can only regurgitate what i've done that worked lol....always willing to experiment.
I love the gains form Deca but hate the sides. In particular deca dick. I will use deca again just not without caber....EVER. Also I recommend starting caber a week pre cycle. It doesnt really have any negative effects if ran alone and levels will be better stabilized when you intro the deca. JMO.
i like what every 1 had to say about the deca with your own experience with it.
Well, I've been on Deca/Sust for 6 weeks now (first cycle) and jumped the gun with any pct... I'm going 12 weeks for this cycle and need to know about the pct. I'm at 400mg/Deca & 500mg/Sust with only minor acne sides and no 'deca dick'.
I've got the time to order pct, just don't know what, when and how much (typ. newbie question).
Any help would be great.
Also, I've been told that I don't have to cycle off the stuff...I can just start a new cycle after this. Sounds bs to me but can't say one way or the other is correct.
Running test with deca want prevent "deca dick" or "fina ie tren dick" or any 19nor related dick.
The build up of prolactin is the main cause of ED when running a 19nor.
Caber or bromo can counter this build up.
I do agree that test does not have to be higher than deca and a TRT dose of a mere 250mg ew should be fine IMHO.
But I think the prolactin is the biggest problem with ED while on any 19nor IMHO
2mg/LB of bodyweight is what i am comfortable with. never had libido problems or any prolactin issues. i run it with a trt dose of test 200-300mg/wk.
i cant go over 300mg/wk deca. At 400, i got nights sweats, bloat, violent dreams, GYNO, and a lot of fvcking lactation. The gyno was different than estrogen gyno, which does the sideways under your arm thing. My nips start to poke out and swell, lame as hell. A lot more visible through a shirt than estrogen gyno, had to wear big shirts. Probably wont do any NORs again, the sides hit me too hard
... good gains tho
Now i just use eq instead. NO sides, except sweet vascularity
I only did a short cycle of Test/Deca because of blood test I had to do but I never experienced and sides, 3 weeks. I was also running provin with it because I read that can also counter the estrogen buildup. I'm starting back up in about a month so Ill let you know Im going to get some Caber just to be safe though.
What is caber?
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